Read without hurry if you can...

Strive to read everything without being in a hurry...curiosity will not save you from the coming events that will devastate our planet... there will be no internet... prepare yourself with daily prayer and Holy Rosary, Confession, Communion, obedience to the 10 Commandments... Faith, no Fear! - Save your Soul!

Jesus: Matter of time, USA to be drawn into a war with Russia, Iran, and Syria

Many sins around the earth in fornications, adulteries, homosexual marriages, and euthanasia acts. The demons are attacking many souls, and souls are being lost in hell


Opportunity for Salvation!!!

(First) Friday, May 3 and (First) Saturday, May 4, 2024
Last Reminders. Don’t sleep spiritually. Save your soul. Be prepared for the coming events. Required: Sacramental Confession and Communion (Attend Mass, donot to arrive late).
The First 9 Fridays to the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Read the 12 Promises). The 5 First Saturdays to The Immaculate Heart of Mary (Read the Promises). (Double) Novena to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, given to Sister Natalia Magdolna (Read the 33 Promises, download and spread…)
Tuesday, April 18, 2017: (Funeral Mass of Mary Firpo)

Mary Firpo said: “I am so happy my son, Fr. John, could offer up my funeral Mass. As a mother of a priest, I am so fortunate to have my son serving for a lot longer than I served in the Army. I am so proud of Fr. John. I love all of my family very much, but I have a special place in my heart for Fr. John. I want to thank all of the people who came to my funeral Mass. I also want to thank all of the people who cared for me in my later years. I saw Jesus coming to take me home, much like Carol’s mother saw Jesus coming for her, as she died at about 97 as well. God bless all of you, and I will be praying for all of my family and friends.”

Monday, April 17, 2017:

Jesus said: “My people, after My feast of Easter you should be sharing My words of mercy and love, but all you see in your news, is how various nations are beating drums for more wars. You have ongoing conflicts in Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan. All of the latest bombs and troop movements are only signaling the possibility of more wars, and extended conflicts. As you increase your spending for defense, you are preparing for more wars and making more arms for war. You would be better off spending money to feed the poor, instead of killing people in wars, abortions, and euthanasia. Satan is using your pride and power to get you engaged in more fighting in wars. Keep praying for peace and to help save souls from hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, the best way to have people come to believe in Me, is to have someone give a personal testimony on how and why that person came to believe in Me. You all have free will and I will not violate what you choose to do for your life. If you truly desire to come to heaven with Me, you need to ask Me to forgive your sins, and let Me be the Master of your life. Giving your will over to Me takes great faith, but you will have your eternal reward with Me in heaven. Your people prefer to hear a personal testimony because you all are familiar with your human condition. This is another reason why I became a God-man so you would know that I went through all of what you have experienced. I gave you testimony that I was God by My miracles, and I showed you My love relationship by dying for all of you on My cross. I want all of you to seek a love relationship with Me, because I am all loving with everyone. Whenever you pray to Me, you are showing Me your love and thanks for all that I do for you every day.”

Sunday, April 16, 2017: (Easter Sunday 8:00 a.m. Mass)

Jesus said: “My son, it is true that all of heaven is celebrating more than ever on Easter, that commemorates My Resurrection. As you share in all the festivities of this most holy day of Easter, this is an example of how all of My faithful will also be resurrected in their own glorified bodies on My Last Day of Judgment. Sing and rejoice in My Alleluia verses, as even the sun and nature are triumphant in My victory over sins and death. It was My Resurrection from the dead that was My greatest miracle for everyone to understand that I am truly God’s Son, and the Second Person of the Most Blessed Trinity. My apostles were overwhelmed with joy when they saw My empty tomb with the burial cloths wrapped neatly. It took some time and My personal visit in the flesh for all of My apostles to believe that I truly rose from the dead. Some of them did not recognize Me at first, because I was in My glorified Body. They finally saw and believed in Me. Give praise and thanks to Me for bringing salvation to all of My people. Your joy should know no bounds as well. I love all of you so much, that I died to save all of you from hell.”

