Read without hurry if you can...

Strive to read everything without being in a hurry...curiosity will not save you from the coming events that will devastate our planet... there will be no internet... prepare yourself with daily prayer and Holy Rosary, Confession, Communion, obedience to the 10 Commandments... Faith, no Fear! - Save your Soul!

Melanie’s vision (7): Mental and Spiritual Quake. Water will overflow. Do not irritate the Bear furthermore…

Warn your brothers and sisters of the coming flood. The water will overflow its banks. The water will no longer be your friend. The involvement of eastern states. There is a risk of a world war. Our Lady expressly emphasizes the word “world war” and wants to warn against it


(Excerpts from messages and visions given by Jesus and Mary to Melanie, Germany, 2021-2024)

The Blessed Mother

  1. (M56) [The nation of the Bear]’s decision and liquid gas tanker
  2. (M57) A grain of sand on the beach of time
  3. (M58) Mental and Spiritual Quake
  4. (M59) Water will overflow
  5. (M61) Do not irritate the Bear furthermore…
  6. (M62) Hungary, participation of eastern states
  7. (M63) Escalation levels

(M56) [The nation of the Bear]’s decision and liquid gas tanker

Mary, the Mother of God, conveys a vision to Melanie: In the first scene you bring you can see a tank by the sea. This scene is repeated several times and is followed by the passage of a fighter jet. He flies over the tank and drops bombs.

The bomb…

Melanie’s vision: «The picture of the President [of the nation of the Bear] appears. This situation will take place in the future. He arranges something on his desk. His brow is furrowed and he seems to be contemplating what to do next. He faces a major threat and has a moment of uncertainty. He seems worried.

The President of the north…

[The President of the nation of the Bear] looks out the window and it is as if he could see a country where a nuclear bomb went off. This is to be understood symbolically. He is also threatened with this bomb. This is something he is concerned about and it is not what he is aiming for. It is a point at which “the noose tightens” for him. He must decide whether to launch a nuclear attack or whether he should defend himself in this way. He feels pushed into a corner. It is clear that he distrusts [the nation of the Eagle]. Now it is as if [the President of the nation of the Bear] could see [the Eagle Land] from his window, across “the pond.” However, he has no intention of attacking with nuclear weapons. It is an option he denies. Even if he has strategic considerations and sees this possibility, it seems that he has chosen not to do so. It appears to be a moment in the future when things are about to escalate. In this vision, [the nation of the Eagle] had recently clearly threatened to use nuclear weapons and [the nation of the Bear] is now weighing its approach.

President 46…

The scene switches to the President [of the Eagle Land], who within this vision at this point in the future is surrounded by madness that drives his decisions. He pursues a specific goal that is neither affirmative nor beneficial for humanity or for life itself. The perspective of foresight now changes and it is as if President 46 could see from Washington all the way to [the nation of the Bear]. President 46 makes a blame-shifting accusation towards [the nation of the Bear], as if he were pointing the finger at [its President]. It is a very one-sided view that does not take into account the big picture. It is more of a black and white view that’s focused solely on [the Eagle]’s interests. The opponent’s perspective is ignored. It seems as if the rest of the world has to look to [the nation of the Eagle]. The scene of a huge bomb keeps appearing.

Jesus appears…

Jesus holds a staff in his hand and it is as if He were stopping bombs in flight and letting them fall to the ground. It is a moment in which time seems to stand still. He emerges from the clouds and everyone can perceive Him. It is huge and dazzlingly bright. Jesus personally intervenes in the war. He radiates great peace, a lot of goodness and love. He moves across the globe, across all lands.

The enlightenment of consciences…

As if a sudden “leap of consciousness” occurred to people, like some kind of enlightenment. This event reminds them of themselves. You ask yourself “what am I even doing here?” Who am I really?”. But you are also reminded of the connection and heart connection with others, of love itself, of love between people and of togetherness. This special moment seems to raise the consciousness of all people towards the level of Christ Consciousness. People are remembering who they really are and what they really want here on earth. They change towards love. It is an impressive and overwhelming scene.

LNG (liquefied natural gas) …

The scene changes again to a spreading, ever-growing fire. Exploding oil drums. A helicopter flies above the fire in the air, a siren sounds. The fire seems to go unnoticed at first, allowing it to spread and then an explosion follows. The emergency services then arrive, but by this point it is already too late. There is a massive explosion. The vision here is not entirely clear, but it is either an LNG (liquefied natural gas) tanker or a corresponding terminal. An exploding and burning ship, appears again and again in our mind’s eye.

