Read without hurry if you can...

Strive to read everything without being in a hurry...curiosity will not save you from the coming events that will devastate our planet... there will be no internet... prepare yourself with daily prayer and Holy Rosary, Confession, Communion, obedience to the 10 Commandments... Faith, no Fear! - Save your Soul!

(6) End Times: The Chastisement

A chastisement worse than the Flood is about to come upon this poor and perverted humanity. Fire will descend from heaven and this will be the sign that God's Justice has now established the hour of its great manifestation... Asteroids with more than 12 kilometers i(7.5 miles) n length will fall to Earth


Prophecies help us understand the time in which we live…

List of all prophecies
  • (1) End Times: Warnings from Jesus and Blessed Mother

    Humanity does not know what hangs over its head and this is terrible… men must know, must know… that is why these messages! Fortunate are those who will lend faith to them!… Humanity must prepare itself for sufferings such as it has never experienced before
  • (2) End Times: Calamities, earthquakes, floods

    All the elements will be altered, for it is necessary that the whole state of the century be changed; indeed, the earth, assailed by fear, will experience in many places frightful tremors and will swallow up the living; many cities, fortresses and castles will collapse and be brought down by earthquakes. The fruits of the ...
  • (3) End Times: Famines, Poverty, Wars and Revolutions

    The hour of God’s justice is near and it will be terrible! Tremendous scourges will overhang the world…. And if men do not see in these scourges the calls of Divine Mercy and do not return to God with a truly Christian life, another terrible war will come from East to West, and Russia with ...
  • (4) End Times: Purification of the Church, Schism, Persecutions of the Holy Father

    Revolution will spread to every French city. There will be a great slaughter. This revolution will last only a few months but it will be terrible…. The persecutions against the Church will be even greater, but they will not last long. All the churches will be closed… The priests will have to go into hiding
  • (5) End Times: Enlightenment of Consciences, Cross in the Sky

    The time will come when the Father will allow each of you to see your soul as He sees it. Then the unity will come, but also the great battle. Be prepared… The Luminous Cross, which will stretch from east to west and appear in the sky, will be the sign of Jesus’ return in ...
  • (7) End Times: Fire from heaven, Three days of darkness

    Demons will shout on earth and call many, with the purpose of destroying them. They will imitate the voices of relatives and acquaintances, who have not reached a safer place. Once the horror begins, absolutely do not open your door to anyone!


Prophecies about a Great Chastisement

13th century, prophecy of John of Matiguerro: “…Numerous signs and very surprising will be seen in the sky: the sun will be darkened and appear blood-colored in the eyes of many people. Two moons will be seen once, during about four hours, at the same time; near them will appear many surprising things worthy of admiration. Stars will collide; it will be a sign of the destruction and slaughter of almost all men. The natural course of the air will be almost completely changed and perverted because of pestilential diseases…”

Seventeenth-century prophecy, Ven. Maria of Agreda, Spain: “…Toward the end of the world there will be an unprecedented chastisement of mankind…”

18th century prophecy by Bernhard Rembort: “…clerics will wear proud robes…. And because the shepherd is negligent, the flock will become corrupt. It is impossible to distinguish the peasant from the count. The pride and vanity of the world will be unparalleled. it will reach the point where people will no longer thank God for food…. The ingenuity of men will create wonders, and this will lead them more and more to forget God. They will mock God because they think they are all-powerful, because of the cars that travel the world without being pulled by living creatures. To the point that they will calculate routes according to the flight of birds [1]. This is the pride of men, who laugh at the signs that the sky gives them. One will see these signs in the air and on the earth, but one will not want to take them into consideration…. And because pride and lust and the pomp of clothes [2] are so great, God will chastise the world.

It will rain poison on the fields, causing a great famine in the land, so that thousands will seek a better home on the water. People will want to imitate birds and fly through the air…. I see the mothers wailing. I hear the weeping of orphans. I hear the wailing of the hungry. So, I also see the scorn of the defilers of God.”

  • Notes: [1] On Sept. 13, 2016, the daily newspaper “Repubblica” published an article titled “Flight of ‘virtual’ birds inspires future unpowered airplanes” in which it stated, among other things, “Virtual birds, whose in-flight acrobatics have been reproduced in a mathematical model, have made it possible to understand how real birds face very long journeys of migrations by taking advantage of turbulent air flows. The result lays the foundation for increasing the range of future unpowered aircraft.”
  • [2] This is probably a reference here to the extravagant creations of today’s fashion designers who, without shame, increasingly offer extremely expensive as well as scandalous clothing, under the banner of the exaggerated pursuit of excess, in the exaltation of nudity and sexual ambiguity.