(Easter Sunday 11:30 a.m. Mass, Demi’s Baptism, my great granddaughter) Jesus said: “My people, My Resurrection feast day brings almost everyone in the family to church. Now that you see your relatives at church, you realize how important it is for My prayer warriors to pray that all of your family members could be saved. You have seen in some pictures, movies, or visions how awful hell is, and you do not want to see anyone, let alone your family, be lost in hell. You need to be persistent in your prayers for your family, so they can come to Me in faith. You want them to have faith to receive a cross on their foreheads to get into My refuges. Helping to save your family’s souls should be your first priority in your prayer intentions.”

Saturday, April 15, 2017: (Easter Vigil 8:00 p.m. Mass)

Jesus said: “My people, you know that death had no power over Me, so I arose after three days according to My Word and other prophecies. You saw Me in the vision of My Glorified Body coming out of the tomb in a flash of Light that blinded the soldiers. The soldiers were like dead men, and later they could not find My Body. Mary Magdalene saw Me in the morning, so I told her to notify My apostles that I rose from the dead just as I had told them. Once I arose, many other souls were allowed to rise and come to heaven because of My victory over sin and death. You are My Easter People when you believe that I am the Resurrection and the Life. Rejoice as you are singing Alleluia once again after your Lenten fasting. Now you will be celebrating Easter for fifty days until Pentecost Sunday.”

Friday, April 14, 2017: (Good Friday)

Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing many visions of your trips to Jerusalem. You saw the Upper Room of My Last Supper. You saw the rock in the Garden of Gethsemene where I prayed. You saw the various Stations that were commemorated on the Via Dolorosa. You visited the place where I was scourged. You also saw the place where I was crucified in the Holy Sepulcher. Not far away is another commemoration of My burial place and where I resurrected. In a further vision you saw the miraculous veil of light over your Station of My Crucifixion. All of these experiences made My suffering and death real for you, because you saw the places where this occurred. You and all of My people should be grateful to Me for all that I went through to bring salvation to all sinners. It is up to each soul to give his or her free will ‘yes’ to accept My gift, and seek My forgiveness for each person’s sins. You all can offer up your suffering, and unite it with My suffering on the cross. You all have troubles, as you are tested in life, so call on My help to assist you in carrying your cross.”

Thursday, April 13, 2017: (Holy Thursday)

Jesus said: “My son, you had a vision of the actual Upper Room in Israel where I offered the Passover as the first Mass with My apostles. You see the depiction of the Last Supper in many artists’ renditions. I offered the bread and wine, and I consecrated them into My very Body and Blood for all time. You also saw the priest wash the feet of twelve people, who represented My apostles. This was a sign of My love to be the servant of My apostles, so they could do this for others as well. You have made some sacrifices for Lent in your fasting and penances. Soon Lent will be over in a few days, but you could do your fasting on Wednesdays and Fridays throughout the year, and you could give up your sweets on those days as well. You were happy to visit the churches for Holy Thursday, and you shared the angels in your chapel with your priest friend. This is a beautiful and peaceful service, as you shared these precious moments with Me tonight.”

Wednesday, April 12, 2017:

