Read without hurry if you can...

Strive to read everything without being in a hurry...curiosity will not save you from the coming events that will devastate our planet... there will be no internet... prepare yourself with daily prayer and Holy Rosary, Confession, Communion, obedience to the 10 Commandments... Faith, no Fear! - Save your Soul!

(2) End Times: Calamities, earthquakes, floods

All the elements will be altered, for it is necessary that the whole state of the century be changed; indeed, the earth, assailed by fear, will experience in many places frightful tremors and will swallow up the living; many cities, fortresses and castles will collapse and be brought down by earthquakes. The fruits of the earth will diminish


Prophecies help us understand the time in which we live…

List of all prophecies
  • (1) End Times: Warnings from Jesus and Blessed Mother

    Humanity does not know what hangs over its head and this is terrible… men must know, must know… that is why these messages! Fortunate are those who will lend faith to them!… Humanity must prepare itself for sufferings such as it has never experienced before
  • (3) End Times: Famines, Poverty, Wars and Revolutions

    The hour of God’s justice is near and it will be terrible! Tremendous scourges will overhang the world…. And if men do not see in these scourges the calls of Divine Mercy and do not return to God with a truly Christian life, another terrible war will come from East to West, and Russia with ...
  • (4) End Times: Purification of the Church, Schism, Persecutions of the Holy Father

    Revolution will spread to every French city. There will be a great slaughter. This revolution will last only a few months but it will be terrible…. The persecutions against the Church will be even greater, but they will not last long. All the churches will be closed… The priests will have to go into hiding
  • (5) End Times: Enlightenment of Consciences, Cross in the Sky

    The time will come when the Father will allow each of you to see your soul as He sees it. Then the unity will come, but also the great battle. Be prepared… The Luminous Cross, which will stretch from east to west and appear in the sky, will be the sign of Jesus’ return in ...
  • (6) End Times: The Chastisement

    A chastisement worse than the Flood is about to come upon this poor and perverted humanity. Fire will descend from heaven and this will be the sign that God’s Justice has now established the hour of its great manifestation… Asteroids with more than 12 kilometers i(7.5 miles) n length will fall to Earth
  • (7) End Times: Fire from heaven, Three days of darkness

    Demons will shout on earth and call many, with the purpose of destroying them. They will imitate the voices of relatives and acquaintances, who have not reached a safer place. Once the horror begins, absolutely do not open your door to anyone!

12th century, prophecy of St. Hildegard: “… Before the comet arrives…the great nation in the ocean that is inhabited by peoples of different tribes and origins will be devastated by earthquakes, hurricanes and floods. It will be divided and, to a great extent, submerged…”

13th century, prophecy of John of Vatiguerro: “…All the elements will be altered, for it is necessary that the whole state of the century be changed; indeed, the earth, assailed by fear, will experience in many places frightful tremors and will swallow up the living; many cities, fortresses and castles will collapse and be brought down by earthquakes. The fruits of the earth will diminish; sometimes the plants will lack moisture, and sometimes the seeds will rot in the fields, and the shoots that sprout will not bear fruit. The sea will roar and rise against the world, and it will swallow up many ships and their crews. The air will be infected and corrupted because of the malice and iniquity of men…Men, as well as animals, will be stricken with various infirmities and sudden death: there will be an untold pestilence…”

Prophecy of the 17th century, Ven. Bartholomew Holzhauser: “…The fifth period of the Church, which began around 1520… Jesus Christ will purify His people by means of cruel wars, famines, scourges, epidemics, and other terrible calamities…. It is a time of defections, calamities and extermination. Those Christians who survive the sword, scourges and famine will be few…”

18th-century prophecy by Sister of the Nativity, Fougères France: “…I see that the earth will be shaken in several places by frightful earthquakes. I see whole mountains splitting and dividing with a terrible uproar. He will be fortunate who will get away with only a fright; but no, I see coming from these mountains, as they break open, whirlwinds of smoke, fire, sulfur and tar that will reduce whole cities to ashes…”

