Read without hurry if you can...

Strive to read everything without being in a hurry...curiosity will not save you from the coming events that will devastate our planet... there will be no internet... prepare yourself with daily prayer and Holy Rosary, Confession, Communion, obedience to the 10 Commandments... Faith, no Fear! - Save your Soul!

Drops of Light (1): Details on the state of the Church, the Masonic plan, the Antichrist, the purification of the world

Without My presence you will have no protections, no weapons to defend yourselves. Evil will have the door wide open to rout and deface consciences and humanity. With what will you ennoble your lives, from whom will you receive the strength and gentleness to overcome difficulties?


Opportunity for Salvation!!!

(First) Friday, May 3 and (First) Saturday, May 4, 2024
Last Reminders. Don’t sleep spiritually. Save your soul. Be prepared for the coming events. Required: Sacramental Confession and Communion (Attend Mass, donot to arrive late).
The First 9 Fridays to the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Read the 12 Promises). The 5 First Saturdays to The Immaculate Heart of Mary (Read the Promises). (Double) Novena to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, given to Sister Natalia Magdolna (Read the 33 Promises, download and spread…)

Excerpts from the messages of Jesus given to a soul (1996 -2024)

  1. Foreword
  2. They try to create a Masonic Church
  3. At night they come to steal Me
  4. My Church is going to ruin
  5. What is the Antichrist
    The Antichrist as an organization
    The Antichrist as a person
  6. I no longer recognize Myself in this Church
  7. The plan of the Masonic Church
  8. The purification of the Church
  9. I will return to build My Church
  10. The Church needs holy priests
  11. The unrighteous will perish on Peter’s seat

Holy Face of Our Lord Jesus Christ


What are drops of light?

The Lord answers: «They are drops of wisdom, of light, precious gems […] drops of wisdom, riches of training and also of health. […] And still I cry to you, “Come to Me, leave those who cannot heal you. Come to Me who am the true physician”. »

2. They try to create a Masonic Church

Jesus: «Look, in this Church I am so unloved and My Spirit is not being lived. The way that is practiced in it hurts Me. There is no love for My Holy Humanity, there is no veneration for My Mother. The Eucharist is seen yes as a food that sustains and gives fortitude, but they do not believe in My Presence, they do not love Me, they do not share with Me. My Cross is yes a Glorious Cross, but a Cross that is impoverished of the merits of pain, of human tears, a cross in which they try to exclude the sacrifice of man who united with Me, with My Holy Humanity, is redemptive.

There is an attempt to push away that which can be humble, small, devotional. My Word does not belong to Me. It is transformed; My Truth, My Spirit, is no longer found in it.

There is an attempt to create a Church within the Church. Not a small, poor, humble Church, but a rich, ambitious Church whose reins belong to the evil one.

How responsible are the priests. Many of them do not understand the truth because they pray little, but many more, up in the summits, when they come to understand, no longer have the strength, the ability, the courage to turn back from the mistake they have made. How much these priests will have to suffer, even more in the highest, highest places of it, where there is evil maneuvering and trying to form this new church, a Masonic church that does not belong to Me.

This is what My Mother was talking about at Fatima when She said that satan was penetrating the ranks of the Vatican, that he would sneak in and direct. They try to create masses of men to form a new power, of which I bear only the emblem, but not the substance. In the new times it will be no more, but how many errors they have created, how much evil it will have done.

I place against the Masonic church, the Marian movements, which bear imprinted My Heart, My Face, My way of being and My Truth. Little remnant humble, hidden and loving. With these little ones will withdraw, or if My Church will withdraw, it is like yeast that is put to ferment. My Mother kneads it with My ingredients so that it will know of Me.»

3. At night they come to steal Me

Jesus: «Today I am celebrated in various parts of the world (Feast of Corpus Christi), with ceremonies, processions and adoration. I drink of these worships. Few really love Me, but I fill Myself with this devotion because I know that, when finished, who will remember Me?