Jesus said: “My people, you are about to share in the Triduum services of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday. In today’s Gospel you are reading of Judas’ betrayal again, according to St. Matthew’s Gospel. Yesterday, you read a similar betrayal, according to St. John’s Gospel. The betrayal by a friend or disciple hurts you more because that person was someone you trusted. I knew that Judas was My betrayer for a long time, since he would be an instrument of My death on the cross. This is why I came into being a God-man, so I could sacrifice My life as the Lamb of God for all of mankind’s sins. Tomorrow, you will be celebrating My Last Supper, which is truly the first Mass of the Passover. Every Mass is a re-enactment of My Last Supper as I consecrated the bread and wine into My Body and Blood for the first time. I told the people that unless they eat My Body and drink My Blood, they could not have eternal life with Me. In the vision you saw Me scourged at the pillar, as the whips took bits of flesh off of My back and chest. The soldiers mocked Me as a king by placing a crown of thorns on My head. I was later condemned to death by Pilate. I had to carry My heavy cross down the Via Dolorosa to Calvary where I was crucified on the cross. I suffered all of this pain and death as reparation for your sins. This is truly a sign of My love for all sinners, even those sinners who do not accept Me. Pray for all sinners so they could be saved by seeking My forgiveness.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a view of a depiction of a tar pit of hell with souls burning in the flames. You just made a DVD of a movie about hell, and you were struck by the descriptions of the souls who were in hell briefly, before I brought them back to life on earth. The one man said there is one choice between heaven or hell. I love every soul, but it is your free will choice which destination that you want for your soul. I prefer that you come to Me out of love, rather that out of the fear of hell. There is no way out of hell, and it is eternal to suffer there. You would much prefer heaven, but each soul needs to repent of his or her sins, and accept Me as your Master to be saved from hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know how important water is for people to survive. In the same way My well of graces are always available to you in My sacraments. I have told you that unless you eat My Body and drink My Blood, you cannot have eternal life with Me. I forgive your sins in Confession, and you receive My sanctifying grace in Holy Communion and Confession. My grace is your spiritual lifeblood for the soul, and you feed on Me as the Bread of Life.”

Jesus said: “My people, during Lent you have been called to pray and fast to protect your soul from the devil’s temptations. I have called you to pray quietly in contemplative prayer to listen for My words to you. You can also read some spiritual books as the Liturgy of the Hours, and the Imitation of Christ. Speak to Me in your informal prayers in addition to your formal prayers. Prepare for the most holy days of the Triduum.”

Jesus said: “My people, on the Easter Vigil you will see how the priest puts My five wounds of My hands, feet, and My side on the Easter Candle. This service is performed in the dark, representing the sin in the world. Then a fire is started and a new fire lights the Easter Candle which is a symbol of how My Light disperses the darkness of sin. On Good Friday you carry My crucifix to the altar that again represents how I suffered for your sins. You come forward to kiss My cross to show Me how much you love Me. Take time to come to all of these services.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of you in the Northern States are happy the snow has melted away, and new spring flowers are coming through the soil. This new life in nature can also encourage you in your own new spiritual life that has been cleansed by your Lenten devotions and Confession. As Easter approaches, you are seeing longer days of daylight, symbolizing My Light coming into the world. Rejoice as you see the Easter lilies trumpeting My victory over sin and death.”

Jesus said: “My people, in some areas of tornadoes and high winds, you are still in need of a spring cleanup. It has been difficult to remove all the debris from your fallen trees. Even some homes and cars will need some repairs. Be grateful if you avoided serious damage, and pray for the victims who have either lost their homes, or had some power outages.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have read how much blood I lost in My scourging and My crucifixion. I am not the only life that was offered up, because your country has the blood of your abortions on your hands. You are seeing a procession carrying My crucifix on Good Friday on the anniversary of My death. Your mothers and doctors are killing a million of My unborn babies every year. Pray for the stoppage of your abortions, and that your mothers will give birth to their babies. Life is too precious to discard these babies for any reason. Each baby has a soul and My Presence in them, and each soul has My plan for his or her life. Keep struggling and praying that you can overturn this disgrace in your Supreme Court.”

