Read without hurry if you can...

Strive to read everything without being in a hurry...curiosity will not save you from the coming events that will devastate our planet... there will be no internet... prepare yourself with daily prayer and Holy Rosary, Confession, Communion, obedience to the 10 Commandments... Faith, no Fear! - Save your Soul!

The Lady of All Nations: Messages of 1951

The prayer is given. This prayer has been given for the conversion of the world. Pray this prayer in all that you do. This prayer shall be spread in churches and by modern means


Opportunity for Salvation! Before the coming Events

(First) Friday: August 2, (First) Saturday: August 3, 2024
Last Reminders. Don’t sleep spiritually. Save your soul. Be prepared for the coming events. Required: Sacramental Confession and Communion (Attend Mass, donot to arrive late).
The First 9 Fridays to the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Read the 12 Promises). The 5 First Saturdays to The Immaculate Heart of Mary (Read the Promises). (Double) Novena to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, given to Sister Natalia Magdolna (Read the 33 Promises, download and spread…)

2) The next twenty-four messages, 1951-1954: Following the proclamation of the dogma of the Assumption of Mary into Heaven on November 1, 1950, the messages take on a new direction. The great plan by which the Lady wishes to save the world gradually unfolds. She dictates a prayer which, together with her image, is to be spread throughout the whole world, and she states that this-her ‘worldwide action’-is the direct preparation for the final Marian dogma: Mary Coredemptrix, Mediatrix, and Advocate. In numerous messages she explicates the meaning and importance of this prayer, image, and dogma, and she promises that the dogma will bring about a completely new outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

On November 15, 1950, fifteen days following the proclamation of the dogma of the Assumption of Mary into Heaven, the Lady appeared standing on the globe, and for the first time she mentioned her new title: ‘The Lady of All Nations’. In the following year, 1951, the Lady dictated her short and simple prayer, directed to the Lord Jesus Christ, requesting the sending of the Holy Spirit. She gave instructions for the painting of her image and started to speak about the final Marian dogma: Coredemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate.

The first and greatest commandment: In many messages the Lady speaks to the Church and to all Christians. Time and again she stresses the importance of the great commandment: Love. Thus she says: “The first and greatest commandment for humanity is Love. One who possesses love will honor one’s Lord and Master in His creation, that is to say, see the greatness of His creation, including the Sacrifice. One who possesses love will do to other people everything one would like done to oneself. Love is the first and the greatest commandment which Christ gave” (message 35). The Lady admonishes Christians, telling them to be broad-minded and open-hearted; she continually calls for unity. Love alone can help this shattered world.




Message of January 25, 1951

A dream – This message was actually a dream. (1) I had really fallen asleep and was dreaming. Yet I was half awake at the moment I received this message. When it was finished, I woke up completely. I then got up and wrote down the message myself: In the night, between January 24 and 25, 1951, I dreamed that I was standing somewhere far away in a peculiar hall or room. All at once the Lady was standing opposite me. She was wearing a wide cloak draped about her; the shawl she usually wore over her head was wrapped about her neck, and she was wearing sandals on her bare feet. She said to me, “Look carefully and listen.”

The Last Supper – Then I saw a long table before me and behind it a kind of couch, upon which several men sat down, half reclining. In the middle I saw a luminous figure with bread and a chalice of wine before him. The Lady stood behind it all and told me once more,“Look carefully and listen.”

Fasting before approaching the Lord’s Table – And the hall suddenly became a large church full of people, in the middle of which the Lady and I stood watching. Next I heard the Lady’s voice, saying:“A decree shall and must be issued to the effect that people no longer have to fast before going to communion. There are so many people who, especially when they are in church, may feel a strong desire to go to the Lord’s Table, but are kept from doing so because they have not fasted.”Then the Lady pointed at those men and said, “These men also went straight from the street to the table.” And all of a sudden I saw that room again for an instant.

A new decree – “Look,” the Lady said, “at first, few people are going to the communion rails …” And then I suddenly heard a voice as if coming from outside and issuing that decree.(2) And then I saw people streaming to the communion rails. “It must and shall be like this”, the Lady said. “Do you see the difference now?” And immediately everything was gone and I woke up.

(1) The Lady refers to this dream in message 27.
(2) On January 6, 1953, and March 19, 1957, Pope Pius XII issued decrees in which the instructions on fasting before going to communion were considerably mitigated. Pope John XXIII mitigated them even further.




Message of February 11, 1951, Our Lady of Lourdes (1)

The Lady, Mary, Mother of All Nations – I see a bright light and then I see the Lady standing before me. She says, “I am the Lady, Mary, Mother of All Nations. You may say: The Lady of All Nations or Mother of All Nations, who once was Mary. I come on this very day to tell you that this is who I wish to be. The people of all countries shall truly be one.” Then, without saying anything, the Lady remains standing in her usual posture and is looking at me continuously. Then she says, “The entire world is undergoing upheaval, but the worst thing is that the people of this world are being brought into upheaval.” Then it is as if the Lady is walking along the globe and I see that the whole world is in confusion and entering into upheaval.

The Second Vatican Council – “I am bringing you here”, says the Lady, and suddenly I am with her above Italy. I see the Vatican and then I enter St. Peter’s together with the Lady. We walk through the central passage and halt near the middle of St. Peter’s. On either side I see scaffolding, benches mounting up in tiers. Upon those benches I see many cardinals and bishops wearing white miters. (2)The Lady says, “Watch closely; these are the bishops of all countries.” Now I see the Pope seated, wearing the tiara. He is sitting at the far end of the central passage. I see some clergy standing about him. In one hand he is holding a scepter, and from the other he is raising two fingers in the well-known position. He has a large, thick book before of him. The Lady says, “Listen carefully, child. Changes have already been made, and others are in progress. I, however, want to bring the Son’s message. The doctrine is right, but the laws can and must be changed. I want to tell you this on this very day, for the world is undergoing great upheaval––nobody knows in which direction. That is why the Son wants me to bring this message.”

The pains of the Cross – And now suddenly I am standing before a large Cross. While looking at it, I am seized with terrible pains. I get muscle cramps from head to foot. It is as if all the muscles in both of my arms are contracting, causing me to clench my fingers. It is as if my head is split asunder, and I get a feverish feeling as if my head would burst. All this together causes me to weep. I can bear it no longer and ask the Lady whether it might pass. Then she smiles. It lasts for another moment and then everything is gone. Then the Lady says to me, “Let everyone come back to the Cross; only then can there be peace and tranquility.”