19th century, vision of Blessed Anna Catherine Emmerich: “A pale-faced man floated slowly above the earth and, loosening the drapes that wrapped his sword, threw them over the sleeping cities, which were bound by them. This figure cast pestilence upon Russia, Italy and Spain…”

Nineteenth-century prophecy, the Ecstatic of Tours: “…Before the war breaks out again…There will be earthquakes and signs in the sun. Toward the end, darkness will cover the Earth…”

Nov. 30, 1880, message from Our Lady to Mary Julia Jahenny, Blain, France: “…My children, you will see deadly diseases falling on the world that do not even leave time to dispose themselves to appear before my Son.”

March 15, 1882, message of the Holy Spirit to Mary Julia Jahenny, Blain in France: “…The tremors and earthquakes will multiply, day and night, without ceasing, for forty-three days. The sea will be agitated, and never in all the centuries will its waves and billows have taken such a shape. Everyone in that age will perish forever [in the affected areas].”

Sept. 20, 1880, message of the Holy Spirit to Mary Julia Jahenny, Blain, France: “…there will be two days of terrible darkness, distinct from the three days that many souls have announced [i.e., these are not the Three Days of Darkness prophesied does many mystics and seers]. The firmament will be purple and red; it will be so low that the clump of tall trees will seem to be lost in it, down to a quarter of the tallest trees. These two days will warn you as an authentic seal of Goodness, but also of the descent of God with His wrath upon the earth. You will not be exempt from this darkness…. During these two days the trees will be burned and will not produce any fruit the following year, because the sap will be as if burned and blocked. The rain that will fall from this low sky will have a foul stench, and, wherever it falls, it will be like large fiery hailstones that will pierce what is most solid and leave the stain of a visible burn. Your houses will be preserved. Only those with a light covering will suffer…The water that will have fallen on the earth will be black, a frightful black, and almost the whole earth will bear this stain, everywhere in equal measure; but it will not harm what serves as food for Christians.”

Nov. 21, 1912, message from Jesus to Mary Julia Jahenny, Blain, France: “…The earth is greatly threatened, all the elements are unleashed at times to riddle the earth and surround it with huge chasms…”

Soon after the end of World War II, some American soldiers asked Teresa Neumann if the United States would ever be destroyed or invaded in a war. The woman answered:

1946, mystic Teresa Neumann, Konnersreuth Germany: “…No, but at the end of this century America will be destroyed economically by a series of natural disasters.”

April 16, 1955, Our Lady’s message to Blessed Elena Aiello, Calabria, Italy: “…The wrath of God is near and the world will be troubled by great calamities, bloody revolutions, strong earthquakes, famines, epidemics and frightful hurricanes, which will cause rivers and seas to overflow.”

Message received by Mother Elena Leonardi on April 2, 1976: “…Hunger, wars, pestilence, disease, floods, fires, robberies, destruction, weeping, death, are in sight if we do not return to the faith of our forefathers.”

Oct. 7, 1967, message to Sister N.N, Italy: “…All this will come to pass with a violence never seen on earth, fire and water will be like steam rollers, then winds, earthquakes, floods, hunger, thirst…will accomplish the purifying work in a humanity prostituted as a woman devoted to sin…”

Nov. 22, 1978, message from Jesus to Bishop Ottavio Michelini, Italy: “…The atmosphere will change and cause great calamities on earth. A terrible earthquake…”

Feb. 28, 1982, message from God the Father to Eileen George, Worcester, USA; Eileen asks: “Is this about San Francisco?”; God the Father replies: “It will be torn apart and swallowed up. Can you give these warnings to men that they may pray…”

Feb. 28, 1982, mystic Eileen George, Worcester, USA: “…My Father is telling me [about the changing of the seasons] that now the scientists, the astronomers are going to detect it. They will warn the world but no one will believe them. Earthquakes are horrible. I have seen big, big buildings collapse. San Francisco will be swallowed up. The earthquake will start at the bottom of the ocean. Father said the floods will be terrible. There will be no way to contain them. They will tear down buildings, roads and everything. The war meanwhile will be going on, and that will make things even worse.”

