Read without hurry if you can...

Strive to read everything without being in a hurry...curiosity will not save you from the coming events that will devastate our planet... there will be no internet... prepare yourself with daily prayer and Holy Rosary, Confession, Communion, obedience to the 10 Commandments... Faith, no Fear! - Save your Soul!

As for the Flood to start anew. You’ll be like shipwrecked men landing on a new land

The earth is preparing for a great change, and as at the time of My crucifixion when darkness invaded the earth, as at the time of My earthly death when the veil of the Temple was torn, so you will see with your own eyes very sad events: may this not move you in your faith


(Make the Sign of the Cross before to start reading and read all…) – April 12, 2023

“My Children, My Dearest Ones, you are now in the liturgical cycle of the Resurrection, and I, your King, have rescued you from the clutches and insatiable jaws of your worst enemy, the devil. You have been redeemed, and all that remains is for you to do your part, the part of holiness, the part you must do, for no one is saved or lost without his own participation.

Heaven is open to you and welcomes you with the happiness of a Father who awaits you there. From the very beginning of fallen humanity, He had promised the victory of the woman’s lineage over that of the serpent, of Jesus Son of Mary over sin, but at the price of a heel bite; to say: the constant presence of sin despite the Holy Sacrifice of your God.

The victorious Jesus is now the Head of His people, a Head known and loved, a Head of the same humanity as His brothers and sisters, an exemplary Head worthy of all praise.

The risen Jesus says these words to you: My children, like Me, you will follow the way of the cross, you will be downcast, thirsty and betrayed, but like Me, be sure of yourselves, of your faith, of your God, and follow the path that will be yours.

Be gentle like Me, don’t grumble, the times ahead will not spare you, take your cue from Me.

The earth is preparing for a great change, and as at the time of My crucifixion when darkness invaded the earth, as at the time of My earthly death when the veil of the Temple was torn, so you will see with your own eyes very sad events: may this not move you in your faith. Like My Mother, keep a great certainty in your faith in God, a great assurance in the face of difficulty, a great firmness while others around you will be in anguish, fear and fragility.

Know, My children, that your resurrection is at the end of all sorrow, eternal happiness at the end of all carnage, divine fullness at the end of all confusion. You are called to Me beyond all trials, and your role will be to console your loved ones, to encourage them, to love them, to protect them. Your role will be, like that of My most holy Mother, to accompany your loved ones, like Saint Veronica, to console and encourage them, and like Myself, not to oppose what divine Providence has planned for the renewal of the world.

I’ll always be with you, and you can count on my presence by your side at all times. Pray and be sure of Me, be obedient as Noah was, despite sarcasm and mockery, and know that God allows evil for a greater good. You, yourselves, will marvel when all the upheavals are complete, but that time will come after the time of destruction, strife, great upheaval and devastation.

These words are not too strong for what is to come, but you, My faithful ones, will have faith, hope and charity, and you will not despair.

It must happen as it took the Flood to start anew (1), but this time, the coming renewal will be a very great joy and happiness for those who experience it. Yes, many of you will still be entering it, for it will be necessary to rebuild, repair and restore. The land will be welcoming, but it will be as if untouched, and what remains from before will have to be rethought and totally revised.

You’ll be like shipwrecked men landing on a new land, and God will be with you. You will be fervent, you will turn to Him for every action, for every undertaking, and you will no longer turn away from Him. He will be your Father, with you and for you, and you will be happy to turn to Him in everything.

I will be your God and you will be My people; no one on earth will ignore Me any longer. I am preparing you for this time of peace, and those of you who are My chosen ones will give Me glory without ever tiring of it. And the others, those I have already taken into My Heaven, will be in the eternal Joy of the Blessed.

Bless God for all that is to come, be My witnesses and never be dismayed. The devil will try to tempt you, to make you sad, unhappy, frightened, but you must not give in to him because you know he will be the loser, the great loser.

I love you, My children, My dearest faithful ones, I will not abandon you despite the difficulties and sufferings, and you will not let go of Me.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen, Alleluia!

May the joy of Easter, the joy of divine victory, remain in your heart, in your soul and all the days of your life.

  1. Renewal of the Earth. The Kingdom of a thousand years. (Read more…)

Your divine Saviour.”
