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Message of the Blessed Virgin to the women of our times on the road to perdition

I tell you that now hell is full of souls, like you, who felt modern and entitled to go against your God... My daughters, reconsider, time is short


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03/21/2000 – Message of the Blessed Virgin to the women of our times on the road to perdition

“My little children, I am your Most Holy Mother, the ever Virgin Mary, the Mother of the Son of God made Man for the Redemption of the human race.

My little children, I am the Pure, the Holy, the Immaculate, virtues with which Our Father God endowed me for the mission that I had to carry out.

The Son of God could not descend from Heaven and incarnate in any woman; I was preserved from Original Sin to maintain a situation of purity, both of soul and body, so that my God could live and develop his first months, in a body and a soul according to His category of God. I was the purest and living Tabernacle to house Him here on Earth; an immense grace that I received from my God and Lord.

With this introduction I want to highlight the importance that Our Father God gives to Purity, a virtue that our enemy, the evil one, attacks with all his fury, and tries, from it, to uproot every being that comes to Earth to serve my Lord. .

We already told you about this exalted virtue, but now I want to delve deeper into it in order to explain the difference between love and desire, which are closely linked to purity.

The evil one, with his multiple deceptions, has led you to a situation of grave error, which seriously damages the heart of my God. It has made you believe that your body – your external beauty – is what counts, and hence it leads you to waste your time, God’s time, both in taking too much care to keep your exterior beautiful, and in doing evil use of your body preventing it from carrying out the work of procreation that He has asked of you, in order to continue sending souls to Earth so that with His Love in you, you can defeat the forces of evil.

In particular, I am addressing you, my little daughters, souls who have been touched by the feminine exterior.

Shame is no longer part of your life. You believe that if you don’t show your bodily forms you won’t be able to attract the opposite sex, and from here countless errors have derived that undermine your spiritual life and wasting God’s time, looking for how to show yourself more beautiful to the world. Your life is consumed in just seeing your exterior, in looking for the best makeup to highlight “your beauty”. Diets and food care to consume, become a science for the vast majority of you.

You talk about superfluous and sinful things, and only with the purpose of being admired, pampered and shown as a trophy in the hands of your “man”. You look for provocative fashions; you try to attend the places of perversion even in spite of suffering humiliation in those dens of vice and evil. You allow your body to be treated as a thing, as an instrument of human pleasure, as long as you show off to other women that you are capable of “loving”.

You have allowed yourselves to be deceived by the great deceiver, father of lies and evil, so as not to carry out the work of God in you. You deny your Father God, the Divine Grace of motherhood for not affecting your external beauty and for not affecting “housewife commitments”, because you feel you are free beings who can make of your body and of your soul what you want.

What a big mistake you have fallen into! Your lack of spirituality does not allow you to realize the deception in which you now live! You know that your body will not last long with the youth and freshness that you now have. You have changed love for desire, an error that makes you fall from Heaven to the abyss, from virtue to vice. You fill yourselves with jewels and tinsel externally and you empty your interior of the most beautiful, pure and holy thing that every woman could cultivate, love. The love that will give unity in the family, the love that will be like a containment dam against the forces of evil, the love that will make the human species endure under the Laws and Decrees of your God.

Now I can see a large number of young girls, who, by letting themselves be carried away by the world and its detours, have become like little porcelain dolls.

Very beautiful on the outside and very cold and empty on the inside. There is no longer usable material in the vast majority of you to achieve a stable family.

If you get married, facing the first responsibilities that you normally have when starting a family, you don’t know how to resolve them, and when you realize that your husband is no longer looking for the “doll” only, but for the woman and mother to form a family, then you feel that you can no longer handle the “package”, since you preferred only how to beautify yourself externally, you did not beautify your soul and its qualities and you did not increase the gifts that God gave you to be able to carry out your mission of wife and mother of a family.

Understand, my little ones, that love and desire are two very different situations. Love is food and life of the soul, which unites and makes the soul and the person grow as a whole.

Desire is a disordered passion of the body, totally detached from the soul; it is an animal appetite, it is an instinct that must be controlled by the spiritual forces of the human being.

