Read without hurry if you can...

Strive to read everything without being in a hurry...curiosity will not save you from the coming events that will devastate our planet... there will be no internet... prepare yourself with daily prayer and Holy Rosary, Confession, Communion, obedience to the 10 Commandments... Faith, no Fear! - Save your Soul!

Be good, don’t be like those who rule you

The world is driven by materialism. Men who do not serve God are its guides, and Satan leads them.... do not be deceived. Your rulers do not love you; they love themselves, and they exclude from all power those who are not on their side


(Make the Sign of the Cross before to start reading and read all…) – August 21, 2023

(Fidelity to Truth…)

“My dearest Children, My Love wants peace, the peace of souls and beings, but the world does not.

The world is driven by materialism. Men who do not serve God are its guides, and Satan leads them.

My children, do not be deceived. Your rulers do not love you; they love themselves, and they exclude from all power those who are not on their side. Governments come and go, but few are good. But you, My children, be good, don’t be like those who rule you.

Love one another, do good around you, grow in goodness and holiness and believe Me, your soul will soon be with Me in Heaven. Isn’t that what you want? You dream of being with My Most Blessed Mother and the Saints in My Heaven, in My eternal Home!

  1. Dedicate yourselves [to this goal] and you’ll get there.
  2. Be good and you will succeed.
  3. Be faithful and you will succeed.
  • What is fidelity?
  • Is it accompanying the innovators, the errors, the traitors, the wicked who are like wolves in sheep’s clothing?

My dearest children, understand that I wanted this internet site (1) to be close to you, to instruct you, because for more than a generation, you’ve hardly known your faith, your doctrine, your Lord!

(Too many priests…)

Too many priests – while there are fewer and fewer vocations – preach a distorted doctrine, they lack firmness in the faith, they propagate errors because they themselves have been formed according to a so-called modern spirit, which does not correspond or no longer corresponds to the faith of ancient times.

Didn’t Saint Paul warn you about the perils of the end times? Read again his 2nd epistle to Timothy, chapter 3. And further on, he says:

“A time will come when men will no longer endure sound doctrine, but on the contrary, at the whim of their passions and with itching ears, they will give themselves teachers in quantity, and will turn away their ears from the truth and turn to fables.” (2 Tim 4:3-4).

And did I not say Myself:

“But will the Son of Man, when He comes, find faith on earth?” (Lk 18:8).

My children, My brothers, how serious these words are! Don’t you realize how serious they are?

Without faith, Heaven is closed to you, without faith you are given over to the devil! Without faith, true faith, the faith of goodness, of respect, of charity, the faith that makes you forget yourselves to put God first in everything, absolutely everything, without this devout and constant faith, courageous and realistic, without this unique and unchanging faith, you will be swept away by the waves of so-called self-righteousness, of conformism, and finally of eternal decay.

Yes, My children, My religion is made up of courage, self-forgetfulness, sacrifice and tenacity, because Truth is unique while lies are multiple.

I love you; I’ve told you so and I’ll always tell you so, but love is demanding, love is combative like the tigress defending her cubs. During My physical presence on earth, I’ve been criticized, I’ve been disowned, the scribes and Pharisees have rejected Me, I’ve almost been lynched, I’ve had to hide several times, but My teaching has never changed, because Truth cannot change with the winds. My Truth is one, intangible and invariable; what was true yesterday is still true today.

If some of you think that modernity is good because that’s the way the world does it, except for a few retrogrades, lovers of the past, think again, for I have said:

“Truly, before heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot over the ‘i’ will pass from the Law, until all is fulfilled.” (Mt 5:48).

And therefore, what has been taught from My day until yours remains.

(The Middle Ages…)

The Middle Ages saw Christianity flourish even in the most remote families. Charlemagne had his entire army baptized, and there was no question of refusing; St. Louis made charity reign throughout his kingdom; Louis XVI offered his life on the scaffold for the salvation of his people.

Yes, Louis XVI is a martyred king, and he is now in My Heaven, along with his wife Marie-Antoinette, who also died a saintly death, redeeming all her weaknesses and apparent lightnesses.

Louis XVI e Marie-Antoinette

(Return to faith…)

Your country (2) has a beautiful Christian history, but it’s currently being rejected. Churches are empty, the two-thousand-year-old Holy Mass has been virtually banned, Christians no longer have any guides, and the faith of all your saints is being lost or eroded.

My children, return to the ardent faith of your fathers, the faith of the old days as a hymn sings, to reverence before the Blessed Sacrament, to kneeling in the house of God, to the silence of recollection because God’s Majesty is admirable and unequalled.

[…] I love you; I cherish you; I am at your side.

I Bless you: in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. So be it.

The Lord Jesus Christ, Love and Truth.”

  1. SoeurBeghe blog
  2. France