The prayer is given – While I am still standing with the Lady before the Cross, she says, “Repeat after me.” To me this is a little bit strange. I think to myself, “But I already repeat everything she says!” But suddenly I see the Lady become even more beautiful than she already was. The light which always surrounds her becomes much brighter and brilliant, such that I can hardly bear to look into it. She now raises and joins her hands, which she otherwise always holds down. Her face becomes so heavenly, so sublime; one simply cannot express it in words. Her figure grows even more translucent and so beautiful that I look at it in rapture. Then the Lady says, “Pray before the Cross:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Father, 
send now Your Spirit over the earth. 
Let the Holy Spirit live 
in the hearts of all nations, 
that they may be preserved 
from degeneration, disaster and war. 
May the Lady of All Nations, 
who once was Mary, 
be our Advocate. Amen.”

The Lady says this prayer so beautifully and impressively–– no one in the world could do it as she did. She stresses the word ‘now’ in ‘send now Your Spirit’ and ‘all’ in ‘Let the Holy Spirit live in the hearts of all nations’. She also pronounces the word ‘Amen’ so beautifully and solemnly. While still standing in front of the Cross, I pray it, repeating the words the Lady recited to me. It is as if the words are imprinted in my mind. I now see them written in large letters.

The first and greatest commandment – The Lady continues, “Child, this is so simple and short that everyone can say it in one’s own language, before one’s own crucifix; and those who have no crucifix say it to themselves. This is the message which I want to give this very day, for I am now coming to say that I want to save souls. All of you, cooperate in this great work for the world. If only every child of man would try to live up to this for oneself.” And then the Lady raises a finger and says, “Especially in the first and greatest commandment, Love.” I now see this word written in large letters. “Let them begin with that”, the Lady says. Then I see a certain group of people; the Lady looks at them very compassionately and says, “And then the little ones of this world will say: how can we begin with that? For it is the great ones who do this to us.” The Lady says this very lovingly, as if she had great pity on the people around her. But then the Lady’s face changes, and she says very emphatically, “And then I say to the little ones: if you practice Love among yourselves in all its refinement, even the great ones will not have a chance. Go to your crucifix and say what I recited to you, and the Son will answer it.”

The fight concerning the spirit – Then the Lady says to me, “A great natural disaster will again take place. The great ones of this world will always disagree with one another. People will seek here and there. Watch out for the false prophets. Seek and ask only for the true Holy Spirit. For it is now a war of ideas. The fight no longer concerns races and peoples; the fight concerns the spirit. Understand this well.”

The laws can be changed – Then the Lady folds her hands. I now see the Pope with cardinals and bishops. Then the Lady says, as if speaking to the Pope, “You can save this world. I have said more than once: Rome has its chance. Seize the present moment. No church in the world is built-up like yours. But move with the times and insist upon your modern changes concerning religious, priests, seminarians, and so on and so forth. Keep an eye on that. Carry through with it to the smallest detail! The doctrine remains, but the laws can be changed. Let the people of this world benefit more from the Remembrance of my Son.” Then the Lady says to me, “I showed you in the dream how the practice of frequent communion can be carried through. This I tell you for the Netherlands and for all countries in which it is not so.”

Countries of Europe – America – “For Germany I want to say: they shall work hard, hard in this country to bring the people, who have strayed far, far away, back to this center, the Cross. Priests are too few, but lay people are many. Conduct a great campaign among the laity to call them forward for this goal. Work here above all with great love and charity. The great ones of Germany shall help and not turn away from the Church. Deutschland jedoch liegt mir sehr am Herzen. Die Mutter Gottes weint über die Kinder Deutschlands.(3) For France, Belgium, the Balkans and Austria, I say the following: do not let yourselves be brought to the wrong spirit. For Italy I say: great ones of Italy, do you know your task? To England I say: I will come back, England. To America I say: do not push your politics too far; and seek the True Spirit. I am glad that America is better disposed to the faith at the moment.”

Africa – Asia – We are taking care of them “For Africa I say: say that I would like to have a seminary there. I will help the Dominicans. Tell this to your spiritual director.(4) Tell him also that the Son is content with his work and guidance. Tell him that he should be more courageous in carrying through with these matters. I only want to make use of you to carry through with the will of the Son in this time. Indeed, I want to ask you, child of man, to help people as much as possible. I shall give you strength and support for this. Your spiritual director is chosen for helping you in this work only. Everything else can stay as it is. He will understand me. Further, I would like to say to all Eastern and Asian peoples, whether they know the Son or not: We are taking care of them.”

This time is Our time – Then the Lady points at the globe again and says, “This time is Our time. You, child, are only the instrument for passing these things on. You shall do this. Yes, there are enough proofs––in what I said today, too. Say that I wish to be: The Lady of All Nations.”

(1) The visionary received this message in Germany. 
(2) Later, when the visionary saw pictures of the Second Vatican Council on television (1962-1965), she recognized them to be the images described here.
(3) “My heart is greatly concerned for Germany. The Mother of God weeps for the people of Germany.” Our Lady said these two sentences in German, rather than in Dutch.
(4) Fr. Frehe, the spiritual director of the visionary, belonged to the Dominican order. Some of his fellow Dominicans had asked him to pray for a Dominican seminary in Africa.




Message of March 4, 1951

The will of the Son – I see a bright light, and then I hear, “Here I am again.” Through the bright light I see the Lady. She says, “Look carefully and listen to what I am going to tell you.” Then the Lady shakes her head at me in disapproval and says, “Child, you shall pass on my message! My only intention is that the will of the Son be done in this time. Understand well: you are only the instrument.”

The image of the Lady – Then it is as if the Lady places herself before me very clearly, and she says, “Look at my image and examine it closely.” And she gestures as if wanting to say: just feel. I am actually allowed to feel the contour of her figure, but I feel that contour as something spiritual. Her hair is thick and wavy, flowing down over her shoulders. For a moment it is as if she is a human being, but at the same time not. I now see that her veil is of a kind of linen––white, but not snow-white. It is as if she has folded back the veil in order to let her face be seen. Then the Lady says, “Now, imprint this clearly upon your memory. I am standing on the globe and both of my feet are set firmly upon it. You also see my hands clearly, and my face, hair, and veil. The rest is as in a haze.” For a moment it is as if I see a haze around her. “Look carefully at what is protruding on both sides at the height of my shoulders and above my head.” With astonishment I notice that it is a Cross, and I say to the Lady, “That is a Cross; I see the crossbeams and the main beam protruding.” The Lady smiles and says, “Well, did you see it clearly? I have let you see my head, hands, and feet as of a human being. Mark well, as of the Son of Man. The rest is the Spirit.”