18th century prophecy of Father Nectou: “…The elements themselves will be upset. It will be like a small General Judgment. A great multitude of people will perish in these times of calamity…”

18th-19th century, prophecy of Sister Marianne, France: The chaplain of the Ursulines of Blois, Fr. Pierre-François Richaudeau, relying on the memoirs of Mother Providence (Sister Marianne’s confidante and depository of her predictions), reports the following in his book “La prophétie de Blois”:

“Marianne spoke of a storm that will exceed known proportions; but Mother Providence added a few times that she could not say with certainty whether it will be in the physical order or in the moral order. This storm would resemble a final judgment in a small way.”

19th century, prophecy of Blessed Anna Maria Taigi, Siena: “…God will send two chastisements: one will be in the form of wars, revolutions and other evils; it will originate on earth. The other will be sent from Heaven. There will come over the earth immense darkness that will last three days and three nights…”

19th century, prophecy of Ven. Mother Agnes Steiner: “…I see the Lord scourging the world and chastising it in such a horrible way that few men and women will remain… The Lord has shown me how beautiful the world will be after this terrible chastisement. People will be like the Christians of the early Church…”

19th century, prophecy of Brother Roch: “…For a long time God has been patient with moral corruption…. He will destroy half of humanity…”

19th century, prophecy of Ven. Father Bernardo M. Clausi: “…Before this scourge comes, the evils of the world will increase so that it will seem as if demons have come out of hell and the good will live in true martyrdom because of the persecutions of the bad…”

19th century, prophecy of Ven. Father Bernardo M. Clausi: “…Things must come to a climax, and when the hand of man can do nothing more and that all will seem lost, then God will put His own [hand] there…”

19th century, prophecy of Ven. Father Bernardo M. Clausi: “…Such a scourge will be general throughout the world, and to those who remain it will seem as if they were left alone because of the terribleness of it…”

19th century, prophecy of Ven. Fr. Bernardo M. Clausi: “…the scourge will be all upon the ungodly and will be great and terrible and general throughout the world, and at the occurrence of this scourge there will be nothing to do but pray… After this fearful chaos order will be reborn, justice will be done to all, and such will be the triumph of the Church that it will never have had one like it.”

19th century, prophecy of Ven. Father Bernard M. Clausi:“…and then all will be good and penitent. This scourge will be instantaneous, of short duration, but terrible…”

1820, from the diary of Blessed Elisabetta Canori Mora: “…for the many iniquities that are committed, God has determined to send a terrible chastisement over the earth, to thus wash away so many filthinesses and iniquities that are committed. The prayers of souls the Lord deigns by His goodness to call them by the name of His beloved ones, these with their prayers go stalling the time. But even though this terrible and dreadful time will come, God will close His ears and will not listen to any prayer, but led by zeal to avenge the most grievous wrongs which He receives His Divine Justice, which armed hand all will severely punish, without any being able to resist or escape from His avenging hand. Let us warmly commend ourselves to the Lord that He may deign to use mercy on us.”

March 19, 1820, vision of Blessed Elisabetta Canori Mora: “…it was to my spirit, by means of intellectual cognition, shown the great chastisement that God is about to send upon the earth, for the great iniquities that are committed by the majority of men. Oh, what fright, oh what horror my poor spirit had of it! I was shown the almighty arm of God that armed stood with strong and heavy scourge, to momentarily unload it upon us, miserable mortals. In this afflictive situation I saw the most holy humanity of Jesus Christ, who was preventing His divine Father from discharging the most fatal blow, where almost all men would perish under such merciless scourge. My poor soul, because of the great fright of seeing the disdain of God, filled with holy fear, was all deep within myself and humiliated to the depths of my nothingness, from the depths of which, with abundant tears and fiery sighs I asked for mercy, wholeheartedly offering the most precious blood of Jesus and His infinite merits to the eternal divine Father, so that He might deign to appease His most just disdain, angered against us, unhappy sinners.”