If sometimes you feel dirtily observed by a man, it is because your way of dressing, your appearance incites him to it. He will not be able to observe beyond what you allow.

If many of you are attacked in your virginity, it is your own fault, you have lost your modesty and purity.

If many of you are taken as instruments of pleasure for a time and then set aside as rubbish, it is because of your emptiness and materialism.

You seek to buy everything possible and fill yourselves with coins, which will only help you earn your eternal perdition, when to get them you “sell” your exterior to the highest bidder. You no longer respect each other. Your body has become merchandise, and your behavior superfluous and empty. Your conversation has been filled with obscene words and sinful, empty and worldly topics.

There are very few of you, my little ones, in whom modesty and virtue are still present. There are very few of you now who go through life with the idea of serving your God in the family and in the continuity of love in your little ones. You are very few now, my little ones who look first for the interests of my Lord than for your own.

You are very few now, my little ones, those who seek to make a family and protect the spiritual treasures of my God and be able to pass them on to his little ones, to your children. You are so few now, my little ones, who pass through the world without contaminating yourselves with its meanness and sins.

Vanity and personal insecurity, due to lack of spirituality and prayer, lose you, make you fall easily. How is this world not going to be as it is now, if you, my little ones, my little women, the main ones in charge of transmitting the values in the family, no longer possess them!

The world has chained you to its emptiness and its lowliness and you no longer want to raise your eyes to your Creator, because you no longer want to be the “outdated, self-sacrificing and boring women of past times”. Now you feel like “modern” women, who can do what you want with your body, who have the “right” to kill the babies that are developing in your womb with contraceptives and abortion.

I tell you that now hell is full of souls, like you, who felt modern and entitled to go against your God.

The right to give and take life corresponds only to your God and Creator, and you are taking a prerogative that is chaining you for eternity in the infernal abyss.

The gift of motherhood is such a great blessing that in ancient times those who could not procreate were considered cursed, and those who could conceive were blessed by God.

My daughters, reconsider, time is short, and my Son has to return. Could you give a favorable account of your life to your God? Has your life been according to the will of your God? Have you given bodily and spiritual life by accepting motherhood and by observing and transmitting the Laws and the Love of your God to your children? Are you living in the world, as a true soul, daughter of God, should do?

All of you came into the world to give an example and a life of Holy Love and virtue, and not to destroy the Work of God by becoming accomplices of evil. Repent in this time that you have been given to reflect and straighten your path. Remember that from your God-love you will be able to obtain all the necessary forgiveness so that later you can guide your future life along the paths of good that He Himself has outlined for each one of you.

Attend to the desires of your God and He will attend yours for all eternity. Your time on Earth is too short compared to the eternity that He will give you as a reward for your good deeds and good performance of your mission.

Remember that you came to Earth to serve your God, great honor that is granted to the souls that He chooses; and all of you, who were given the gift of life, were chosen! Thank your God for this great Gift, amend your life and attend to his wishes with all your will and heart, that He will reward you richly.

Take from me, my little ones, my example, my guide and my love for our God, so that I can take you to the final goal in the best way, and so that I can obtain a great eternal prize from my Lord for each one of you.

In you, my little ones, it is mainly to return to restore what was lost by original sin. Seek and act in Purity, in Sobriety, in true Love, and thus the rest will be easy for the restoration of the Kingdom of God on Earth.

Fill yourselves with inner life, so that it is reflected on your exterior for the good of all. You are souls at the service of your God; Pray deeply so that the evil one does not deceive you anymore. Realize your value, both for the propagation of life, and of good customs towards the entire human race. Without you, my little ones, the life of prayer, family unity and the transmission of good customs of Christian devotion cannot take place. You are worth much more than you imagine! But only when you look within yourself, seeking Divine guidance, and enlarge it towards your exterior. The treasure that God placed inside you is GREAT, do not waste it.

I bless you in the name of Our Father, in the name of my Son Jesus Christ and in the name of my Spouse, the Holy Spirit of God-Love. And I bless you in my holy name, as Mother, Servant and Daughter of my God and Lord.

Overcome my Justice with your sincere change.”

Source: Sagrados Corazones