Read without hurry if you can...

Strive to read everything without being in a hurry...curiosity will not save you from the coming events that will devastate our planet... there will be no internet... prepare yourself with daily prayer and Holy Rosary, Confession, Communion, obedience to the 10 Commandments... Faith, no Fear! - Save your Soul!

Those who will put their total trust in God and their docility to His Will, will be preserved

I still want to say that the earth, assaulted by the carelessness and misuse of men, will be miraculously preserved when the demons want to destroy it as they want to destroy mankind and everything that is God's work


(Make the Sign of the Cross before to start reading and read all…) – March 25, 2023

(To pray effectively…)

“My children, when you turn to Me and pray, remove from your thoughts everything that is not Me. Open your hearts to Me and be all Mine as you desire and as I especially desire. You are My children, My very dear ones, and you strive to love Me, even though you often think too much of yourselves in your prayers, instead of thinking of Me, of My teaching, of My sufferings to save you from spiritual ruin and all the evils you would have suffered if I had not come to incarnate to rescue and save you.

(The reality of original sin…)

I rescued you because the devil had stolen you, he had chained you and you were destined for eternal punishment since you were lost through original sin.

What is this original sin, so rejected or even ignored by so many Christians?

This sin is a profoundly evil act committed by your first parents, Adam and Eve, who had been created perfect, pampered and spoiled as much as a beloved son and daughter could be, heirs to all the virtues and spiritual ornaments God could bestow upon them. They were beautiful, loving, grateful, attracted by the good and by the allure of God, intent on being faithful and devoted to Him, knowing Him as perfectly as a blessed creature could, more than the greatest saint because all men, except the Blessed Virgin Mary, were henceforth marked by the consequences of that sin of rebellion to grace, disobedience to the Creator and pride in their condition.

Original sin was a gratuitous and ill-considered affront to God, and it shattered the trust between Creator and creature, the foundation of every warm and balanced relationship.

(The effects of evil…)

When Lucifer turned against God, overcome by pride and a jealousy sharpened by the desire to be God himself, in His place and in His divinity, he lost all his virtues in one fell swoop, and all that remained was his angelic state, deprived of everything that made him beautiful, exemplary and exquisitely delicate. He became ugly, coarse and frightening, and constantly tried to break every divine influence in creation, because he couldn’t make it his own.

(The effects of original sin…)

It was the same for Adam and Eve. Having sinned gravely, they lost all the gifts and virtues God had graciously bestowed upon them, and were left only with their finite human condition, naturally destined for death. Like Lucifer, they then saw themselves as they were, that is, naked; naked in their bodily aspect, but naked also in their spiritual aspect. They had lost the sanctifying grace that made them lovable to God, who recognized himself in them; they had lost the gifts of the Holy Spirit and, among these gifts, the infused science that would have enabled them to manage the earth according to God’s will and not according to their own intemperance.

(Consequences of original sin…)

They were left to their own, and while Adam and Eve, having repented and come to know God, taught Him to their descendants who remained with them, the others, having gone elsewhere, forgot Him and behaved according to their own inclinations, which had become evil through the absence of the grace and piety necessary to remain competent.

And the world, enslaved by Satan, became more and more evil, to the point that God decided to annihilate it. This was the Flood and the restoration of mankind by Noah and his sons. The only knowledge we have of this pre-Diluvian period is the Bible’s account, including the genealogy of the patriarchs from Adam to Noah (Genesis, chapter 1 to chapter 9, verse 17).

  • So, what happened?
  • What motivated divine wrath to the point of wiping out all life except those on the Ark?

We will only know this story in Heaven, when, like God, we’ll be able to see and hear everything about all the ages of the earth and the firmament.

(The impairment caused by original sin…)

Deeply and intimately marked by this original flaw, you, My children, will have to worry about it forever and until the end of the world, because this flaw is genetic and it’s also in your soul. It is genetic in your body because it is physically transmitted through bodily life, but it is also inscribed in every soul because of Lucifer’s sin, which had invisible consequences in the Beyond that will only be fully known at the Last Judgment when God will judge all things.

Indeed, if Lucifer’s sin had disastrous consequences in the visible world, it was also immensely damaging for the invisible world, and particularly for those close to the earth.


Purgatory was a non-existent place before original sin, because only human souls have access to it, as in a hospital reserved for humans only, and it is in keeping with faith to affirm that purgatory will disappear at the end of the world.

(The invisible world…)

The invisible world is unknown to men, but it will disappear at the moment of the Last Judgment: then there will be only Heaven and Hell, for Eternity, whether blessed or unfortunate, is part of your faith.

(Total trust in God…)

And as for the present time, I still want to say that the earth, assaulted by the carelessness and misuse of men, will be miraculously preserved (1) when the demons want to destroy it as they want to destroy mankind and everything that is God’s work. They will destroy many, but God is superior to them; those who will put their total trust in God and their docility to His Will, will be preserved.

May God be blessed and loved, I bless you and I love you. So be it.

  1. Renewal of the Earth. The Kingdom of a thousand years. (Read more…)

Your divine Master and Lord.”