The spreading of the prayer and image – “You shall have this image made and spread together with the prayer I recited. That is my wish for today, and I want this to be done in many languages. That is the answer for your spiritual director. Child, once more I insist that this be carried through. It is of great importance that you, child, do not let others deter you from it. And you yourself shall stand strong and see it through.” Now I ask the Lady, “I feel so weak for that. Will they believe it?” Then the Lady answers, “I am only asking you to do what I tell you. More is not expected. I only wish that this be done. You, child of man, cannot estimate what great value this can have. Tell that to your spiritual director as well. For I wish to be the Lady of All Nations in this time. And that is why I want the prayer with the image to be translated into all major languages and prayed every day. Do not be afraid.”

Explanation of the image – Now the Lady pauses before me for a moment, and I see her very clearly. Then she says, “Now I will explain to you why I come in this way. I stand as the Lady before the Cross––with head, hands and feet as of a human being; with the body, however, as of the Spirit, because the Son came by the will of the Father. Now, however, the Spirit shall come over the world, and that is why I want this to be prayed for.” Now the Lady pauses a moment before adding, “I am standing on the globe because this concerns the whole world.” Then it is as if the Lady draws a semicircle with her hand, and she says, “Look carefully.” Now I see a semicircle emerging, stretching from one end of the crossbeam to the other. It is as if that circle consists of a peculiar kind of light, and in it I see letters appear in black print: on the left, ‘de Vrouwe’, in the center, ‘van alle’, and on the right, ‘Volkeren’. (1) Then the Lady says, “There is a special reason why I am giving you this here. This is yet to come. Pass everything on carefully. That is my message for today. The spirit of untruth is penetrating so dreadfully that it is necessary to carry through with this quickly. The whole world is degenerating, and because of this the Son is sending the Lady of All Nations, who once was Mary.”

(1) The title ‘The Lady of All Nations” appeared in Dutch over the Cross.




Message of March 28, 1951

Obedience to the Son – I see a bright light and then hear, “Here I am again, the Lady of All Nations.” Then I see the Lady before me clearly. She says, “I am coming only to bring you the following message. Tell your spiritual director that everything is going well like that. But, the Son wants to be obeyed. His will must be carried out.”

The prayer once again – “Look carefully once more at how I look.” Now it is as if the Lady is coming closer, and she again lets me see everything clearly. Then she says, “This is how it has to be spread. In the text of the prayer which I recited, nothing may be changed.” Again the Lady prays the prayer in the same beautiful way and with that heavenly expression:

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Father,
send now Your Spirit over the earth.
Let the Holy Spirit live
in the hearts of all nations,
that they may be preserved
from degeneration, disaster and war.
May the Lady of All Nations,
who once was Mary,
be our Advocate. Amen.”

While the Lady says the prayer, she lets me read it in printed letters. Then I see that the word ‘now’ in the phrase ‘send now Your Spirit’ and the word ‘All’ in ‘the Lady of All Nations’ are underlined. Then the Lady says, “‘Who once was Mary’, that stays as it is.”

Era of decline – “Tell your spiritual director further that prudence is good, but the Son is sending me to you to carry out His will. Child, do not be afraid. I stand as the Lady before the Cross, and in this way I wish to be brought back into the world. And you, child, are the instrument, only the instrument. Earlier I already showed you, ‘51-53’.(1) Do you know, child, what kind of an era this is? Throughout the centuries the world has not yet experienced such an era, such a decline of faith; and that is why I want this to be carried out, quickly and without fear. Tell your spiritual director that in these modern times, in this modern world, which knows so well how to act promptly and quickly in material affairs, it is equally necessary in spiritual matters to act quickly, promptly and in a modern way.”

Rome in danger – Then it is as if I suddenly see Rome before me. I hear the Lady say, as she moves her finger to and fro in disapproval, “Do you know your laws?” Then the Lady says to me again, “Further, tell your spiritual director not to be afraid. He will understand me. For it is I who have chosen him and you to pass this on. Today this is my special message so that action will be taken. I already told you earlier: the Cross has to be brought back into the world in these years, 51-53. You do not know what is lying hidden in the future. You do not realize the great danger facing Rome. Rome still thinks that she is standing strong, but she is not aware of how she is being undermined. Do you realize how quickly action needs to be taken? Do you realize that theology must give way to the cause of my Son?”

Do not be afraid – Next the Lady says, “I move away from the Cross and place myself beside it.” Now the Lady steps aside, and it is as if I were placed before that large Cross. Again I feel those terrible pains. This lasts a while. Then the Lady takes her place again before the Cross, and says further, “You shall do what I tell you, child. I will assist you and the others. I want it to be spread in many languages. I will help them in this. Do not be so afraid. Why be afraid regarding the concerns of the Son? Spread this. Otherwise the world will fall into degeneration. Otherwise the world will destroy itself. Otherwise there will be war upon war and no end to destruction.”

False prophets – “Rome must know her task in this time. Does Rome realize which enemy is lying in wait and creeping like a snake throughout the world? And by this I do not mean communism alone; other prophets will come––false prophets. That is why those means should be made use of. I stand as the Lady before the Cross, as the Mother before my Son, Who through the Father entered into me. And this is why I stand before my Son, as the Advocate and bearer of this message to this modern world.”

(1) See message 23, “Korea”




Message of April 1, 1951

All nations – I see a bright light and I hear a voice say, “Child, last time I came only to let you know that it was I.” And now all of a sudden I see the Lady emerging from that bright light. She says to me, “Now I am here to give you further explanation. Watch closely and listen carefully to what I am going to say. I am standing here, and I wish to be: The Lady of All Nations––not of one nation in particular, but of all.” At that the Lady extends her hands, and I see many different people, even sorts of people whom I never knew existed.

The final Marian dogma – The Lady continues, “Now I will explain something to you again; listen carefully. Try to understand what this message means. I am standing before the Cross with my head, hands and feet as of a human being; my body as of the Spirit. Why am I like this? My body has been taken up, like the Son. Now I am standing in sacrifice before the Cross. For I suffered with my Son spiritually and, above all, bodily. This will become a much contested dogma.” I say that this message makes me afraid. Then the Lady says, “Child, pass it on, and say: this brings the Marian dogmas to a close.” While saying this the Lady makes a kind of ring or circle, which, so to speak, she closes with a lock. “You have nothing to do other than pass this on.I have said: theology must give way to the concerns of my Son. By this I mean to say: theologians, the Son always looks for the little and simple for His cause. Do you believe in the little and simple, just as you tell others they should? Simple faith. We have no time for waiting around. This time is Our time.”