Jan. 4, 1884, message to Mary Julia Jahenny, Blain, France: “…The crisis will come suddenly for all, the chastisements will be universal and will follow one after another without interruption…”

June 15, 1950, Our Lady’s message to Teresa Musco, Caiazzo (Caserta) Italy: “…Many men, pierce the already so lacerated Heart of My Son. If men do not repent, the Father will inflict a great chastisement on the world and all will be disaster…”

August 13, 1951, message of Our Lady to Teresa Musco, Caiazzo (Caserta) Italy: “…The Father will send a great chastisement on the entire human race…”

October 10, 1973, message of Our Lady to Teresa Musco, Caiazzo (Caserta) Italy: “…A new war is about to begin in the land where the Savior was born, that is, My beloved Son, and it will not stop. It seems that they make peace but it is not true, because from there the great war will be born, from there comes the great chastisement from heaven and earth…”

July 23, 1973, message of Our Lady to Teresa Musco, Caiazzo (Caserta) Italy: “…So many scientists are inventing weapons with which it will be possible to destroy, in a few moments, a large part of humanity…God will chastise humanity with greater severity than He did with the Flood. Should everything proceed as now, and should humanity not be converted, you will see how the great and the powerful, the small and the weak will perish together…”

1937, message of Our Lady to the visionaries of Heede, Germany: “…The world will have to drink to the bottom the cup of divine wrath for its countless sins, which have wounded the Sacred Heart of Jesus…”

1945, message of Jesus to the visionaries of Heede, Germany: “…Let men do penance for their sins. Turn away sincerely from evil and pray, pray much, that the wrath of God may be appeased. Recite frequently the Holy Rosary, that prayer which can so much before God. Less amusements and pastimes. I am very close; the earth will shake…. It will be terrible. A judgment in a small way… What will happen will be terrible, such as has never been seen since the beginning of the world… it will far surpass anything that has ever happened until now… Many will blaspheme Me, and because of this I will allow misfortunes to befall the world, for by such means many will be saved…”

Sept. 6, 1936, message of Jesus to Teresa Neumann, Konnersreuth Germany: “…At this moment the furies of Hell are loosed. God’s chastisement is inevitable…. It will happen suddenly. Fortunate are those who are already in the grave. I warned them and postponed [the chastisement], as I did with Sodom; but Sodom did not listen to me, just as people do not listen to me today either, nor do they follow my warnings. Therefore, they will incur the sad experience of My wrath, which they deserve.”

Note: This prophecy is from 1936 (a few years before World War II began), so the chastisement spoken of is probably World War II itself. Also at Fatima, 19 years earlier, Our Lady predicted that if men did not stop offending God there would be another war, worse than World War I, with which God would chastise the world. However, it is likely that this prophecy of Teresa Neumann has a broader spectrum that also encompasses the future “great chastisement” of which many prophets have spoken.

1952, mystic Teresa Neumann, Konnersreuth Germany: “…A terrible chastisement is about to fall upon the world, which will be the worst that has ever occurred in the history of mankind and which the Lord Jesus Christ Himself has qualified as the “Final Judgment in small…”

1954, message of Jesus to Blessed Elena Aiello, Calabria, Italy: “…The world no longer deserves forgiveness but fire, destruction and death. There must be much penance and prayer on the part of the faithful to mitigate the deserved chastisement that is now being held back by the intervention of My dear Mother who is Mother of all men. The scourge that will cleanse the earth of evil is near. Divine Justice cries satisfaction for the many offenses and evils that cover the earth. Nothing else will be tolerated. Men in their obstinacy have hardened themselves in their errors and therefore do not turn to God…”

June 27, 1958, Our Lady’s message to Matúš Lašut, Turzovka: Our Lady said that prayer can withhold God’s justice. Matúš describes the chastisement in these terms: (1) The sun will cease to warm, there will be cold summers with poor harvests; (2) There will be terrible floods and other misfortunes that will come through the elements; (3) There will be earthquakes and mountains will move; (4) Churches will collapse, houses will move and be carried away by floods; (5) Unbelievers will blaspheme, in their despair; (6) The air will be filled with demon-like forms that are the incorporations of sin and vice. These ghosts will terrorize humanity. Our Lady also said, “These days will begin with rumbles of thunder and shaking of the earth. Then close your dwelling well, pray, make the sign of the cross, repent of your sins, invoke the help of the Mother of God, and She will place you under Her protection.”

July 1, 1958, Our Lady’s message to Matúš Lašut, Turzovka: Our Lady revealed to Matúš that after the Great Chastisement nature will subside and a brilliant light will appear; but the world will not be recognizable. Everything will be destroyed. It will be difficult to find life and living beings. God will punish the wicked and those who have blasphemed Him. About the fate of good people, Our Lady said, “All My children will receive and bear the sign of the cross on their foreheads. Only My chosen ones will see this sign. These chosen ones will be instructed by my angels on how to behave. My faithful will be without any kind of fear during the most difficult hours. They will be protected by good spirits and will be nurtured by Heaven from where they will receive further instruction. They will fall into a death-like sleep, but they will be protected by angels. When they wake up they will be as if newly born. Their bodies will be beautiful and their souls will be permeated with God. The earth will be beautiful and my chosen ones will see how God cares for them.”

