Read without hurry if you can...

Strive to read everything without being in a hurry...curiosity will not save you from the coming events that will devastate our planet... there will be no internet... prepare yourself with daily prayer and Holy Rosary, Confession, Communion, obedience to the 10 Commandments... Faith, no Fear! - Save your Soul!

Chaos and tragedy come, one following another… Prepare with prayer and Sacramental Confession

There comes a time that will require all of your faith in Me... This World is bound for fire and reclusiveness and despair... Therefore, pray for your parents, sisters and brothers, aunts and uncles, family, friends, and your enemies too


Opportunity for Salvation!!!

(First) Friday, May 3 and (First) Saturday, May 4, 2024
Last Reminders. Don’t sleep spiritually. Save your soul. Be prepared for the coming events. Required: Sacramental Confession and Communion (Attend Mass, donot to arrive late).
The First 9 Fridays to the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Read the 12 Promises). The 5 First Saturdays to The Immaculate Heart of Mary (Read the Promises). (Double) Novena to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, given to Sister Natalia Magdolna (Read the 33 Promises, download and spread…)

Saturday, August 26, 2023 – Message of Our Lord Jesus to Linda

The Holy Face of Our Lord Jesus Christ

  • (Pray and forgive…)

Our Lord: “Pray. Pray and do not hold grudges. Those who you were meant to Love but who have hurt you, forgive. Release your anger and allow Me to fill your hearts with Love. How can you be strong if you are consumed with grudges. With discontentment. With regret, sorrow, or resentment. You, My Children, must clear your Hearts of resentment, because you are My Beloved Soldiers who shall lead the bewildered and ignorant and fearful to Me.

  • (Pray constantly…)

This World is bound for fire and reclusiveness and despair, but, My Faithful Children, you shall be the Light of this new world. You shall see your brethren through the abyss of hurt, pain, and doubt.

Oh, Children, I am pained by what you will endure. Stubborn, sinful Children, you are Mine, but like gold, you must be refined and cleansed of sin. You must understand to the very depths of your Souls that I am for you as you are for Me.

Pray, and I shall talk to you minutely. Just pray. Your prayers keep at bay the lies of the malcontent, the one who is darkness and seeks the ruin of Souls.

Pray constantly. I hear your prayers and keep you with Me always. Do not think in your presumed holiness that you are strong enough to withstand the lies of the most unholy one. His specialty is lies and his deceptions are powerful. Thus, do not believe you can become lax in your prayers and see beyond his deceptions. (Many people are already fooled).

  • (Devastating fire from the heavens…)

Oh, Children, such darkness comes. The fire that shall light up the skies and run through cities like rivers of fire, fingers of fire flooding the streets like a flood.”


Linda: “I have seen this image of the world on fire many times, and it is as if I am viewing it from space.”


Our Lord: “It will be an unexpected tragedy. One minute, all will be sunshine in blue skies, sounds of news, music, normal rituals, and then fire. Devastating fires from the skies which shall wipe out so many of My Beloved Children, both good and sinful. It shall happen so suddenly, without proper warning, so My Beloved Children, partake of My Body and Soul.

  • (Run to Sacramental Confession… do not delay…)

Prepare yourselves with Confession, for it is what I have requested of My Children. Indeed, to come to Me in a state of unstated or unadmitted sin is a betrayal to Me. Your lack of fealty wounds Me. Your every unconfessed sin presses into My Heart like the Crown of Thorns upon My Head and like the nails into My Hands and Feet.

Thus, please Me with your obedience, and Confess. Then, come to Me in cloaks of white and be cleansed by the Divinity of My Body and Soul. This is not simply a request now but a necessity. Do not make folly of your Beloved Souls, for they are precious and Beloved to Me.

  • (Strengthen your faith…)

Children, there comes a time that will require all of your faith in Me. You will be sorely tempted to betray Me, your Lord God. You may believe you are infallible, but I assure you, you are not if your prayer life is weak. You know when this is true.