The Blessed Mother Mary asks that we pray for this event to be averted. »

The Blessed Mother: «Pray for a good outcome. Pray for averting this. Pray for peace between countries. Pray for averting attacks. Increase your efforts. Please pray a rosary daily. But two rosaries would be better, if I may ask you. »

Melanie: «She asks to pray the Rosary because it is the most powerful. However, she gives thanks for every prayer that is said. Every prayer is important, she says, but here we need a special strength and this comes from the rosary. She asks to pray the Rosary to the Sorrowful Blood. This should be prayed in the prayer group for three months.

People have to be informed…

The Blessed Mother again points out that a difficult time is about to begin, but She also asks to remain calm. She warns against playing out catastrophe scenarios in your head or giving in to wandering negative thoughts. She points out that the warnings refer to specific areas and that rarely if ever everyone is affected in the same way. But it is still important that everyone is warned, she points out. There should be people who are informed about this, The Blessed Mother points out. The point is that some people should be prepared by being informed and not being so easily affected by events. This way they can better support others. She encourages us all to keep our fears in check and not allow ourselves to fall into them. »

The Blessed Mother: « Those who are firm in the faith will not be left behind. If they believe strongly, they will be provided for. Even when there are times of shortage, there will be ways for Jesus to provide for his flock. In the Name (+) of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.»

(M57) A grain of sand on the beach of time

Melanie’s vision: «Jesus Christ, the Son of God appears. Again, a stone wall with an archway passageway appears in the background. Together, Jesus and Melanie pass through the stone archway. Images, scenes, and colors fly past them; as if the story were once again played out in fast motion. Arriving on the other side, God waits in the form of a glistening great light. A strong love emanates from it.

Jesus: « You are embraced, My child… In so many times before and in so many times to come. »

Melanie: «it feels like there is no time. As if life is a never-ending journey that takes place in a second. As if there were a single grain of sand on the beach of time. Infinity. God explains to me that life can also be viewed like a game something less serious. Our life is a slice of our infinite existence and God reminds me that I am infinite. So do all other people who have forgotten this fact in the “game of life”. Our existence is always based on voluntarism and there is no compulsion. The return home is possible at any time. That which is called death here on earth. In truth, however, it is a homecoming. The love that emanates from God is beautiful. There is no sorrow, no struggling, no conflict in it. It is exclusively a pure and peaceful being. It is harmony and love, perfect and meaningful. »

(M58) Mental and Spiritual Quake

The Blessed Mother: « I want to give a warning. You allow yourself to be blinded. You no longer know what is right and wrong. They no longer know what truth and lies are. They fall for lies spoken in public. It’s the wolves who are behind this. It is the wolf, the beast, who brings the lie into the public domain; that brings temptation into people’s heads. They want to put themselves in His place, they want to be at the top, but they don’t deserve that position. And yet, in their delusions of grandeur, they want to take this position. There are people who will fall for this. Those who do not understand that only Jesus is the truth and only He can have the leadership position at the top. The lie will bypass. The lie will be widespread and it will be presented as if the lie were the truth. Make yourselves ready. Make yourselves ready. Prepare your soul, purify your soul. Strengthen your faith. Confess your sins. And find peace in your Lord Jesus Christ. Give thanks for your trust. Give thanks. »

Melanie: «We should be prepared for the fact that “the wrong game will be played with us” very soon. Within the vision, the feeling of an earthquake arises, although it is not the announcement of a physical earthquake, but the warning of a spiritual tremor, of being “shaken up”. A time will soon come in which we will be very “shaken up”, in which we may begin to falter. Our Lady admonishes us and calls on us to connect more and more with Jesus Christ and with the Father, the Lord our God. He alone is the truth and the life and it is now our task to use this shining star in the firmament, this beacon of life that only belongs to God and comes from him as a guide. Just like strengthening yourself in faith, strengthening your connection to Jesus, going to church, receiving the Eucharist and confessing. Because the purer we make ourselves inside, the less receptive we are to the lies, she explains.
This means we are asked to create inner spiritual purity, again and again. To turn to Jesus and give Him our sins; the failings, the flaw that attaches to all of us. She asks that this be done in church with a clergyman if possible and that the Eucharist be received by a clergyman as often as possible. Because this time will soon begin in which we will be “shaken up”. It feels like an earthquake, but what I mean is the mental tremor again. »