Eileen asks: Father, when will this begin? – Father God answers her: “Between 1990 and 1999. (Remember Nineveh, The chastisement was removed, here it is only postponed by virtue of the prayers of the people faithful to God). “

Feb. 28, 1982, message from God the Father to Eileen George, Worcester (USA): “…I know you do not punish us, I know you have made a covenant with us but all this that is to come upon us seems to me a terrible thing: famine, earthquakes. It will be the end of San Francisco, New York…There will be no one left…”

Jan. 20, 1983, message from Our Lady to Amparo Cuevas, El Escorial: “…Great calamities will fall on humanity. Great earthquakes; whole cities will be destroyed.”

November 22, 1987, Divine Appeal No. 40 from Jesus to Sister Anna Ali, Kenya: “…Earthquakes, floods, electro-executions, stormy seas, suicides, drugs and diseases of all kinds. What a great desolation…”

Oct. 24, 1987, Divine Appeal No. 29 of Jesus to Sister Anna Ali, Kenya: “…there are many who do not want to hear My call…If they continue to live in corruption, there will be no mercy but rather tears, pain, earthquakes, floods and diseases of all kinds. These poor people are blind and deaf to My call of love…I love them; that is why I warn them, before it is too late for them to repent. They should pray more…”

July 21, 1988, Divine Appeal No. 185 from Jesus to Sister Anna Ali, Kenya: “…the time is approaching and many illnesses will come that will be permitted by My Eternal Father. There will be no doctor or medicine to cure them.”

January 6, 1990, message from Our Lady to Patricia Talbot, Cuenca, Ecuador: “Children, there is much pain in My Heart, because many natural and other man-made disasters are coming. The difficult times are already here…”

Jan. 1, 1989, message from Our Lady to Patricia Talbot, Cuenca, Ecuador: “…earthquakes, hurricanes will come, the sky will rain fire. All this will come from the Father, the Son and the Spirit of God.”

March 15, 1993, message from Our Lady to Fr. Stefano Gobbi: “…Humanity will know the bloody hour of its chastisement: it will be struck by the scourge of epidemics…”

January 16, 1991, Our Lady’s message to Nancy Fowler, Conyers: “…Your country (USA) is in great danger and you will not survive as a great nation unless you are truly a nation under God…”

Jan. 26, 1994, message from Jesus to Nancy Fowler, Conyers: “…Woe upon the inhabitants of the earth. With tremendous tribulation I will strike the earth, earthquake after earthquake, volcanoes will erupt, tidal waves, famine. Water will become polluted in many places. Diseases, all kinds of afflictions await this sinful generation…. Prepare yourselves…These events of which I speak have already begun…”

Feb. 6, 1994, message from Jesus to Nancy Fowler, Conyers: “…the earth will shake in many places…The earth will divide and take away your riches. The hour is fast approaching when one disaster after another will happen upon you…Great waves will break upon your shores, and you will experience cold where you should feel warm. Floods will increase in many places. Fire will be on the earth. You will think that heaven and earth have rebelled against you…. Know that everything I have foretold to you will come true. Repent…”

Sept. 1, 1994, message from Jesus to Nancy Fowler, Conyers: “…A great earthquake is coming… Repent…if you do not want these events to happen…. The time is near… Men will not listen unless they see disasters strike them. Great destruction, great devastation will fall upon the United States. My children will not listen to anything else…. It is out of love that I tell you these words of warning…”

July 19, 1996, message from Jesus to Catalina Rivas, Bolivia: “…The world can already contemplate purification. There will be more calamities, diseases, earthquakes, cyclones that will cause new overflows of rivers and seas. Mountains will come to be swallowed up by the earth. Bridges will fall. All this will happen if My people insist on abolishing My Sacrament of Love.”


Source: Profezie Terzo Millennio