The Mother of the Son of Man – Now the Lady, without a word, remains before me for a long time, looking at me with a smile. Then she moves away from the Cross, and again those intense pains come over me. First, terrible cramps in the all the muscles of my body. Then this fades away, and spiritually I feel very strange and tired. All at once I see the Lady standing before the Cross again, and those pains stop. Now I see the Lady as in a haze. Her body is so translucent that through it I can now see, so to speak, the Cross clearly before me. Then suddenly those terrible pains begin anew. This lasts for a moment; then everything is normal again, and the Lady says to me, “Child, just as He suffered, so did I suffer as the Mother of the Son of Man. Repeat this correctly.”

In the hearts of all nations – After this the Lady points out to me the globe on which she is standing, and it is as if it is snowing around her. The Lady smiles and says, “You do not understand this? Look carefully at the globe.” And now I see the globe covered with a thick layer of snow. Now the Lady smiles again and says, “Now look at the globe again.” And it is as if the sun were shining upon it, as if the snow were melting and slowly disappearing into the ground. Then the Lady says, “You are wondering: what does this mean? Now you will receive the explanation of my coming today. Just as the snowflakes whirl over the world and fall upon the ground in a thick layer, so will the prayer and the image spread over the world and fall down into the hearts of all nations.” As she says this, I see all those nations standing before me. Then the Lady points first at her own heart, and then at the hearts of all those people, and says,“Just as the snow melts into the ground, so the fruit, the Spirit, will come into the hearts of all people who pray this prayer every day. For they are asking for the Holy Spirit to come over the world.”

Go with great ardor and zeal – “And now I am speaking to those who want a miracle. Very well then, I tell them: go with great ardor and zeal about this work of redemption and peace, and you will behold the miracle. This is my message for today, because time presses. A great action must be set on foot for the Son and the Cross, and for the Advocate and bearer of tranquility and peace, the Lady of All Nations.”

Simple faith – “You, child, will have to cooperate without fear or dread. Spiritually and physically you will suffer. Later they will see what my intention was. I will give you directions for the outspreading. I brought you here today in all silence and tranquility so that you may pass on my message well. Say that this is urgent. The world is in such degeneration, is so materialistic, that it is high time to bring simple faith among the people again. And this is all they need: the Cross with the Son of Man. You, the older ones of this world, teach your children to return to the Cross. I will help them as the Lady of All Nations.”

Trust – “And you, child, into your womb I lay the people of the entire world. Look at me and trust.” Then the Lady looks at me for a long time, and, as I see her slowly disappearing, she says, “This time is Our time.”




Message of April 15, 1951

The loin-cloth – I see that great bright light again. Very slowly the Lady comes forth from that light, and then she is standing before me clearly. The Lady is not yet saying anything, but looking at me with a smile. This lasts for a while, and then she begins to speak. The Lady says, “Child, look carefully once more.” The Lady now points at the sash wrapped around her waist; I have to look at it carefully. The Lady says, “You have described everything correctly. You are on the right path. But look carefully at this cloth once more.” Now I see the Lady remove the cloth from her waist. It is a very long cloth, and she lets me see how she wraps it around herself. With her left hand she holds one end, and with her right hand she wraps that cloth twice around her waist until reaching the left side again. Then with her left hand she tucks in the end, such that a little part is left hanging down. “Listen carefully to what this means”, the Lady says. “This is as the loin-cloth of the Son. For I stand as the Lady before the Cross of the Son.”

A new dogma – “This image will precede …” Here the Lady pauses for a moment and then repeats with great emphasis, “will precede a dogma, a new dogma. Now I will explain it to you. Listen carefully. The Son came into this world as the Redeemer of humanity, and the work of redemption was the Cross, with all its sufferings, spiritual and bodily.” Then the Lady moves away from the Cross, and I stand again before that large Cross. Once again those dreadful pains seize hold of me, more violently than before. It lasts a long time for me, and then the Lady, as if surrounded by a haze, places herself before the Cross. I see her double over, and then she begins to weep. Such indescribable sorrow is written upon her face, and tears are running down her cheeks. Then the Lady says, “Child!” And now it is as if she transmits that suffering to me. First of all I am seized by spiritual exhaustion, which I feel very strongly. And I feel the same pains as before, yet not as intensely as the first time. Suddenly it is as if I collapse, and I tell the Lady, “I can’t bear it any more.” It lasts another moment, and then everything is over.

The Coredemptrix and Advocate – Once again the Lady is standing clearly before the Cross, and she says, “Listen well and understand well what I am now going to explain. Once again I say: the Son came into the world as the Redeemer of humanity. The work of redemption was the Cross. He was sent by the Father. Now, however, the Father and the Son wants to send the Lady throughout the whole world. For in the past, too, she went before the Son and followed Him. That is why I now stand on the world, on the globe. The Cross is firmly fixed upon it, implanted in it. Now the Lady places herself before it, as the Mother of the Son, who with Him accomplished this work of redemption. This image speaks for itself and shall already be brought into the world, because the world needs the Cross again. The Lady, however, stands as the Coredemptrix and Advocate before the Cross. Much controversy will arise over this. The Church, Rome, however, shall not be afraid to take up this struggle. It can only make the Church stronger and more powerful. This I am saying to theologians. Furthermore I tell them: take this matter seriously. Once again I say: the Son always looks for the little, the simple for His cause. Child, I hope you have grasped this well and can refute all objections.”

Rapid spreading of the prayer – “Now I am speaking to you in particular, child. See to the rapid spreading.” I say to the Lady, “How am I capable of this? I am so afraid of it.” Then the Lady says, “You are afraid? But I am helping you! You will find that the spreading will happen as if by itself. You are on the right path. This shall and must happen. The people who accept this prayer shall make a promise to pray it every day. You cannot estimate the great value this will have. You do not know what the future has in store.”

The world in degeneration – And now the Lady lets me see the world and it is as if snakes were creeping all over the globe. Then she says, “People still do not realize what a serious plight the world is in. Because people are becoming so shallow, they cannot realize how much harm this is doing to the faith.” After this the Lady looks in front of herself for a long time, as if gazing far into the distance. Then she says, “Child, these times are the same as the times before the Son came. That is why I cannot insist enough that people, that Rome, that everyone help fight for the cause of the Son. I know that there is some revival here and there, but far from what is needed to save the world. And the world must be saved from degeneration, disaster and war. Send this prayer and image to those countries where faith has declined.”

Peace – “And then I speak for your spiritual director. Tell him that he shall act. I will help, and you shall do only what I say. For I wish to be the Lady of All Nations, who wants to help the world in this time. Nobody knows which way to turn. Very well then, go back to your simple faith, and the world will again have peace.” Now the Lady goes away, very slowly, and I hear her say again, “This time is Our time.”




