Read without hurry if you can...

Strive to read everything without being in a hurry...curiosity will not save you from the coming events that will devastate our planet... there will be no internet... prepare yourself with daily prayer and Holy Rosary, Confession, Communion, obedience to the 10 Commandments... Faith, no Fear! - Save your Soul!

Ruin and Invasion. As with ancient Rome so will happen to the Christian West. The martyrs… many.

That God is blessed, praised and obeyed is the wealth of a nation. If, on the contrary, He is forgotten and despised, that nation will sooner or later be the object of great derangement. My enemy is always the same... he does no favors. He is harsh, wicked, merciless and thirsty for blood and torture


(Make the Sign of the Cross before to start reading and read all…)

In this section:

  1. Ruin and invasion (Part 1): When God is forgotten and despised
  2. Ruin and invasion (Part 2): The martyrs… many.

Volto Santo di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo

1. Ruin and invasion: When God is forgotten and despised

  • «When I decide, I am obeyed because the angels are My intermediaries.
  • When I wish, My desires are orders and the angels watch;
  • When I let go, with limits to events, I immediately see men letting themselves be influenced by demons and their own exaggerations.

Men are so inconsistent when they believe themselves to be very sure and very competent. They act with their characters, which fluctuate according to pressure or temptation. Some may look strong, but they are only really strong with God’s help.

The great leaders who left their mark on their countries were devoted to their Christian ideals, but not many conducted their politics according to these Christian principles. There were a few, however, and prosperity followed as a corollary.

It’s only natural that a country’s wealth should flow from its Christian leadership, since God is Infinite Wealth, and He blesses countries that honor and serve Him. Christian morality is also a very important element in any country.

Those who maintain good morals will be blessed, while those whose morals are depraved will not be balanced.

  • That God is blessed, praised and obeyed is the wealth of a nation.
  • If, on the contrary, He is forgotten and despised, that nation will sooner or later be the object of great derangement.

The instigator of all hatred

Ancient Rome disintegrated because it refused to recognize the true God, and sank into ruin and invasion. The same will happen to the Christian West. It too will sink into ruin and invasion.

What will happen then?

The Catholic religion, which is the only true one, will rise from the ashes, thanks to God (the new Era), who is always the motor and cause of any rebirth.

God always draws the best good from evil, but man must not cause evil in order for good to come out of it. Only God is capable of bringing good out of evil; man cannot, and Catholic morality forbids it. He must always seek the greater good, in all circumstances.

So, My dearest children, never be anxious, never be cowardly in the face of martyrdom, but pray to God to help you, to give you the courage of Jesus Christ, to soothe and transport you.

St Lawrence's Martyrdom
St Lawrence’s Martyrdom. Rome (Italy); feast day August 10) was one of the most venerated Roman martyrs, celebrated for his Christian valour. He is the patron saint of the poor and of cooks.

Saint Lawrence, on his grill, even had a certain sense of humor when he said to his executioners: “turn me over, I’m sufficiently cooked on this side”. It’s this trait of mind that reveals his total availability to God’s will.

No retreat, no opposition, no fear.

No, the grace God gives His martyrs is precisely courage, strength and tenacity. A martyr is always willing to accept the torment offered to him, he does not refuse it, and even receives it with devotion.

This is how good God is, and how He does not force any soul to suffer for its faith. He gives them the grace of strength, courage and greatness. Martyrs do not escape their torments, and if they are gagged or bound, they do not complain. Jesus Christ, on the cross, never wanted to detach himself from it; He blessed it and made it His adornment for the rest of time. The martyr’s instrument is His glory; it is His ornament and trophy for the rest of time.

When you, My children, are confronted with this torment, do not fear, you will receive all the graces necessary to face it, embrace it and hold it as most precious. This grace is to be asked for with devotion and fervor, and, God willing, so will you. »


2. Ruin and invasion: The martyrs… many.

«I am the Almighty, the Most High, and I permit what happens to men on earth.

They surrender their souls to hell

The present situation in [the nation of the Tower Eiffel] and in the world is directed by people who respond to orders from higher authorities, who are themselves remote-controlled, while thinking they are acting voluntarily and powerfully. My enemy is always the same, which is why you must neither fear nor obey those who depend on him. This enemy is the same one who instigated the Jews to crucify Me, and he does no favors. He is harsh, wicked, merciless and thirsty for blood and torture.

This is why, My dearest children, if you happen to be caught in his nets, as some will be, pray and confide in Me. I prayed to My Father in Heaven all the way from the Garden of Olives to the crucifixion, and the holy martyrs also always prayed during their torture.

Some are given the grace to be spared suffering, but others receive another grace: that of being able to endure great suffering in peace. When a martyr suffers for his Catholic faith, for God, in union with the Cross of Calvary, he receives graces of his own to help him, and God knows which ones he needs.

This is how St. Lawrence was able to get some humor out of his grill, and how many other saints were admired by their executioners.

So there’s no need to fear anything in advance. If God leads you along this path, may His Will be done, He will watch over each and every one of you, and the royal road on which He accompanies you will be your glory for ever and ever.

When God allows punishment, He also gives the graces the faithful need to face it in the peace and serenity of every fervent devotee.

So you must not fear what’s coming, but trust in God and His Providence, and stand firm in your decisions, the ones you’ve made after praying and putting yourself under His protection.

(The importance of prayer…)

The Blessed Virgin Mary has come to warn you many times, and She has never stopped asking you to pray. Prayer is such a powerful force on God’s heart, not to do your will but His.

In the Garden of Olives, I, the Lord, prayed with all My soul, because the trial that was about to take place was formidable.

The Passion of the Christ

As a man, I feared it, and it was My humanity that would undergo it. I needed the strength not to shrink from it, the strength to accept it all sanctimoniously, the strength to give Myself completely to this longed-for offering to save My brothers and all humanity.

The grace of martyrdom is given to those who pray before, during and until the last moment of their human lives.

The great saints sometimes died painful deaths, but the penance they exercised during their lives had prepared them for this.

Gladiators and Christian martyrs

Penance is the fruit of the virtues that open up Heaven, while licentiousness is the fruit of the vices that lead to Hell.

My children, do not be afraid, keep the faith, resist the incitements of the world and be sure that I see you, I watch you and encourage you to remain faithful and devoted.

God bless you, He knows what you need and He loves you. May He too be praised and blessed. »