Tuesday, April 11, 2017:

Jesus said: “My people, you are moving closer to My death on Good Friday, as Judas was identified as My betrayer to the Jews. Satan was allowed to enter Judas, as he was led to hand Me over for thirty pieces of silver. I also told St. Peter that he would deny Me three times, when he said he would not betray Me. Judas did not think I would forgive him, so he went out and hanged himself. Later, St. Peter would be asked to love Me three times, after his three denials. St. Peter did love Me, and he denied Me to save his life, but he was sorry for his sin. Even today, many of My people deny Me in their sins, and even some do not realize how much they offend Me when they sin. You have My sacrament of Reconciliation to seek My forgiveness and repent of your sins. I know how you are all weak to sin, but you can renew your love and friendship with Me in the confessional. Keep your soul pure, so you will be stronger against your temptations.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing many sins around the earth in fornications, adulteries, homosexual marriages, and euthanasia acts. The demons are attacking many souls, and souls are being lost in hell in this black vortex of evil in the vision. You need to trust in Me that the devil’s time is almost up before he will be chained in hell. Just as I conquered death and sin in My Resurrection, so I will conquer all the demons at the end of the tribulation. All the demons and evil people will be cast into hell when I bring My Comet of Chastisement. So take courage and have patience and hope in My ultimate victory. In My Era of Peace there will be no evil on the earth, as you will be training to be saints in heaven.”

Monday, April 10, 2017:

Jesus said: “My people, in Holy Week you have another reading that talks about My death. As Mary anointed My feet with an expensive oil, Judas remarked how the oil could have been sold, and the money given to the poor. I remarked how she was anointing Me for My burial, which was coming soon. I was at the house of Lazarus, the one whom I raised from the dead. The Jewish leaders also wanted to kill Lazarus, because his miraculous restoration to life was causing many to believe in Me. This week should be one of extra prayer and fasting because you will be sharing in My Paschal mystery of My death and Resurrection. My whole purpose for becoming a God-man was so I could sacrifice My life as the unblemished male Paschal Lamb. My sacrifice of My life to God the Father, is the most perfect sacrifice that could be offered up for all the sins of mankind. Because of one man, Adam, sin came into the world. Now, because of one man in Me, sin is being conquered. Death is a consequence of this sin, and I am conquering death with My Resurrection. Before I raised Lazarus from the dead, I told Martha that ‘I am the Resurrection and the Life’ for all souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, your military people and politicians are naive to think that Iran, Syria, and Russia will abide by any treaties. These nations still have their chemical and nuclear bombs which they did not reduce, and Iran is still working toward making nuclear bombs. Iran is using your money to further their terrorist threats. Syria is still bombing its people, and even the hospital used to help the gassed victims. The various forces fighting in Syria and Iraq are hard to tell apart. Both Russian and American technical people are helping opposite parties in these wars. It is just a matter of time before America will be drawn into a war with Russia, Iran, and Syria. Your supposed allies do not want to get drawn into another long and costly war. Your President is right in that they should be paying for their own defense. Pray that the current fighting does not spread into a larger war.”

Sunday, April 9, 2017: (Palm Sunday or Passion Sunday)

Jesus said: “My people, this death of Mine on the cross is a sign of how much I love everyone in the past, present, and future. I told you how I died outside of time, so everyone can share in My pain on the cross. You read in the account of today’s Gospel how once I died, there was an earthquake that split the curtain in two that was in the Temple. This flashback of seeing your miraculous veil over the Crucifixion Station of the Cross in your chapel, is a reminder of the veil in the Temple when it was split in two. This adds a little more importance to this event that happened in your Eternal Father chapel. Now, you are at the beginning of Holy Week, so give Me some extra time in your prayers at My services.”

Saturday, April 8, 2017:

Jesus said: “My people, the Jewish leaders were perplexed when they received the report that I had raised Lazarus from the dead. As a result, many people came to believe that I was a prophet, and even some thought I was the Christ, the awaited Messiah. This fame of Mine was alarming to the Sanhedrin, who thought I needed to die to save the nation from the Romans. I went off to hide from them, but I would return to Jerusalem for the coming Passover feast. In the vision you saw the face of Putin, the Russian leader. It is serious that America bombed the Syrian airbase where Russia is supporting the Syrian leader. Russia moved one of their ships into the Mediterranean next to possibly confront the American ships. There is now a strained relationship between Russia and the United States. Pray for peace without a widening of the Syrian war.”