(M59) Water will overflow

Water will overflow

Jesus: « I would like to issue a warning. Warn your brothers and sisters of the coming flood. The water will overflow its banks. The water will no longer be your friend. So far it has been your friend, but it is directed against people. It overflows its banks and takes revenge. For pollution, for fish deaths, for the selfish use of the seas that should serve people’s capital. The water will rise. The water, the seas of the world will turn against people and destroy large parts of the country. But don’t get me wrong. It’s not like the water has a will of its own. Rather, in a sense, “the pendulum” is swinging back against the pollution and selfish use of the oceans that humanity has committed and continues to commit. And it is a cry from nature that indicates that something has gone wrong here It is, so to speak, a logical consequence, not in the sense of the water’s own will, but as a logical consequence of nature, which now wants to purify itself. It is important for a peaceful and successful life on earth. that humanity works together with the water and the seas and does not pollute and poison and destroy them. There will be floods. Large coastal areas will be flooded (Fish deaths). Respect the water, respect the oceans, respect nature and live with it mindfully. In the Name (+) of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. »

(M61) Do not irritate the Bear furthermore…

Do not irritate the Bear

Melanie’s vision: «Individual tanks pass quickly from right to left across the scene. Individual, incoherent images of war appear – individual tanks rolling, tanks driving in convoys, flying bullets, bombs hitting and a special, very huge bomb hitting somewhere. The Blessed Mother feels very, very warried. Her Heart is heavy. She cries. She asks for repentance. She asks them to come to their senses and leave the path of war. She suggests that an influencing theme of this current war is money. […] that financial interests are at stake and that certain people or groups or similar are being “shoved” money. »

The Blessed Mother: «There are people who have left the path of morality. The way of what is morally right and good. There are people who sell or have already sold their souls for money. They enrich themselves in war. I ask these people to repent. To return to the path of righteousness. I ask for repentance, because otherwise you are threatened with disaster. I warn you not to irritate [the nation of the Bear] further him to his limit. I ask for more prayers for peace. I urge you to negotiate peace. »

(M62) Hungary, participation of eastern states

Jesus: «My child of truth, speak. Speak what I have to say. Speak the truth. Speak with courage. Speak with confidence. I am the Lord your God. I am Jesus Christ. Do not be afraid of what I have to say. Try not to judge it. Tell them that I love them. Tell them that My Love is infinite. Tell them that I love each one of them and that each one is safe with Me. That each and every one of them finds their personal peace with Me. Tell them that I see every single situation in every life. That I know it, that I feel it, that I hear it and feel it and see it and experience it with you experience it very differently. Because I know the plan. I look at it from the Divine Consciousness and so know that everything is well. Whatever you are experiencing, know that it is meant to be disturbed by news, by videos, by countless impressions from all over the world. Turn exclusively to me, your Lord Jesus Christ. For I am the love and the life and the way. »

Melanie’s vision: «Jesus and Melanie enter a [Stars and stripes] military base that they had already visited in an earlier vision (see Message 51). […] As in the past vision (M51), this one also consists of different scenes.

1st Scene…

At the first one, the scene of a leopard and a tank appears again: “the Leopard tank.” Thereupon Jesus warned that the [the nation of the Eagle] does not mean well with [the nation of the Oktoberfest]. The two continue their walk on the military base and come to the second scene. Here a bald eagle can be seen and fighter jets. In this repeated viewing, Jesus wants to emphasize one piece of information that may have escaped Melanie last time. The bald eagle circling above the action in the air swoops down in flight. He represents [the nation of the Eagle]. [The eagle] circles and it seems it is monitoring the action below to make sure everything is going his way. The sky is full of fighter jets. Tanks roll on the ground. Their tubes are pointed upwards. As in many visions before, this battle takes place near the sea. The tanks are rolling to the west. They are accompanied by troops. Soldiers move with them towards the west.

2nd Scene…

The scene changes. Now a kind of map can be seen. Like on a military map, the war strategy is shown. A small symbolic tank rolls from Ukraine along the water to the west. It is accompanied by troops of young men. The war continues to heat up. The troops are clearly moving further west. They have left the [the nation of the Bear] and [the nation with the yellow-blue flag] area and are moving towards the Baltics and [the nation with Vienna as capital]. The map shows the troops moving until just before Hungary. They are not entering Hungary. In general, the atmosphere is very heated and tense.