Men do not understand this Sacrament that heals, heals the spirit, but also the body. How many illnesses, how many wars, how many sorrows there would not be, if it were not outraged. Doctors would have very little work, children’s diseases would vanish, families would be healed.

They come, they come to steal Me not only during communions by taking Me away, but at night in the tabernacles. They come as thieves to sell Me and they are those who dwell in My church. They commit nefarious deeds on Me that cannot even be said. This outrage against God falls, alas, on those who are innocent. How to repair this? By adoring Me in My Sacrament, by praying and receiving Me, by loving Me. This is the reparation that heals wounds and cures evils. »

4. My Church is going to ruin

My Church is going to ruin

Jesus: «I desire silence, contemplation and adoration in souls and in the Church, but My Church is going to ruin because the walls are collapsing. The world has fallen so low because My Church is no longer the dispenser of truth, she is no longer the beacon that enlightens minds, the leaven that ferments the mass and gives her children damaged bread.

My Bride, the Holy Church I love so much, has prostituted herself. In it the serpent of the occult creeps and causes the greatest damage. Conferences, debates are being held, all nonsense that is of no use because in them only human thinking is revealed, which is neither My Thought nor My Teaching.

The children of My Church must get down on their knees to pray with great humility, to be enlightened by the Father how to teach them to be bearers of My Truth.

One must return to the origins, accepting the Gospel in its integrity and originality as in the days of St. Francis, when My Church even then its walls were crumbling. Francis understood and returned to serve Me in poverty, to the integrity of the origins. Even more today it needs this return, since it no longer wants to rest on the cornerstone, but on other supports that I do not support.

This Church has forgotten that it is fruit and built on the blood of martyrs and the sufferings of creatures who gave their lives for it. Now they let it all go to ruin.”

5. What is the Antichrist

Jesus: «My Glorious Return will not be a physical return. Only in the last times will I return in one time in My whole person before the great judgment (Third time as Judge – Universal Judgment).

My Return now in this intermediate time (Second time as King, New Era, Kingdom of 1000 Happy Years) will take place in the Spirit. The Spirit will attest Me. I come to contemplate a world that does not belong to Me, an evil world, and there will be signs. The sign of the Cross visible to all (the Miracle after the Warning), but it will be too late for those who will not convert.

The Holy Spirit will come to purify and much of the earth will be decimated. Yet still then, however, My Mercy will save.

After the terrible and tremendous times of purification (the Great Tribulation), behold My Glorious Return in men who will return to love Me in the Eucharist and I will return King of their hearts. I will return Glorious in My united, indivisible and indissoluble Church, which finally rests on the cornerstone bearing My Truth. I will return Glorious in My priests, sons who will love Me and serve Me. I will return Glorious in My dearest children who will adore Me, I will return Glorious in peace, in an era of peace that will last a very long time (Kingdom of 1000 years).

Equally, Our Lady is already now preparing Her little ones for this time for battle. »

The Antichrist as an organization

The Antichrist as an organization

«Equally the Antichrist forms his army of evil. The Antichrist is precisely a headquarters in the world, a network maneuvered by Satan where he forms his elect. They devise how to create evil, foment wars and bring men to despair, cause their deaths in times where, so far from God, they can be taken to the depths of perdition in hell. This seat is a place of leadership where the evil one maneuvers the reins by placing his leaders in charge, which he has formed with men chosen from the places of prestige and power, from political leaders to Church greats.

There is also a Church that is opposed to Mine, to My true Spirit, which is created in the Church itself and is formed directly by the evil one, with its hierarchy and its priests who dedicate worship to him and oppose Me. Even the people may be part of it, and there are those who are part of it, in order to gain favor by spreading evil. They are seemingly normal people who do things worthy of esteem before the world, but they have monstrous hearts and God, who sees in secret, knows about their evil lives.

It is a battle between the forces of evil and the forces of light. They seek to cover the light with darkness and seem to succeed, but they do not know that with My Return I will return to dazzle and they shamed will fall into the abyss where they belong.

The innocence of childhood puts a brake on the expansion of their power. Therefore, they make war and seek to kill children and violate them.