You know when you have felt My Graces and lived upon them, but can you live inside My Silence?

I do not abandon you, but I want you to Love Me without doubt and without fear in My Silence. I am ever with you, and you must be strong enough to hold onto this. To know without doubt that I Am with you and that any good or tragedy that befalls you, I am with you suffering or joyful beside you. Your trust and faith in Me must be without question. Ah, Children, how many of you will do this? My Faithful, My Children who trust like the innocent, My Children who have separated their Hearts from this World….

  • (Chaos and tragedy come… one after another…)

Children of My Heart, chaos and tragedy come, one following another until you are forced into a sad compliance with this World. Evil will seek and work to bend your will. All those you Love – brothers, fathers, sisters, and mothers, husbands, and wives shall be pitted against each other, and this will be such a test to many.

How many shall be able to sell all that they have for one treasure or one magnificent pearl?

  • (You will be put to the test…)

The evil one will test you and pit you against those you love most. Thus, trust in Me. I see your Love and hold on to those you love with My Loving and protective hands. Pray for each of them, and I shall make you whole again.

These tests, My Loves, will challenge your faith. You shall be called to reject monies, stature, safety, and all those things that imply shelter and security. Trust in Me. I redeem and I save.

  • (There will be great tragedies…pray for your loved ones…)

Do not misunderstand Me, My Beloved Children, there shall be great tragedies amongst all peoples, but your prayers not only mitigate the tragedies of this World but protect and save those Souls for which you pray.

Therefore, pray for your parents, sisters and brothers, aunts and uncles, family, friends, and your enemies too. Pray for those who have hurt you deeply and pray for those who have made you feel worthless. Pray for the poor, the lonely, and especially those who are driest in Spirit. Pray for My Servants, the brethren of Peter, who have strayed to the detriment, the great detriment of their Souls and so many others. My Servants must be prayerful and honest about what I accept and do not accept.

This does not mean I Love any of My Beloved Children less but hold My Servants directly responsible for the Souls of My Beloved Children who have wandered. You cannot accept their return and tell them lies about what I accept and do not accept, for what good do you do for their Souls?

My Love and Mercy are not of this world, but I have said: ‘I Love and forgive you, but sin no more.’

  • (Do not be afraid…)

You cannot compromise with sin to save the Beloved Souls of this World. Servants of Mine who I Love so dearly, I have chosen each of you as My Blessed Apostles to continue the Word of Life. Do not be afraid or do not hesitate to speak the Truth of the Word, for I Am the Word and the Word is Truth.

Children, do not cower in your fear but trust.

Why fear when I have told you so strongly and with such Love that I am with you and for you?

  • (Do not be fooled…)

Follow Me and speak My Word faithfully, and there you shall do no harm. Wander from My Word, and your Souls shall suffer so sadly and unnecessarily. My Children, you are Mine. Come to Me, and do not be fooled by the treasures of this World. Riches will not help you. Power will not help you. Doubt will work against you. And worry shall bring only doubt and the questioning of My Love.

Thus, I say, My Children, pray unceasingly ‘the Devotion to the 24 Hours of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ’ per Luisa Piccarreta) [1]. Pray the Rosary consistently. Pray and keep Me company as I Lovingly reveal Myself in Adoration. Your prayers bring Me such Solace, and I stay the hand of the Lord who is My Beloved and Hallowed Father.

  • (Pray for the unborn…)

You must pray for the unborn and those who promulgate death (abortion, war) so gleefully. You must pray for My Servants, for the conversion of Souls, and that the apostasy of this world subside lest this chastisement wrought by Man erupts to the point that corruption and death are unbearably great.

I loath to see My Children suffer, but what more can I do to garner your attention?

I Am with you, Prayerful Ones. I am with you, so trust in Me, and know that your hearts shall discern. I give to you My Blessings and Peace. Pray, My Children. Peace.”


  1. The 24 Hours Devotion of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ – Luisa Piccarreta: (download PDF…)

Source: gods-messages-for-us