Message of April 29, 1951

The Lady of All Nations – I see a bright light; the Lady slowly comes forth from it. Now I see her standing before me clearly, and she says, “I am standing here as the Lady of All Nations, and I come right now in order to show that I wish to be the Lady of All Nations. Listen carefully. You see me standing here upon the globe, against the Cross of the Son. You have not forgotten to pass on anything. Only that the loin-cloth was not there yet. It was worn by the Son; say this.”

The dogma of the Coredemptrix – “I stand here as the Coredemptrix and Advocate. Every thought should be directed at that. Repeat this after me: the new dogma shall be the dogma of the Coredemptrix. ‘Co’––this I stress especially. I have said: much controversy will arise over that. Once again I tell you: the Church, Rome, will carry through with it and fight for it. The Church, Rome, will incur opposition and stand firm. The Church, Rome, will grow stronger and more powerful insofar as she stands firm in the fight. My intention and my instruction for you is none other than to urge the Church, the theologians, onward to this fight. For the Father, the Son, the Spirit wants to bring the Lady, chosen to bring the Redeemer, into this world as Coredemptrix and Advocate.”

This time is Our time – “I have said: this time is Our time. By this I mean the following: the world is caught up in degeneration and superficiality; it does not know which direction to turn. That is why the Father is sending me to be the Advocate, so that the Holy Spirit will come. For the world is not saved by force, the world will be saved by the Spirit. For it is nothing other than ideas which rule the world. Very well then, Church of Rome, know your task. Bring your ideas, bring Christ anew.”

The Lady under the Cross – Now the Lady moves away from the Cross, and once more I feel those terrible pains very fiercely. This lasts for a while, and then I see the Lady standing before the Cross as in a haze. Then again violent spiritual and bodily pains come over me. I feel so exhausted; it is as if I were going to collapse, and I say, “I can’t bear it any more.” Meanwhile I see the Lady collapsing beneath the Cross, and she throws both her arms around the feet of her Son, while weeping bitterly. After this I see her rise. From the right I see a sword appearing, with its point directed at the Lady’s heart. Then I hear her say, “That was the stab which was predicted to me.”

It is already predestined – Then all pain and spiritual depression fall away from me, and I again see the Lady clearly, standing before the Cross. She looks at me and says, “Child, pass it on well that those who fight and work for this cause, which the Son wants to be realized, are to do so with great ardor and zeal.” Now the Lady smiles and says, “I will help them. I told you, recited to you, that simple prayer to the Father and the Son. See to it that it is made known throughout the world, among all peoples. They all have a right to it. I assure you that the world will change. But you, child, shall simply pass on what I say. Your spiritual director shall simply do my will. You ask how it will come about? Just by spreading it; nothing else is requested for the time being. It is only that this shall precede. I say once more: precede. This image will be used as a preceding work of peace and redemption. Later on they will use this image for the Coredemptrix …” Now the Lady pauses for a moment. Then she says once more very emphatically, “Coredemptrix!The Lady, the Mother, shared in the sufferings, both spiritual and bodily. She always preceded. When the Father selected her, she was already the Coredemptrix with the Redeemer, He who came into the world as Man-God. Tell this to your theologians. I know, the struggle will be severe and great, …” ––and then the Lady smiles to herself, and it is as if she gazes into the far distance–– “but it is already predestined.”

The seriousness of the times – Then the Lady says to me, while coming closer, “Now you see me standing here clearly, very clearly. This is how the image is to go over the world. Child, insist that these things be carried through. No, they shall not hesitate; they shall act. The times are much too serious. Nobody realizes how serious. I also want to come among those peoples who are being kept away from the Son. Save those who are being forced to turn away from Him. It is your duty. The world is degenerating so much that it was necessary for the Father and the Son to send me into this world, among all nations, in order to come as Advocate and to redeem. Tell this to the theologians.” Then I see the Lady leave, and again I hear her say, “This time is Our time.”




Message of May 31, 1951(1) Feast of Mary, Mediatrix of All Graces

Coredemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate – The Lady is again there, and she says, “I stand here and come to tell you that I wish to be Mary, the Lady of All Nations. Look carefully. I am standing before the Cross of the Redeemer. My head, hands and feet as of a human being, as of the Son of Man; the body as of the Spirit. I have firmly placed my feet upon the globe, for in this time the Father and the Son wants to bring me into this world as Coredemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate. This will be the new and final Marian dogma. This image will precede. This dogma will be much disputed, yet it will be carried through. I have repeated these things so that you may once more clarify this to your spiritual director and theologians and refute their objections.”

The flock of sheep – “Pay close attention now and describe what I let you see. This is the last instruction I will give for the image. Look carefully. I am standing on the globe. Around the globe, child, you thought you were seeing clouds. But now look carefully at what I will let you see.” Now I see the clouds changing into living sheep. From left and right around the globe a flock of sheep comes forth on both sides, as if from out of the depths. Here and there I see some black sheep among them. Lambs lie down at the foot of the globe. Sheep come walking along, some grazing. But most have their heads upturned, as if gazing intently at the Lady and the Cross. There are also sheep lying on the ground with their heads raised, looking at the Lady. It is a beautiful and peaceful sight. Then the Lady says to me, “Child, imprint this image well upon your memory and describe it well. This image of the flock of sheep represents the nations of the whole world, who will not find rest until they lie down and in tranquility look up at the Cross, the center of this world.”

The rays of Grace, Redemption and Peace – “Now look at my hands and describe what you see.” Now it is as if there, in the middle of her hands, had been a wound. From there, from each hand, three rays of light are coming forth, shining upon the sheep. The Lady smiles and says, “These are three rays, the rays of Grace, Redemption and Peace. Through the Grace of my Lord and Master, and out of love for humanity, the Father sent to the world His only Son as Redeemer. Now both of them want to send the Holy, the True Spirit, who alone can be Peace. Hence: Grace, Redemption, Peace. The Father and the Son wish to send Mary, the Lady of All Nations, in this time as Coredemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate. Here I have given you a clear and distinct explanation of this image. With this the image is complete.” (2)

A promise – “You, child, are the instrument, merely the instrument, for passing on these things. See to it that the prayer, which briefly and powerfully asks for the sending of the Holy, True Spirit, is spread as quickly as possible. Tell your spiritual director and all who cooperate in this that I promise to give grace for soul and body––according to the Son’s will––to all who pray before the image and call upon Mary, the Lady of All Nations.”

From country to country, from town to town – “You should not treat this as something for a limited circle. For I am the Lady of All Nations. This image shall go from country to country, from town to town. That is the intention of the work of redemption. Now I speak to your spiritual director and the others who are cooperating. Be aware of your duty and do not hesitate to carry through with what I have said. Once more I want to say: I promise to help all who are in spiritual or bodily need, if they do my will, the Father’s will.”

