Read without hurry if you can...

Strive to read everything without being in a hurry...curiosity will not save you from the coming events that will devastate our planet... there will be no internet... prepare yourself with daily prayer and Holy Rosary, Confession, Communion, obedience to the 10 Commandments... Faith, no Fear! - Save your Soul!

Persecution will spread, the Church is wreaking, be ready for the next diseases to come

My children, the signs are many! The end times are near...yet, there is indifference to the prophecies. Look at the world...look with the eyes of the spirit and you will see that the prophecies are coming true


La Beata Vergine Maria

May 3, 2024The Queen of the Rosary to Gisella

«Dear blessed children, thank you for listening to My call in your heart. Children, always be in the Light and the Truth.

Follow the Holy Gospel and always be close to the Sacraments.

My children, remember that there is no good tree that bears bad fruit, and there is no bad tree that bears good fruit … meditate. My children, My beloved, do not be afraid, where God is, there is Truth! Your road will be narrow, but full of love for My Jesus. Have love in your hearts, and not hatred and pride, these do not come from God, but from Satan.

Be united children. Now, I bless you in the Name (+) of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Today, many, will be the graces that will descend upon you.»


May 9, 2024The Queen of the Rosary to Gisella

«Dear children, thank you for responding to My call in your hearts. My children, humanity is clothed in the things of the world and not in the light of God. When My Jesus returns, not everyone will recognize Him. My children, Jesus’ Love is so infinite that He asks for mercy and asks to be crucified no more. Yet, so many graces have been given to mankind, but today no one gives thanks for what he has received.

My children, the signs are many! The end times are near…yet, there is indifference to the prophecies. Look at the world…look with the eyes of the spirit and you will see that the prophecies are coming true.

My children, turn on the light in your hearts and clothe yourselves with the love of Jesus; only then will you be victorious.

Now I bless you in the Name (+) of the Father of the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen.»


May 11, 2024The Queen of the Rosary to Gisella

«My dear children, thank you for listening to My call in your hearts. Beloved children, here kneeling at My feet, you are the crown of roses that I always want…the most beautiful flowers that smell of Faith. My children, remember that those who hate, who have the feeling of jealousy, envy and pride toward their brothers and sisters, it is because they do not really know God’s Love. You, My children, clothe yourselves with the light of My Jesus and be strong in Faith and Love for God.

My children, I ask you to pray for China, to pray for your rulers who do not want to change.

Now I bless you with My Motherly Blessing, in the Name (+) of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen.»


May 13, 2024Memorial of Our Lady of Fatima

«Dear children, thank you for responding to My call in your hearts.

My children, I ask for your prayers for all those consecrated persons who are trampling the Body and Blood of My Beloved Son with offenses and heresies. This will bring grave consequences especially for the faithful who are being lost.

My children, the Church is wreaking in a sea of heresies against God. . But I will help and drop the oars for those who want to be saved instead, acknowledging My One God. There are no gods or other signs that can take the place of God, and that is why My Son will not give them Mercy, but will shout with all His Justice.

You, My children, be united in prayer and remember that there is no human being who can destroy God’s Work…go forth in Truth! Now I bless you in the Name (+) of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Many graces will rain down today! Your Mother of Fatima.»


May 25, 2024The Queen of the Rosary to Gisella

«My daughter, thank you for welcoming Me into your heart. My children, I ask you not to despise My words as Mother, but welcome them and meditate on them. I am here, to protect My children, who because of the things of the world will be lost.

If you do not listen to My appeals and find strength in prayer and the sacraments, how will you overcome the hard times that will come?

Stay close to My Heart and Jesus’ Heart, be a light for your brothers and sisters. Remember that the road to God is one of Cross and suffering but with Faith you will overcome anything.

  • Persecution will spread, many will awaken from slumber but others will be carried away by falsehoods.
  • Children, thanks to prayers, one event has been mitigated.
  • Be ready for the next diseases to come, your freedom will be undermined once again with the declaration of pandemic.
  • Pray for France and for Spain.

Now I leave you with My Motherly blessing, in the Name (+) of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, amen. »


(More Prophecies…)

Official Italian site: La Regina del Rosario