From Fr. Tomislav Vlasic’s letter to the Pope dated 12/16/1983, where he relates the revelations he received from the Medjugorje visionary Mirjana Dragicevic: “…The ninth and tenth secrets are a grave thing. They are a punishment for the sins of the world. The punishment is inevitable because we cannot expect a conversion of the whole world. The Chastisement can be mitigated through prayer and penance. It cannot be suppressed…”

July 6, 1973, message of Our Lady to Sister Agnes Sasagawa, Akita: “…So that the world may know His wrath, Heavenly Father is preparing to inflict a great Chastisement on all mankind…”

Jan. 22, 1983, message from Our Lady to Amparo Cuevas, El Escorial: “…the Son of Man is about to come to judge all mankind…”

Jan. 20, 1983, message from Our Lady to Amparo Cuevas, El Escorial: “…Great chastisements will come. The Enemy will form a war in the air with atomic weapons. How many bodies will fly through the air and their skin will peel off their bodies! Billions of eyes will see it and even so, they will not believe.”

March 27, 1983, message of Our Lady to Amparo Cuevas, El Escorial: “…Do your duty, My children, for the chastisement is very near […] Several nations will be destroyed and those that remain will be purified. This great chastisement is very near: it will seem as if the world is burning. Already many will not bear the mere warning and will die.”

Jan. 29, 1983, message of Our Lady to Amparo Cuevas, El Escorial: “…on planet Earth a very great Chastisement never before seen by humanity is approaching. Great clouds of smoke…and fire will destroy what men have built. There will also be great earthquakes,… great hurricanes, great droughts…. It will be horrible!… I want at least a third of humanity to be saved.”

Jan. 14, 1983, message from Our Lady to Amparo Cuevas, El Escorial: “…The world will see itself enveloped in flames. The Chastisement cannot be avoided; but with prayer and sacrifice, God the Father will offer more than one occasion for more souls to be saved…”

Sept. 3, 1983, Our Lady’s message to Amparo Cuevas, El Escorial: “…The Chastisement will be greatest in the places where there is most sin. Paris, my daughter, will be enveloped in flames and great nations will be swallowed under the earth…”

Feb. 11, 1982, Our Lady’s message to Amparo Cuevas, El Escorial: “…They do not know the chastisement that is coming. The chastisement is near; it will consist, My daughter, in the fact that the stars will crash into the Earth; they are going to destroy most of Humanity. The astro Eros will light up all of Humanity; it will be horrible, My child, it will look like the world is on fire, it will only be a few seconds; many of the humans will wish they were dead at that time. Even the righteous will see it, but it will not affect them at all. Also many humans will die from the great impression; it will be like rain of fire; it will shake the whole earth, my daughter, it will be horrible.”

Eros is an asteroid in the solar system. Its orbit periodically brings it very close to Earth. The next time it will transit in the vicinity of our planet will be in 2056.

Feb. 26, 1982, Our Lady’s message to Amparo Cuevas, El Escorial: “…the chastisement is very near; the sounding of trumpets will sound very soon and, at that time, the Earth will tremble and the sun will turn on itself with great explosions, and the moon will darken, and all over planet Earth many phenomena will be seen. A star will illuminate the Earth. It will appear to be enveloped in flames, it will last twenty minutes; panic will spread everywhere. All those who believe in God and the Blessed Virgin will remain as if in ecstasy during those twenty minutes. All of this is very close, My child.”

July 1, 2000, message of Our Lady to Amparo Cuevas, El Escorial: The first part of this message is also present, and perfectly identical, in the messages received by Enzo Alocci on May 151977 and July 31, 1966: “…Asteroids with more than 12 kilometers i(7.5 miles) n length will fall to Earth…”

May 5, 1984, Our Lady’s message to Amparo Cuevas, El Escorial: “…But be careful, because, when the moon begins to turn red and the stars begin to lose their brightness, the time is approaching, my children…”

Our Lady here is speaking of the time of the second trumpet, evidently referring to verse 8:8 of Revelation: “The second angel sounded the trumpet: like a great mountain of fire, it was hurled into the sea…”

Feb. 24, 1983, vision of Amparo Cuevas to Amparo Cuevas, El Escorial: “…That is St. Peter, when this time [the chastisement; Ed. note] comes, he will choose a new Pope, the Gospel will be lived…”

August 15, 1996, message of Our Lady to Fr. Stefano Gobbi: “…I have still managed to shift in time the chastisement decreed by divine Justice, for a humanity that has become worse than that of the time of the Flood…”

September 1987, Our Lady’s message to Fr. Stefano Gobbi, Akita, Japan: “…A chastisement worse than the Flood is about to come upon this poor and perverted humanity. Fire will descend from heaven and this will be the sign that God’s Justice has now established the hour of its great manifestation.”

