Read without hurry if you can...

Strive to read everything without being in a hurry...curiosity will not save you from the coming events that will devastate our planet... there will be no internet... prepare yourself with daily prayer and Holy Rosary, Confession, Communion, obedience to the 10 Commandments... Faith, no Fear! - Save your Soul!

Men whose master is Satan, are plotting to enslave mankind

The more their grip on the population tightens, the more they will be recognized and revealed to the innocent... Public lying is the mark of the devil and you are governed by those who have this mark. Pay attention to the signs of the times


(Important, read all…) Anno Domini 2020, Friday, July 17

Men whose master is Satan, are plotting to enslave mankind

“All creatures are My work and their defects come from the curse of the original sin. This sin has reached humanity in its diversity and in its very nature and all men are affected by it. They are attracted to that which does not come from God, and when God makes Himself known, they turn away from Him, not even imagining that He can make himself known in any other way than through established worship.

Men do not like to be disturbed in their habits or in their situation, whether it be professional, family, association or duly established in a proper field. I will not force them to hear Me if they do not want to, I will let them be surprised by events from which they could be protected if they would let Me warn them and listen to Me.

Heaven and the blessed eternity are for the lowly, the destitute, the tramps, the homeless and for those who work to make Me known and to serve Me (Lk 14:16-23). Heaven is for those who love Me and want My pre-eminence in the world. Heaven is for the little ones, not for those who, full of confidence, do not think that I can speak through a simple pencil, which has no imagination, no authority, no impression. Yet I need that pencil, just as I need My ministers, My priests, My bishops and the entire hierarchy of the Holy Catholic Church. I need My religious men and women, My families, My disciples and all of humanity, each one of you is important to Me and that is why I am working in every way to call you to Me, to enroll you in My army and to fight against the Prince of this world, his demons and all those who have put themselves at their service.

Men whose master is Satan, or Lucifer, or Mammon, or other demons of the high satanic hierarchy, are plotting to enslave mankind, and for many, many years they have set up a system that monopolizes power and gives a few the control of the earthly goods and of the men who populate the earth. These men, whose master is Satan and whose power extends more and more into the heart of the intimacy of families, remain in the shadows, they are not on the front of the stage because their hour has not yet come. They are nevertheless well known by those who are aware of their megalomaniacal march, and the more their grip on the population tightens, the more they will be recognized and revealed to the innocent.

Their mission is that of the Prince of this world: to destroy humanity, to reduce it, to sterilize it, to impoverish it and to make it a slave to their own temporal ambition. If many men, women and children lose their lives in their ascent to what they believe to be heights of ambitious and selfish happiness, they do not care because their goal is themselves and not their fellow man.

They will ascend in their race to the heights of their ambition, the evil they will cause will be great, but I will not let them touch the least hair on the head of My people. I am your Redeemer and Heaven, My children, is at the end of your path. There will be martyrs, for evil feeds on wickedness, malice, injustice and impoverishment, and those who remain will see the victory of their God. Yes, I see evil spreading and tightening its grip, and what will happen is necessary to bring you back to the Church, My dearest children.

You will be converted, you will become fervent Catholics again, and you will get away from the evil shepherds who have turned you away from the purity of the faith. These evil shepherds will be driven out of the sheepfold or converted, and there will be only good shepherds and good flocks.

This time is not far off, it is at your doorstep and the lies in the mouths of those in authority are proof of this. Public lying is the mark of the devil and you are governed by those who have this mark. Pay attention to the signs of the times, and return to Me in righteousness and truth, in the exercise of Christian practice, in love for God, and in the certainty of His promises.

I bless you, My children, make known My Words, those which are before your eyes and which you are reading at this moment, and also be My witnesses by the uprightness of your life, of your thoughts and of all your acts.”