This is the Antichrist, all this cooperation in evil, this evil web. »

The Antichrist as a person

The Antichrist as a person

But he will also come who is the Antichrist as a person, an important man in the Church [1], an antipope who will hate My Pope. In him the devil will incarnate and will try in the times of purification to take his place to form his of Church. But because of the sanctity of the prayers of My saints, because of their blood shed for it, which always represents My Holy Bride, he will not be able to sustain his step and his power, so that he will be nauseated by this love that rises up and will be brought down. I, God of armies, to whom nothing is impossible, will exterminate him. »

[1] Jesus in Maria Valtorta’s writings on the Antichrist: “He will be a very lofty person, as lofty as a star. Not a human star shining in a human sky. But a star from a supernatural sphere that, yielding to the flattery of the Enemy, will experience pride after humility, atheism after faith, lust after chastity, the hunger for gold after Gospel poverty, and a thirst for honors after concealment.”

6. I no longer recognize Myself in this Church

Jesus: «Look, the occult, how it goes. They go to magicians to make cards, to astrologers. It is like an unhealthy wave that spreads, it operates in the media, with which it can spread more so that it becomes usual in the common mentality to make use of it. It is enough and they flock to it out of sheer curiosity, since they no longer abide by My will to the life, I prepare for them and all it takes is one sacrifice, one contrariety and they immediately seek their refuge and their solutions.

From Me they do not come and prefer the wolf who cloaks himself in false light that immediately can satisfy them, but binds them with chains from which they can no longer escape. More and more they resort to it, even to the point of consecrating themselves to evil itself. They resort to it the people of show business who desire success and beauty, politicians, those who are cultured, think themselves intelligent and learned, in order to have power. Part of my Church and people resort to it.

What do they want? To create a paradise on earth made only of human pleasures? The earth is given for sanctification. In it there are yes joys, but they must be lived with Me. My Church as it is responsible. Why does it not condemn this rampant occult evil?

In My children faith has become rational practices. Do they not know that there is a battle between the forces of good and evil, between darkness and light?

I no longer recognize Myself in this Church and in this world that I love. It takes communions, many communions, My adoration, the ardor of prayer, the martyrdom of the saints, prayer to the angels, prayer and veneration in the Church to St. Michael the Archangel, exorcisms. They are always the same weapons, but how effective they are.

In My Church few priests take charge of exorcisms. Little account is taken of them, or they do not feel like fighting against the enemy. That is what the Antichrist is also, this cult that spreads and causes evils everywhere. And you don’t know how much atonement this sin takes.

For the workers of the occult, even the fiery furnaces will open. This evil tears Me apart so much that I can hardly speak to you and be heard. Even the air you breathe in unhealthy. Every day the sun is born and it seems like equal days one after another, but the radiant day (the New Era) will come after My purification (the Great Tribulation) that even the oxygen will be purified, become pure. The looks, the faces will be radiant. Equally the work of man.

You do not realize of the grave period you are experiencing. The world is falling and rolling more and more toward the precipice of sin. They say God does not suffer. But how can a father refrain from suffering for his children who are going to perdition? »

7. The plan of the Masonic Church

The plan of the Masonic Church

Jesus: «How does the Church suffer, how in it I am outraged. […] The Masonic Church seeks to subvert and hinder the Holy Father’s plans. Those who oppose him are the high prelates, cardinals, who form with their array the work of the antichrist. They hate him and seek to form a powerful institution to rule over the people with different laws that do not belong to me, which if accepted would no longer be my Church.

A great cardinal in Rome increases satanic rites with the help of priests and has them performed in the basilicas themselves. Their goal is to gain more power and take the place of the Holy Father. If up to now My institution subsists and because of the merits of a Pope who knows all these maneuvers and because of the merits of your heavenly Mother, by Her workings, Her movements, faithful souls and suffering souls.

A time will come, however, that the Antichrist will succeed in killing the holy Father. This is what will be the sacrifice, the abomination, the beginning of the many sorrows, to place himself on his seat and create a new Church. Those who will not want to join will be killed. Many priests and others who will want to remain faithful to the integrity of My Spirit will be martyred.

