Read without hurry if you can...

Strive to read everything without being in a hurry...curiosity will not save you from the coming events that will devastate our planet... there will be no internet... prepare yourself with daily prayer and Holy Rosary, Confession, Communion, obedience to the 10 Commandments... Faith, no Fear! - Save your Soul!

The devil believes he has already reached the goal

He will never reach his goal as long as you, beloved children of the Remnant Army, exist... Pray to the Holy Spirit daily for clarity, for confusion is great in your world, lies are immense, and many children go astray


Opportunity for Salvation!!!

(First) Friday, May 3 and (First) Saturday, May 4, 2024
Last Reminders. Don’t sleep spiritually. Save your soul. Be prepared for the coming events. Required: Sacramental Confession and Communion (Attend Mass, donot to arrive late).
The First 9 Fridays to the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Read the 12 Promises). The 5 First Saturdays to The Immaculate Heart of Mary (Read the Promises). (Double) Novena to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, given to Sister Natalia Magdolna (Read the 33 Promises, download and spread…)

Message No. 1384 – November 14, 2022

The devil believes he has already reached the goal!

“My child. Difficult times are ahead of you, your world, but fear nothing. I, your Jesus, will be with you, and I, your Jesus, will lead you through these difficult and shattering times.

My child. Planned for a long time, evil is now implementing itself more and more visibly in your world. The plans of those who do not love you, but (want to) control you, are now being implemented more and more. The devil believes himself already at the goal, so also his worshippers and henchmen, however:

He will never reach his goal as long as you, beloved children of the Remnant Army, exist, and that is exactly why he is so bent on abolishing you and My Holy Church, but he will never succeed!

  • Your prayers, beloved children that you are, bear fruit, because the Father hears you! We, Heaven united, are at your side!
  • Never stop praying, for through your prayer you mitigate so much!
  • Never stop praying, because through your prayer you change for the good!
  • The devil’s plans are disturbed and thwarted by your prayers, beloved children!

So, use prayer and pray much and unceasingly also the rosaries of My Most Holy Mother, Mary, because through HER you obtain graces that the Father and I, your Jesus, grant ONLY THROUGH HER!

So much disaster you could have been spared from, if you had only taken My Mother’s messages seriously and ACTED on them! But it is not too late to avert the very worst.

The Father is merciful, and He loves each one of you, but your sins, beloved children of the earth, “stink” up to Heaven! Pray and repent, because only by repentance you will not be lost, only by repentance your sins will be forgiven!

So many beloved children atone for you sinners, but the measure of sin is reached. It is overflowing, and only through repentance and penance and conversion, you will experience mercy in your lives as well. But make haste, for:

Mercy gives way to Justice, and if you have not used the hour of Mercy, it will look bad for you! So, begin with a YES to Me, to your Jesus, who loves you so much and waits for your response, and desist from sin! With every sin you commit, you give the devil power over you! With every omitted prayer, you let him rule in your world! Your lukewarmness and unbelief are what bring this world of yours down! You approve of sins and do not see how deeply you have already got involved with the devil!

Only your conversion will give you salvation, but if you do not convert, the devil will have absolute power over you and will torment and torture you constantly.

But those who have found Me, their Jesus, obtain My Mercy and the New Kingdom; My New Kingdom, will be given to them, but it requires purification, preparation and deep faith, beloved children, in Me, in your Jesus. Amen.

Use the time that is left to you and prepare yourselves. We do want to see No child lost, but whoever does not make himself ready will be lost. Amen.

The time is near, and My return will be, but My adversary will come first, and good to him who has completely established himself in Me, in his Jesus, and knows how to discern. Amen.

Pray to the Holy Spirit daily for clarity, for confusion is great in your world, lies are immense, and many children go astray.

Pray and stay completely with Me, beloved children of the Remnant Army.

I love you very much.

Your Jesus, Who I Am. Amen.

Do not be afraid, because where there is prayer, there I am.

  • Where there is prayer, the Father helps.
  • Where there is prayer, I give graces!
  • Where people pray, many silent miracles happen. Amen.”

Source: Die Vorbereitung