The women and men of this world – Now the Lady waits a moment and gazes before herself. Then she says, “Theologians, you will have no difficulty if you consider that the Lord and Master had already predestined the Lady for sacrifice. For the sword had already been pointed at the heart of the Mother. With this I mean to say that I always went before the Son in spiritual and bodily sufferings. And now I speak to the women of this world: women of this world, do you know what it means to be a woman? It means making sacrifices. Abandon all of your egoism and vanity, and try to bring to the center, the Cross, all children and those who are still wandering around grazing. Make sacrifices. And now I speak to the men of this world. I say to them: from you, men, has to come the strength and the will to lead the world to the sole Prince of this world, the Lord Jesus Christ.”

Act in a modern way and promptly – “I have explained to you, child, what this message will mean for the world. You, through your spiritual director and others, shall see to it that this is made known to the world. This is my wish for today. For I wish to be the Lady of All Nations. Act in a modern way and promptly.” And now the Lady is slowly leaving, as she says, “This time is Our time.”

(1) This is the first time that the Lady appeared on May 31. In several dioceses the Feast of Mary, Mediatrix of All Graces was celebrated on this day. See also footnote 67. 
(2) The painter had already begun the image of the Lady of All Nations when these last directions were given regarding the image. The already-painted clouds had to be changed into sheep. It was, of course, a very difficult task to portray the Lady of All Nations in a painting. In the following message the Lady expresses her approval of the work done. See also Appendix II.




Message of July 2, 1951, Feast of the Visitation (1)

A great action for God – I see the Lady again, standing in a bright light. She smiles and says, while looking around her, “I am content. See to the outspreading. I have said: from here a great action for God is to begin, and all are to cooperate in it.”

Explanation of the new dogma – “Now look carefully and listen. The following is an explanation of the new dogma. As Coredemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate I stand on the globe before the Cross of the Redeemer. By the will of the Father, the Redeemer came to the world. For this, the Father used the Lady. Thus, from the Lady the Redeemer received only––now I am stressing the word ‘only’––the flesh and blood, that is to say, the body. From my Lord and Master the Redeemer received His Divinity. In this way the Lady became the Coredemptrix. I have said: this time is Our time. This means that the Father and the Son wants to send the Coredemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate throughout the whole world in this time.”

Love of God, Love of Neighbor – Then the Lady remains before me for a long time without saying anything. Then, looking at her hands, she says, “Now look carefully at my hands. From them come forth the rays of Grace, Redemption and Peace. The rays are shining upon all nations, upon all the sheep. Among these people there are many of good will. To be of good will means to keep the first and greatest commandment. The first and greatest commandment is Love. One who possesses love will honor one’s Lord and Creator in His creation. One who possesses love will do nothing dishonorable towards one’s neighbor. That is what this world lacks: Love of God, Love of Neighbor.”

Who once was Mary – “This time is Our time. All nations must honor the Lord and Master in His creation. All nations shall pray for the True and Holy Spirit. That is why I have given this short and powerful prayer. So I say once more: this prayer shall be spread rapidly. The whole world is falling into degeneration. People of good will shall pray every day that the True Spirit may come! I am the Lady of All Nations. This time is Our time. ‘Who once was Mary’ means: many people have known Mary as Mary. Now, however, in this new era which is about to begin, I wish to be the Lady of All Nations. Everyone understands this. Tell this to your spiritual director. Tell him that I am content with everything, and now I stress the word ‘everything’. And I tell you, child, to do and pass on what I want. Have no fear; pass it on!” And now the Lady slowly goes away.

(1) Due to a decree made on March 21, 1969, this feast is now celebrated on May 31st. See also footnote 67.




Message of August 15, 1951, Feast of the Assumption of Mary into Heaven

The dogma of the Assumption – I see the Lady. She says, “Today I come as the Lady of All Nations.” Then the Lady points around herself. She looks at me and says, “I crushed the snake with my foot. I became united with the Son, just as I was always united with Him. In the history of the Church, this, the dogma, preceded.(1) As Coredemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate I stand here now in this time, in Our time. The dogma of the Assumption had to precede. The final and greatest dogma is to follow. The Sacrifice is present and shall be present in the midst of the world, in this time.”

Entrusted to the Mother – Now the Lady moves away from the Cross and once again I feel intense pain. Then the Lady places herself again before the Cross, and I am greatly distressed at the sight of her suffering. I see a bright light coming from the Cross. The Lady says, “Humanity is entrusted to the Mother. For the Son said: ‘Woman, behold your son; son, behold your mother’––therefore Coredemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate. Tell this to your theologians. Say that I wish to be and shall be the Coredemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate.”

The final Marian dogma – “This image shall precede; this image shall be spread. Tell this to your spiritual director. I am satisfied with everything, including his prudence. But … the Lady of All Nations will place herself in the world. This is the will of the Father and the Son, with whom I am completely united again. Just as the Son knew me, so did He take me back again. The final Marian dogma will be the greatest one: to stand as Coredemptrix before the Cross in this time.”

Do not hesitate – “I have said: disasters will come, natural disasters. I have said: the great ones will disagree with one another. I have said: the world is falling into degeneration. That is why the Father and the Son now sends the Lady back into the world as she was. The Lady was once known as Mary. The world is falling into degeneration, is in degeneration. The Netherlands is on the brink of degeneration; that is why I have put my foot on it. From the Netherlands I want to give my words to the world. My other foot is placed on Germany. Die Mutter Gottes weint über die Kinder Deutschlands.(1) They have always been my children, and that is why, from Germany too, I wish to be brought into the world as the Lady of All Nations. I shall help you and all who see to this. I even want the outspreading to penetrate into those countries which are cut off from others. There also will the Lady of All Nations give her blessing. See to this; do not hesitate. For I myself never hesitated. I went before the Son on the way to the Cross. This image shall precede. This image shall be brought into the world. Do you realize, Rome, how much everything is being undermined? Years will pass by, years will elapse. But the more the years, the less faith; the more the years, the greater the apostasy. The Lady of All Nations stands here and says, I want to help them, and I may help them.”

Love – “The first and greatest commandment for humanity is Love. One who possesses love will honor one’s Lord and Master in His creation, that is to say, see the greatness of His creation, including the Sacrifice. One who possesses love will do unto others all which one would want done unto oneself. Love is the first and the greatest commandment which Christ gave. This is what I want to bring today. This message is to be passed on. You are the instrument.”

To what is good, to Christ – “The Church will encounter much opposition on account of the new dogma. It will arouse astonishment in others. It will only make the Church stronger and more powerful. Do you know, Rome, how great your power is? Are you aware of what you have in your hands? Simply bring humanity to what is good, to Christ. Other little things do not matter. I wish to be the Lady of All Nations. I will and may bestow Grace, Redemption and Peace upon all who ask me. I promise this today.”