These men, who hold prestigious positions in My Church, are apparently serious, correct, calm, but it is all a facade. Inside their hearts are wicked, obscured, ambition corrodes them. I called them with love, they came fervently, though from good families, but the desire for power has corroded their souls.

They do not know that the very martyrdom of the holy Father, the martyrdom of holy priests, of the faithful, of the prayers that are lifted up, of the offering of little ones, will bring forth flowers. This shed blood will be the incense that will purify the earth and rise up to Heaven. Before so much light and heat of holiness they will not be able to resist and the fire of the Holy Spirit will annihilate them.

Similar to My times, the betrayal, the sacrifice comes not from those far away but from those who live in My House, who eat My bread and should gratefully live on My love. Just as then they outrage Me.

What pain, My child. It could all still be stopped. If today’s people would pray, if My faithful would be more fervent, but all around there is so much indifference. Pray for My Church, for the difficult times it will have to go through, that it may return to being bright and holy.”

8. The purification of the Church

The purification of the Church

Jesus: «Look at this Church, your findings are right. It is received into My hand. How much it hurts Me to be received like this. All this uncovered clothing. The person next to the priest gives Me without wearing a celebratory garment. No thanksgiving is even done, no time is even given.

What is left of Me? I am like food given to dogs. One loses in this way the sense of the sacred, deep respect and worship due to God. Outward signs are important so that souls can feel Me and contemplate Me in it by embodying Me. Instead, I become a trivial thing, increasing, yes, a brotherhood, but a human brotherhood that has as much time as it can have. In the face of a problem, it collapses. Oh, how responsible is My Church and these modern priests. Friendship with God is created with a relationship based on the sacredness of a deep love that venerates that which is great and deserves reverence.

A day will come for My people whose Eucharist, the sun, will be the sun for all (New Era). Not a day will pass that they will come to Me to receive the light, the warmth, the love. I will be the center of their whole existence.

This Church is an agonizing pain for me. It is so beautiful and rich in monuments, so corrupt inside. They are trying to kill Me, they are trying to kill Me by taking Me out of the lives of hearts and souls, and if there is no conversion, still they will try to kill Me by taking everything out of My Church, because they will try to eliminate faith in My Cross, in veneration to My Mother, in the real presence of the Holy Trinity. What will be left?

Without My presence you will have no protections, no weapons to defend yourselves. Evil will have the door wide open to rout and deface consciences and humanity. With what will you ennoble your lives, from whom will you receive the strength and gentleness to overcome difficulties?

Ah, My Church. The times of its purification will come. Only through it will she be able to return.

Penance, My child, is part of life and today the Church no longer preaches it as an outrageous taboo. It does everything to avoid talking about it, but life is grafted with suffering. Without it, you would not even taste the joys. It is the means of your journey to reach the true goal that is in Heaven. Without penance there is no repentance; man is not converted. Through it, as in a mirror, he revises his sins. It is a light that passes through him to give him repentance and redemption. Equally, My Church must find purification and can find it in pain so that it may understand its evils and return. »

9. I will return to build My Church

Jesus: «How many come to Church and take communion full of mud and sin considered useless to confess, of prayers said haughtily because they demand certain favors and if not given even more, they become incensed.

What is the use of coming to Church? One does a sacrilege, a sin on top of other sins. They do better those, who though they give Me pain, but they stay away and do not hurt Me further
My Church does not proclaim the salvific value of My Treasures. It does everything softly, often distorting and changing My truth. It must be promulgated, taught with humility, but vigor and clarity, with fortitude for this is what souls need: certainty and security to cling to and live by.

My daughter, in these last painful times everything is polluted, pray, plead. Hope for the new times, await with joy the resurrection of My Church, which comes to be more beautiful and purer than before. Behold it is similar to the birth of a son. For this new creature to be viable there must be the labor and pains of childbirth. Through them it is purified and finally a new church is born and returns.