(4:00 p.m. Mass Palm Sunday) Jesus said: “My people, when you read about My suffering and death on the cross, you understand a little about how much I love all of you to die for your sins. I have mentioned before how much I want a large crucifix on every altar, an do not be afraid if there is red blood on My Body. Even My Agonizing Cross is more realistic than your crosses, because I suffered many wounds. Your crosses without the corpus and the resurrected crosses are a disgrace to My real love for you. When you pray the Stations of the Cross every Friday, you are reminded how much I suffered in sacrificing My life out of love for My people.”

(Laura Lynch funeral memorial) I could see Laura moving up in purgatory with prayers and Masses so she did not suffer the flames. She committed suicide, but Jesus had mercy on her soul. Jesus asked our little group to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet for her soul. Jesus said: “My people, you heard a tragic story about Laura’s life, but I did allow her into the lowest part of purgatory at first. Your prayers and Masses have allowed her to move up in purgatory. These souls have to suffer a certain length of time in the lower parts of purgatory until some reparation is made for her sins. Keep praying for her soul, and have Masses said for her.”

Friday, April 7, 2017:

Jesus said: “My people, you now know the new red line against Syria in using sarin gas against women and children. Your President had your ships launch many missiles at the Syrian airbase that launched the sarin gas attack. This use of such a deadly nerve gas attack on women and children, was in defiance of UN laws against these weapons. Your President’s response is understood by many people, but such action could have more serious reactions by Syria and Russia. This attack did put other countries on notice that the U.S. is not reluctant to use military force. It is sad that such a war is going on against Syria’s own people, and it is not sure what action will be taken next. It is dangerous that Russia and Iran could get more involved in this ongoing conflict. Pray that this war does not expand, but the battle against ISIS is still being pursued. War and killing in this area has been going on for years, but it is not My desire to see such killings.”

Jesus said: “My people, seeing this tunnel makes you think of how people will be coming to My Light at the end of a tunnel in the Warning. The children playing in the tunnel represents how I want My people to have faith in Me like a child loves his or her parents. Just as I love everyone as they are, even in sin, so I want you to love Me despite your imperfections. You do not have to know all the books about Me in theology, but you only have to love Me with even the little you know about Me. Indeed, even knowing Me as a God-man is truly a mystery, and beyond your human comprehension. My Real Presence in the consecrated Host, and the Blessed Trinity are mysteries to know as well. It is important to have a love relationship with Me, as that is enough to get you into heaven. Repenting of your sins in telling Me how sorry you are for offending Me, is another way of showing your love for Me. I love all of you all of the time, because you are My creations made in love.”

Thursday, April 6, 2017:

Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading from Genesis, I made a covenant with Abraham and his people that he would be a father of nations, and I would be their God. Then the people would have to abide by My laws and My covenant with them. You are seeing this fork in the road that represents man’s free will to obey Me or not. I call all of My people to come to Me down the narrow road, by obeying My Commandments, and allowing Me to be the Master of their lives. The people, who follow My covenant, will see their reward in heaven. The other road at the fork is called the broad road of defiance of My laws that leads to hell. Those people, who refuse to repent of their sins, and do not let Me lead their lives, are calling down My justice on them, that only leads to a path to hell. If you love Me and desire to be with Me for all eternity, then you need to take the right fork down the narrow road, and you will be joined with Me forever in peace and love. By keeping your end of My covenant, you will see Me as I AM. I will always love everyone, as I keep up My end of My covenant with man.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I told you in previous messages that you would see one disaster after another. You have seen high winds, snowstorms, multiple days of heavy rain, and tornadoes. Your weather has been very unusual in its severity. You are seeing damage from power outages, downed trees, and flooded basements. Some of these disasters are a punishment for your many sins. When you have severe flooding, it is very difficult for your farmers to plant their crops in muddy fields. Pray for less problems in your weather, and for people to repent of their sins.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen a hard battle in your Senate to confirm Judge Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. You are seeing history made with the first filibuster of a Supreme Court nomination. You are seeing further history when the 60 vote mandate for a Supreme Court candidate was changed to only a simple majority. Your court vacancy needs to be filled to break the four to four deadlock on many issues coming before the court.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing on your news all the pictures of floods and tornado damage. Many people have lost their homes, or they had to evacuate their homes to a dry location. These events can cause people to lose their jobs, as well as access to their homes. Other areas like your own, are still cleaning up downed trees and branches. You have so much tree damage that it is overwhelming your town trucks and labor, as limbs and trees have not been removed for weeks. Pray for the victims of these disasters so they can find food, water, and shelter until they could rebuild their homes. It will be hard on insurance companies, and state and national aid to clean up all of this damage.”

