Read without hurry if you can...

Strive to read everything without being in a hurry...curiosity will not save you from the coming events that will devastate our planet... there will be no internet... prepare yourself with daily prayer and Holy Rosary, Confession, Communion, obedience to the 10 Commandments... Faith, no Fear! - Save your Soul!

You are on the eve of an outpouring of injustice, difficulties. A time of persecution is upon you

Do not doubt that this moment will come, it will come for each one of you and, as I suffered My Passion and My painful Death on the Cross, you will join Me, each one according to his path and virtues


(Make the Sign of the Cross before to start reading and read all…) – April 29, 2024

Holy Face of Our Lord Jesus Christ

«My dearest ones, I am yours, be Mine as much. I love you so much, love Me as much! I gave My Life to save you from eternal death, give Me yours to acquire this Life so desirable, so beneficial, so exceptional.

  • Yes, give Me your life, first by submitting to My Doctrine, then by desiring it, and finally, by dying in your turn for it.
  • Yes, I am calling you to martyrdom, as I called so many in the first centuries of Christianity, and there are so many who did not hesitate to follow Me on this Way of the Cross.

You are on the eve of an outpouring of injustice, difficulties and misunderstandings, as the world seeks to satisfy its own ambitions.

What does the devil wish for those who follow him?

Mammon and his minions

First and foremost, he wishes for their damnation, because he hates them, and the better to lure them into it, he dangles all defects in front of them as real goods to be conquered:

Deceived by the devil

falling in hell

  • The so-called freedom to do as they please,
  • The so-called greatness of notoriety.
  • The so-called success of hoarding large numbers of stolen or degraded goods to be snapped up more easily.
  • The so-called beauty of degrading and vile art.
  • The so-called obligation to honor evil at the expense of true good, and then, little by little, the attack on Catholicism using immoral laws to condemn those who defend its principles.

Dear Children, dear Little Ones, yes, for a father, his children are his little ones, and even if they are adults, he retains in his heart a fatherly love for his offspring.

I am God, you really are My little ones, and I do not want to let you be snatched up by My eternal enemy, the one who stole My creation and who never ceases to tempt My children, dangling in their eyes false goals, vain errands and bad uses.

  • You were made for Heaven, yet earth is a unique, precious and unparalleled place to acquire the necessary holiness to join Me there.
  • You were made for Heaven, so practice the virtues necessary to merit it, which are enumerated in every catechism. To merit Heaven, you must practice the following virtues: in addition to the theological virtues (faith, hope and charity), you must practice the cardinal virtues and the moral virtues [1].
[1] Cardinal virtues: Prudence, Justice, Fortitude, Temperance. Moral virtues: Humility, Obedience, Gratitude, Patience, Gentleness, Penance, Chastity.

Do you know them? Do you practice them? Do you love them?

During My earthly life, I practiced all of them, and I was never found wanting. Along with My Most Holy Mother Mary, I gave a perfect example of charity, which contains all the other virtues. I loved My brothers on earth, I converted them, I served them and I gave Myself entirely for them: My vital forces and then, on the Cross, My life itself. I saved them from hell, and the devil hates Me for it. Although he knows he is lost, as he learned to his cost when My humanity died on the Cross, he continues to want to destroy Me in My creation; and today, My Children, he is making a particularly violent assault: many of you are caught in his nets, first of apostasy, then of pleasure and the appeal of the senses.

You think that material success is important, but you give it too much importance. It’s not material success that is important, even if I grant it to some; it is your spiritual success, which alone will open the gates to blissful Eternity.

You are called to follow My example, and what have I done on earth but obey the Will of My Heavenly Father?

I have given you the following recommendation:

“Be perfect just as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Mt 5:48) and also “My yoke is easy and My burden light” (Mt 11:30).

Yes, with Me, you will have no material needs, and you will be able to devote yourself entirely to Me. This is what I ask of you: give Me your undivided attention, do your duty of state, for you are not all religious men and women who have taken a vow of poverty, but give it only the importance it has, that of serving your progress on the path to Heaven.

My Children, by virtue you will succeed in your life, and if you apply yourselves to it in your daily life, you will be ready, when the time comes for you, to detach yourselves, as I have done, from all yourselves to join the spiritual universe.

Do not doubt that this moment will come, it will come for each one of you and, as I suffered My Passion and My painful Death on the Cross, you will join Me, each one according to his path and virtues.

Be strong in My Strength, rich in My Wealth, gentle in My Gentleness. I did not murmur, I accepted everything, all the ironies, all the basenesses, all the insults, all the wounds, I rejected nothing, I took everything and I even entered the antechamber of hell, so engulfed was I in the sins of the world.

God had withdrawn from My Soul because It had no place in the unspeakable mud of sin. I extricated myself by a divine effort of will, silent authority and strength, because My earthly life had trained Me never to succumb, whatever the cost.

This is how I defeated the demons in their empire, and when I escaped from them, a long cry of bitterness resounded in their lair, for the hold of their eternity had eluded them.

Why do I need to revisit this cruel episode?

You do not know it yet, but in the times to come, many of you will give your lives for your brothers.

Think then of Me, of My devotion, of My eternal Goodness, and do not be stingy with yours. If you, too, give your earthly life for your brothers – for that time is approaching and you may see it coming – you will follow My example and be welcomed with the greatest joy among the chosen ones in Heaven. You will not regret having offered yourselves, no, and your only regret may be that you feared it before it came.

A time of persecution is upon you, yes, you see it coming through the tightening of your civil liberties, through the establishment of civilly imposed sinful outrageousness, through exorbitant costs to acquire the necessities. It is the realization of the omen:

“That no one could buy or sell except one who had the stamped image of the beast’s name or the number that stood for its name” (Rev. 13:17).

You see a war on your doorstep, but you also see an evil within, and when the two come together, there will be a time of famine, injustice, denunciation and cruelty.

war, famine

You will then be the prey of those who hate you and want to take your homes, your possessions and your situation, but in the image of your Lord and your God, do not let yourselves be seduced by false promises and keep faith, hope and charity.

These three theological virtues will be your shield, your sword and your salvation.

Love your enemies as I have loved all men, and you will soon be with Me and all the Saints in the radiant eternal Home of your God, your Savior and your Loving Brother so eager for your salvation.

I bless you, My dearest Children, I love you and I want you to be with Me.

(Make the sign of the cross to receive the blessing)

In the Name (+) of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Your Lord and your God. »
