Read without hurry if you can...

Strive to read everything without being in a hurry...curiosity will not save you from the coming events that will devastate our planet... there will be no internet... prepare yourself with daily prayer and Holy Rosary, Confession, Communion, obedience to the 10 Commandments... Faith, no Fear! - Save your Soul!

Now is the opening of the times of calamity, of discord, unexpected convulsions. War expands beyond the borders…

(Run to Sacramental Confession, pray hard) Some of you will be more affected than others, but pray for one another, for you are in no way responsible for the political tensions into which your unbelieving, godless and proud leaders are leading you. Pray for them too, that God and their Guardian Angels will enlighten them


(Make the Sign of the Cross before reading and read all…) – May 21, 2024

war expands beyond the borders

«Dear Faithful, dear Children, you are so dear to Me that I cannot separate Myself from you. I cannot and I will not, you are Mine, My Children, My very dear ones, and I will always take care of you.

In the times to come, you will suffer, for now is the opening of the times of calamity. You will not all suffer in the same way, but you will all notice a growing harshness, a tearing apart of Christendom because the world as a whole has come to be godless. But you, My Faithful, let this not separate you from Me; on the contrary, be more pious, more convinced of My Strength and My Power.

If I let the men of the earth exhaust themselves in rivalries, disunity and quarrels, I want you to be indifferent to these misdeeds.

You are Mine, and therefore you will remain confident in My Love. If trouble increases, you will not fear it. If war spreads beyond the borders in which it has been confined until now, do not fear.

The devil is currently the master of the earth, but you, My Children, are not part of his militia.

The instigator of all feelings of hatred

No, you belong to My Militia, that of the victorious Jesus Christ. I have vanquished the demons’ wrath, and never again will they be able to defeat Me. They believe that by destabilizing men on earth, they will win a victory over Me, but no, they will never win a victory over Me.

But you, My Children, are with Me, you are My faithful ones, and you will stand firm in adversity.

  • When the war expands beyond the borders within which it has been maintained until now, you will remain confident in My Almighty Power because I will remain at your side. With Me in this place so close to you, you need fear nothing.
  • War is a great sadness because innocent people are offered as holocausts, and those who leave the earth in this way are not always spiritually ready for the sacrifice of their lives.

So, My Children, My Faithful, I ask you to pray a lot for the innocents who will leave without preparation, and also for the many sinners who will be caught up in the consequences of strikes or errors, which will also be numerous.

My Children, My Faithful, the time of discord, misunderstanding and unexpected convulsions has come.

Always be gentle as I am, always be charitable as I am charitable and finally, be merciful as I am and as I have always been, even with My executioners. I was not impatient, I was penitent and I gave Myself to My people in thought, word and deed. Do the same, stay friendly, stay calm and gentle, stay even-tempered whatever happens to you and whatever events affect you.

Some of you will be more affected than others, but pray for one another, for you are in no way responsible for the political tensions into which your unbelieving, godless and proud leaders are leading you. Pray for them too, that God and their Guardian Angels will enlighten them, if their souls are not already irremediably closed to grace. Any man can be converted, even the most reluctant.

Pray, pray and pray some more, for lightning is near, and I’m talking here about spiritual lightning.

I love you, My children, yes, I love you so much! Return your love to Me and together we will be united for the great and beautiful Eternity that is promised to you and awaits you.

I bless you and do not abandon you. No, I will never abandon you as long as you remain faithful to Me.

In the Name (+)  of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. So be it.

Your Lord, Jesus Christ victorious. »