One in Christ – “You, child, shall wait quietly. Your spiritual director should not be so afraid. Bring all nations together as one mind. Let all nations be one in Jesus Christ.” And now the Lady slowly goes away.

(1) The Lady is here referring to the dogma of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary into Heaven. 
(2) This sentence was said in German and means: “The Mother of God weeps for the people of Germany.”




Message of September 20, 1951

Spiritual undermining – The Lady is there again. She looks at me for a long time without saying anything. Then she starts speaking and says, “I was called Miriam, or Mary. Now I wish to be the Lady of All Nations. Child, tell them that time presses.” Now I see ‘52’ before me. The Lady says, “Great and serious events are imminent ––spiritual, economic and material; spiritual events, spiritual undermining.”

Benevolent and broad-minded – “Christian people throughout the whole world shall join together. Do Christian people realize what others do and sacrifice for their ideals? The Church shall and must be ready to meet great dangers. Christian people shall and must search their hearts. They shall remember what their part is in this world. Once again I warn Rome, and then I tell the Holy Father: you are the fighter in this time; see to it that your subjects are benevolent and broad-minded in their work and in their judgment. Only in this way can the world be won for the faith.”

The prayer for the True Spirit – Now all at once I see snowflakes about the Lady, and they are falling upon the globe. Then the Lady says, “Child, why is this prayer not being spread? Why such a long wait? I taught it to you, so that it would be brought into the world among the people. Let the people pray this short, simple prayer every day. This prayer is short and simple, so that everyone in this quick and modern world can pray it. It is given in order to call down the True Spirit upon the world.”

Christian peoples, unite – Now the Lady looks about her and then at the globe. Then I see, here and there, dark, black patches appearing on the globe. The Lady says to me, “These are the economic and material events which will come upon the world. I have said: there will be disasters; there will be natural disasters. Now I tell you: all those black patches you see now are the disasters that are yet to come. And now I am not only talking about natural disasters. Once again I call out to all Christian peoples: it is high time; unite! And you, child, shall pass this on. You shall tell the world that it is the Lady of All Nations who tells you this.”

The fight for the Marian dogma – Now I see a large room in which all kinds of priests are gathered. They are engaged in a fierce dispute. Every now and then it even seems as if they would lash out at each other. The Lady points there and says, “You shall tell the theologians to keep up their fight for the Marian dogma of Coredemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate.” Then she holds her hand above the heads of several priests and says, “I will help them.”

The Lady of All Nations and unity – “The Lady of All Nations will come throughout the whole world. And in those countries which have rejected me, I shall return as the Lady of All Nations, standing on the globe before the Cross, surrounded by the flock of Christ. This is how I wish to come and will come. I will answer––according to the Son’s will––those who call upon me this way, as the Lady of All Nations. The Lord and Master shall be served and honored in His creation. People shall follow the first and greatest commandment among one another. I wish to be called the Lady of All Nations in this time. Because the world is pining for unity in everything which concerns itself, the Lord and Master wants to bring spiritual unity among the nations of this world. For this reason He is sending Miriam, or Mary, as the Lady of All Nations.”

The Holy Father – “Monasteries shall see to the outspreading. The Holy Father shall give his blessing to this work. For he is the fighter in this time. He will be taken up among Us.” Now I see the Pope (1) standing in an indescribable light, and next to him the Lady of All Nations. The Lady is holding a crown in her hand, and she places it on the Pope’s head. After that she places a cross in his right hand. This image vanishes from my sight. Then the Lady is again standing alone before me, and she says, “Child, you shall pass all this on well and tell your spiritual director: so be it.” Then the Lady slowly disappears.

(1) The Pope seen by the visionary is Pope Pius XII.




Message of November 15, 1951

Coredemptrix by the will of the Father – I see the Lady before me. She says, “Tell the world that I wish to be the Lady of All Nations. Let the world pray to the Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Father, asking Him to send the Holy Spirit so that the True Spirit may live in the hearts of all nations. Ask that the Lady of All Nations, who once was Mary, may be the Advocate. The Lady of All Nations is standing here before the Cross of her Son. Her feet are placed in the middle of the world, the flock of Jesus Christ all around. I come in this time as the Coredemptrix, Mediatrix. I was already Coredemptrix at the Annunciation.” Now I ask the Lady what this means. She answers, “This means: the Mother was made Coredemptrix by the will of the Father. Tell this to your theologians. Say, further, that this will be the final dogma of Marian history.”

The image shall precede – “This image shall precede, once again, shall precede. Bring this image into the world. And now I am speaking not for your country alone, but for the whole world. This world is degenerating. The world will suffer disaster upon disaster. The world will be and is economically and materially ruined. Wars will continue as long as no help comes from the True Spirit. Bring the people back to the Cross.”

One commandment: Love – Then the Lady points at the globe. I am overcome with great terror, and now I see the globe turning black. If I look carefully, it is not black everywhere to the same degree; in the East, especially, it is very bad. The Lady says, “Child, pass on the following well: the peoples of this world shall keep one commandment in mind, and that is Love. One who possesses love will serve one’s Lord and Master in creation. Keep this one commandment in mind: Love. If that is again brought among people, the world will be saved.” Then the Lady waves her finger to and fro and says, “The heathens of this world want to show you how to do it, Christians. Christian people, know your duty. And now I am speaking to the Church of Rome, and so I say to the Pope: see to it that your subjects know how to bring the love of the Son Jesus Christ into this world, this degenerate world. The Church of Rome must fulfill this commandment to the utmost. And then I say: be broad-minded. Try to place yourself in this modern world with Jesus Christ on the Cross. Try to understand these words well and to carry them out. This world can only be saved by the Church which abides by this doctrine.”

England – America – Then I see England lying before me. The Lady says, “I am now speaking to England as I say: I shall come back.” The Lady says the latter very forcefully, as if she wanted to say, “Nobody can stop me.” And it is as if she would really step onto England. “You, England, will be struck in your dominions.” I see several countries lying before me; there is unrest among the people, most of whom are black. “You, England, will not be able to continue, except through the support of others. Catholics of England, know your task and work for the Church of Rome. Bring the Lady of All Nations to England.” Then the Lady points at America and says angrily, “America, what is keeping you? Are you brave enough to see it through? This is what the Lady of All Nations is asking you.”

Germany – After that I see Germany lying before me. The Lady says, “Look where I have placed my foot; it is on Germany and the other one on the Netherlands. And so I say: poor people of Germany. Have you still not learned enough? Do not be misled by fine words. Christian people of Germany, return to the Cross and pray to the Lady of All Nations that she may help Germany.” Now the Lady looks before herself as if gazing deeply into the world. Then she says, “This must become a great action.”