Aug. 15, 1989, Our Lady’s message to Fr. Stefano Gobbi: “…Here must be shown the constancy of all the little children, whom I call to consecrate themselves to My Immaculate Heart, to live with Me the concluding moments of the battle and fall of Babylon, when the vineyard of the earth will be harvested and the clusters will be thrown into the vat of crushing, which represents God’s great chastisement…”

June 11, 1987, message from Our Lady to Beulah Lynch and Mark Treanor, Bessbrook: “…I am your Mother. I love you. The world must change its behavior. The world must change. A great catastrophe will come upon the world. Tell them to hurry up. This is an order from God…”

Nov. 1, 1987, Divine Appeal No. 35 of Jesus to Sister Anna Ali, Kenya: “…I will not withhold the Justice of My Eternal Father unless men return. Satan has inculcated in their minds that God does not exist. Woe to them! On mankind will fall a great chastisement…”

Oct. 18, 1987, Divine Appeal No. 24 from Jesus to Sister Anna Ali, Kenya: “…My daughter, I have come to exhort sinners to change their lives because the chastisement is near; the earth will burn and be enveloped in smoke, the streets will be covered with blood…”

Nov. 22, 1987, Divine Appeal No. 40 from Jesus to Sister Anna Ali, Kenya: “…flames will be sent down from Heaven that will destroy all sinners and the work of the Evil One; abysses, mountains and glowing lava will engulf whole villages. Earthquakes, floods, electro-executions, stormy seas, suicides, drugs and diseases of all kinds. What a great desolation. Children rebelling against their parents, innocent souls being killed, divorces, communists and all sinners. A righteous penalty hangs over them….”

April 1, 1987, message from Our Lady to Rosario Toscano, Belpasso, Italy: “…Dear children, you must give yourselves to God, because there are very serious punishments for humanity…”

May 11, 1991, report by Rosario Toscano, Belpasso Italy:  Rosario Toscano explained, “…Many have wondered if such unpleasant events are very painful. Suffice it to say that I cried for whole weeks and perhaps would have had no more peace if the Heart of our Mother had not consoled me, and if the Grace of the Lord had not assisted me. Now I am filled with hope in the goodness of the Lord. For God does not want to terrify His children, but wants to admonish them just like the symbol of Our Lady’s hips girded with a white band: Always be ready.”

March 3, 1995, message of Our Lady to Christiana Agbo, Aokpe Nigeria: “…My children, today I have come to ask you once again to repent of your sins, if you do not repent God will be angry with you. There will be trouble in the world. God will send destruction upon the world and this will be truly great. The wrath of God will descend upon the earth…”

Oct. 26, 1996, message from Jesus to Catalina Rivas, Bolivia: “…You have almost at the gates the chastisement imposed by My Father’s justice, it cannot be avoided, but it can be mitigated through prayer and devotion to My Heart.”

January 23, 1996, message of Jesus to Catalina Rivas, Bolivia: “…Everything will be fulfilled because heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away […] My Mother in other times had announced the chastisement, but today the hour is much closer. The strongest peoples will destroy the weakest. All human rights will be oppressed. Blood and fire all over the earth. Things never seen since the creation of the world. Heaven will have nothing but reflections of fire; it will not be blue, but laden with the smoke of the means of destruction…The earth will remain shrouded in a black cloak…”

An identical message to that of Catalina Rivas, just proposed, was received by Sister N.N. on August 31, 1968: “…The time of the true Apocalypse is very far off and will be willed by God, while this will be willed and prepared by man. Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how often have I wanted to gather your children together, as the hen gathers her chicks under her wings and you did not want to…!”

Sept. 12, 2002, Conyers seer Nancy Fowler: “…Jesus revealed to me that a chastisement was coming upon the world, and I prayed that God would have Mercy on the world…”


Source: Profezie Terzo Millennio