It is like in My mortal times. I was bothering with My holiness, My work, My Word, and for that they killed Me. They killed My Body so that My Church would not be born. Now they try to destroy Me. They destroy Me in the Church itself by distorting Me in the truth, polluting it to become God’s own masters, and do they not know that God is the author of life and cannot be destroyed? He perpetually rises again.

As at the dawn of creation man’s sin was pride, still today it is the same sin: wanting to be like or superior to God, and they try to annihilate Me, usurping and trampling on My Eucharist. They say, “God does nothing,” and they do not know that He lets them act to wait for their conversion. I keep them close; I call them with My Word, I feed them in My House, but they do not want Me. They are in the full will to persecute Me and give themselves to evil.

I let the wheat field be invaded by the darnel, almost it all chokes it, but I come with My divine breath and I will burn, I will burn all the darnel and the field will be full of golden wheat again.

Who is like God? How can they set themselves against Me? Don’t they know that as then, in My earthly life, they seemed to win? Almost everything will be made dead with their unrighteous work, but I will return, I will return glorious and I will take back My Church. »

10. The Church needs holy priests

San Giovanni Vianney
Saint John Vianney pray for us and for the Church

Jesus: «Pray for the priests. If you knew how important the holiness of the priesthood is. They are dear to Me. I love them, I cherish them, I prefer them, I watch over their steps, their gestures, their thoughts, so dear is their holiness to Me. The priest is sacred, he is called to represent Me, to be Christ, to consecrate My bread which is My Person. His life must be an offering of purity, of love, of light.

The Church subsists and lives because I am there and sanctify it, but the Church needs holy priests. Without them it collapses, it does not sustain itself, and I seek them, I search for them with the lantern. O how I long for the new times (the New Era), when My Church will have new children, children who will love Me and serve with a child’s heart.

How the holiness of the priest is linked to the holiness of the people. If a priest loves, prays, worships God, how many of My children will return to worship Me. If a priest is temperate in feeding, how many children will no longer fall into the sins of gluttony. If a priest does not defraud and steal in the church, how many people will stop stealing. If a priest is no longer greedy, proud, power-seeking, how many people become simple and content with what the Father gives them. If My ministers no longer fall into lust, into sins of the flesh, but cloak themselves in purity, [how many] return to chastity. »

11. The unrighteous will perish on Peter’s seat

Jesus: «For the Church to which you pray I say to you, the evil she is living is like an agonizing person who is lurking to die, but the sincere prayer of her children are the pacemaker that allows her heart to continually beat, they are a breath of oxygen.

The times foretold by Our Lady are approaching. The unrighteous man will become more present and powerful in the Church. He will succeed in ascending the throne of Peter and rule it according to his commands, taking away what is pivotal to it and that is the word of God and the Eucharist, in order to be himself worshipped as God. The time of his glory will not be long. When he believes he is most victorious, it will be the time of his fall.

The Holy Spirit who covers the throne of Peter, who is fire and truth, the same fire will electrocute him, burn him to lead him to the hell to which he has devoted his soul. In the dark time darkness will be in the Church and the faithful will live as in the catacombs and in concealment their faith. Many martyrs will shed their blood, and it will be this righteous blood that will be poured out as the fruit of atonement for the Church, blood that will fall in reparation on the seat of Peter that was outraged, blood that will cry out from the earth unto me as it was in the time of Abel. God called Cain to account, who had to flee, persecuted. The unrighteous, who will not be converted, can only flee to hell.

This time of darkness will be one of atonement for My Church and, the wicked having perished, a new Holy Father will sit on the Chair of Peter to strengthen its foundation, the Word of God and the Eucharist. It will be the day of triumph and of My resurrection. It will return to Me with renewed love. Even the people who have remained faithful, who have suffered and atoned will return to throng My temples, to worship the Eucharistic Christ day and night, to place the Eucharist at the center of their lives so that I will be able to say, “This is My people, I am no longer a divided God, but I am God with you and among you. You will live everything with Me, I will be at the center of your existence, work, family and loves so that the journey and path of life will become gentle to lead you lightly to My Kingdom. »

More Drops of Light…