Jesus said: “My people, your infrastructure has suffered from storms and poorly maintained bridges, roads, and railroads. You have heard many mayors and governors seeking extra funds that are needed to pay for bridges, roads, and railroads that need repairs. It is not easy with local taxes to finance all that needs to be fixed. This is why your National government needs to help finance your infrastructure repairs. It is hard to find funds that are competing with other parts of your Budget. You are seeing this battle in your Congress. Pray for your people to have the right priorities in your National Budget to get the most needed things done.”

Jesus said: “My people, for many years your corporations have been exporting your jobs to the cheap labor of China and other countries. Many countries have taxes and restrictions on selling goods, that has caused your country to have billions of dollars in deficit of payments. This means that your imports far exceed your exports, and wealth is being drained from your country. Your President is trying to make better trade deals to keep your jobs in America. Pray for his success because your country’s economy is at stake.”

Jesus said: “My people, your previous President was trying to discourage your coal power plants with over restrictive regulations. Coal power plants produce 30% of your electricity to run your homes and factories, so it is hard to replace this need with new natural gas plants, solar and wind. Your new President has stopped this burden of regulations on coal power plants and your pipe lines. Be thankful that some changes are helping your people and their jobs.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are coming close to Holy Week this weekend, and you need to make plans to attend as many services as you can. This is the most important week of My death on the cross in your Church Year. Try to get to Confession for this coming week, and keep up your Lenten fasting and prayers. This time of Lent has passed very fast, so make the best you can of these last weeks of Lent.”

Wednesday, April 5, 2017: (St. Vincent Ferrer)

Jesus said: “My people, in the vision I am showing you a seaplane taking off from the water. This represents how I am saving you not only from drowning in the water, but My grace is also saving you from drowning in your sins. I lift you up in life, even when you are down in your depression or your trials. Sometimes when you are carrying your cross and you fall down, you need to pick yourself back up, and struggle on with My help. In the first reading from the Book of Daniel, you saw an act of faith in Me that I rewarded the three Jewish men by saving them from the fire in the white hot furnace. These men refused to worship the king’s statue because it is idol worship against My First Commandment. I blessed them for their faith in Me by sending them an angel to protect them from the fire. The king realized that I am truly the God of the universe by this miracle. It is not easy to trust in Me when your lives are at stake, but it is better to die as a martyr, than openly deny your Lord. Those people, who die as martyrs for My sake, will become instant saints in heaven. Remain faithful to Me in all that you do, and you too will be rewarded in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are two meanings for this vision. The first could mean one country is initializing a nuclear attack on another country. You have seen in Syria how they are using chemical weapons against the rebel dwellings. Nuclear weapons could be used if one side is desperate for a victory. Such weapons could spread radiation over a wide area, and many people could die of radiation sickness. The other meaning of this vision could signal how the Republicans in the Senate want to use the nuclear option to block a Democrat filibuster, so Judge Gorsuch could have a vote on his nomination. This will be the first time one party forced a filibuster on a Supreme Court nomination, and the first time a nuclear option was used to overturn such a filibuster. Pray that nuclear weapons are not used, and pray that you see a more bipartisan government work together.”

Source: John Leary