The Netherlands – Now I see the Netherlands. As the Lady waves her finger to and fro in warning, she says, “And now I speak to your own country, and I say: Netherlands, be on your guard! Your people, too, Netherlands, are going the wrong way.” Then it is as if I see many side roads and winding paths. I see that the people going those ways are tumbling down them.

France – Now I see that the Lady is pointing at France, and she says, “France, you will be and have been destroyed in your faith.” Then I see a red glow coming over France. The Lady continues, “France, you will––and now I am addressing the great ones––save your country, save it only by bringing the people back to the Cross and Votre Dame.(1) Your people must be brought back to the Lady of All Nations.”

Italy – The Pope – Next I see Italy. With her finger raised in warning, the Lady says, “Italy, you have had your crosses. Stay on guard. Rome, remember your poor people. And now once again I am speaking to the Pope, and I say: you are the fighter, you are the savior for this world. You will be taken up among Us. This Pope will be revered by the peoples of the entire world. Now I am speaking to the whole world as I say: peoples, no matter who or what you are, turn to your Creator with all your needs. Learn to find Him, wherever you are. Ask the Lady of All Nations to be your Advocate.”

The visionary and the painting – Now the Lady says, while looking at me with a smile, “Child, say that I am pleased with the beginnings of the action. Tell all those who are cooperating that they shall even more, more and more, bring the prayer with the image into the world. I shall help them.” Now I see the painting of the Lady of All Nations before me. (2) The Lady says, “And now I am speaking to you, child, in particular. You shall always come before this image––and I say ‘this image’––in order to pray for all people who are in need, bodily and spiritual. You shall continue to do so until the end is here. I have a special plan for this image; you will hear about this later. Tell your spiritual director: so be it.” And then I see the Lady slowly going away.

(1) French for ‘Your Lady’.
(2) The painting of the Lady of All Nations was already finished. It was still in Germany, where it had been painted. See also Appendix II.




Message of December 31, 1951

The doctrine is good – The Lady is there again. She looks at me with a smile, and she remains so for a long time. Then the Lady starts to speak, and she says, “Child, look carefully and listen to what I have come to tell you today. I am not bringing a new doctrine. The doctrine is good, but the laws can be changed.” Now the Lady points at the globe; suddenly I see Rome lying before me and I see a Pope. (1) Then the Lady says, “Tell the Pope that he is on the right path. You have to pass this on, because people think otherwise. The spirit of righteousness and truth shall always reign over the world. Once again I say: this Pope is on the right path. Once again I say: this time is Our time. I will now give you an explanation for my coming. Once again I say: I am not coming to bring a new doctrine––the doctrine is already there. I am coming to bring you another message. Pass this one on well.”

Already Coredemptrix at the beginning – Now the Lady lets me see her image again very clearly. It is as if she would come forward, and then she says, “Pass on the following well. The Father, the Lord and Master, brought the Handmaid of the Lord into this world as Miriam, or Mary. She was chosen from among all women as Coredemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate. Tell your theologians: she was already made Coredemptrix at the beginning.”

Time presses – “This time is Our time. Now the Father and the Son wants to be asked to send the Spirit. I recited to you the simple prayer and let you see how I wish to have it spread over the whole world. Very well then, carry on with the outspreading. This simple prayer has been given for all peoples. Do your work, and see to the outspreading.” Then I say to the Lady, “But I am being held back.” Looking at me, the Lady smiles and says, “You shall do what I say. Go to your bishop and tell him that I wish to be the Lady of All Nations, who is sent by the Father in this time. Once again I say: the Church of Rome should do nothing which is in conflict with its doctrine. Very well then, this action is not in conflict with doctrine. Time presses; know this well. All peoples are groaning under the yoke of Satan. How badly this has penetrated, no one knows. I am warning the peoples of this world. The time is serious and pressing. The Church of Rome now has her chance. She will grow stronger as the fight increases.”

The final dogma of Marian history – “The Lady of All Nations stands in the middle of the world before the Cross. She comes under this name as the Coredemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate, in this time. She will be taken up into Marian history under this title. The new and final dogma of Marian history will be the dogma of the Coredemptrix and Mediatrix. As Advocate I stand now in this anxious time. All of you, no matter who or what you are, ask that the true Holy Spirit may come. This you shall ask the Father and the Son. The Divine Trinity will again reign over the world. The Lady stands here as the Advocate. The issue here is the Creator, not the Lady. Tell this to your theologians. Ask them to send this simple prayer throughout the world, and the Lady will give the strength and power to carry it through.”

Simpler doctrine does not exist – Now the Lady points at the globe and says, “I will let you see what is going to happen. It is through terrible strife and calamity that the world, those who have turned away from the Trinity, will come back to the Church. Therefore I say once again: Rome, seize your opportunity. Be broad-minded and act in love alone. Love can save this wretched world. Bring all peoples back to their Creator. Teach them how simple it is to see the Creator. People are to treat their neighbors as themselves. Simpler doctrine does not exist. Let everyone hold fast to these two things, for then you have the Church of Rome in your hands. Simple faith––that can bring salvation to the people.”

Russia – China – America – Europe – “In Russia a great change will come about.” Now the Lady pauses a moment, and then she says very clearly and slowly, “After much fighting. China will turn to Mother Church.” Again the Lady pauses before adding very slowly, “After much fighting. America, remember your faith. Do not bring a false spirit or confusion among your people and abroad. The Lady of All Nations warns America to remain what it used to be. Europe, you should seek for peace among yourselves. Help those who are in need, in spiritual need. Prepare yourself for the fight, the spiritual fight. The Lady of All Nations wishes to be brought among everyone, no matter who or what they are. This is why she received this title from her Lord and Master.”

Do not be afraid – “You, child, should not be afraid to pass on this message. I shall help you and all those who are cooperating in this. Tell your spiritual director in the name of the Lady of All Nations that he shall cooperate in the outspreading. Tell your spiritual director not to be afraid, but just to do what he is told. He shall ask to be allowed to do this: simply to bring this image with the prayer into the world.”

The promise regarding the prayer – “The Lady of All Nations hereby promises that those who ask will be heard according to the will of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. This prayer has been given for the redemption of the world. This prayer has been given for the conversion of the world. Pray this prayer in all that you do. This prayer shall be spread in churches and by modern means. The people of this world shall learn to invoke the Lady of All Nations, who once was Mary, as their Advocate, that the world may be delivered from degeneration, disaster and war. Tell this to your theologians. This time is Our time. Come before this image and pray.” And now the Lady slowly disappears.

(1) The visionary sees a Pope without knowing which Pope it is.