3rd Scene…

This scene will take place in the future: The brown bear can be seen. It is in a forest somewhere and it is very angry. In this context, the brown bear represents [the President of the nation of the Bear]. At this point in the future, he is so angry and upset that it is driving him to the edge of his nerves. [The nation of the bear] has not yet fired a nuclear bomb and [its President] is using tactics; thinks about what weapons he will use next. He is not seriously considering the use of nuclear weapons. The Bear has now stood on its hind legs and is raging. He hits the air with his paws, thrashes around and bites the air. From the bear’s point of view, [the nation of the Bear] is threatened and he thinks he doesn’t want to put up with any of this any longer. Inside he is raging. Now [the President of the nation of the Bear] can be seen. In this scene he is sitting at his desk and it seems as if he is agreeing to a certain military measure. It seems as if he had approved something, for example to bomb a certain area or people. The internal image of a long-range missile appears repeatedly.

4th Scene…

The Chancellor of the Oktoberfest nation] is on the phone with [the President of the nation of the Bear], or rather they are somehow communicating with each other. The talks between the two heads of state fail. People will try to negotiate, approach each other, but it will lead nowhere. [The President of the nation of the Bear]’s stance here is consistent in this vision of the future. From his point of view, he is defending his country in response to the “attacks of the West” and he will not allow himself to be intimidated or pushed back. At this future point in time, he opens himself up to further levels of escalation, to hitting back even harder than he was harmed before. Now a warship moves into the scene. This means that it is likely that there will be further upgrades. The warship fires projectiles towards land. In the background, the rest of the fleet is following along and, as in previous messages, this event also takes place in the bay near [the nation with the yellow-blue flag]. Helicopters can also be seen and deliveries are made (food?).

5th scene…

A bird of prey flies under a blue sky with clouds. It’s a bald eagle in a furious swoop. He gives a scream of attack. It’s like he’s attacking the seer. Shortly afterwards there is a large explosion that takes place in [the nation of the Oktoberfest]. To be precise in the northern area on the coast. A ship is burning. The ship does not seem to be directly at the harbor. It is still on the water. Either near the port or underway in German waters. It seems like some kind of attack. The impression is that this arson attack is a response or a silent and hidden threat from the [nation of the Eagle] to [the nation of the Oktoberfest]’s refusal to cooperate. If this covert attack were to actually occur, the consequences for [the nation of the Oktoberfest]’s population would be far-reaching. The event can still be averted, it doesn’t have to happen, but it is likely. »

(M63) Escalation levels


Melanie’s vision: «The Blessed Mother appears and She looks sad.

1st Scene…

She shows a scene of a tank by the sea. A bald eagle circles above, repeatedly swooping down on the tank. The eagle attacks. You can see how the tanks continue their way along the water. They cover a long distance. At first it was just a tank. Over time the image changed to a long line of tanks driving one behind the other. It’s about the [the nation with the yellow-blue flag and the nation of the Bear] war.

2nd Scene…

Suddenly the face of President [of the Bear nation] appears. An insight into his person is made possible and this indirectly communicates that he will not bow down.

3rd Scene…

The scene changes to the image of a brown bear (the President of the nation of the Bear) sitting on the ground. Another bald eagle (the nation of the Eagle) circles in the scene, this time above the bear. The bear stretches one arm up to hit the bird. At the beginning it is just a playful gesture, but it becomes angrier and more aggressive. The eagle attacks and the bear punch it away. The bird falls to the ground and initially trots away with a reproachful look. The brown bear now reaches the next higher escalation level of anger. He Spit flies out of his mouth because of his anger. He is rebuilding himself, standing on his hind legs, because he feels very threatened [by the rearmament]. He now comes to the brink of raging rage, which almost, but only almost, reaches the point of madness. The bear is irritated to the point of blood. In the next step, the brown bear walks in the lead with a whole pack of brown bears.
He brings reinforcements with him. There are different species of bears among them.

4th Scene…

The scene of a map of [the Old Continent] and [the nation of the Bear] then appears. The countries east of [the nation of the Bear] are now colored red. This means countries east of [the nation of the Bear] will take part in the war. This again represents a next higher level of escalation – the involvement of eastern states. There is a risk of a world war. Our Lady expressly emphasizes the word “world war” and wants to warn against it.

5th Scene…

Another scene of a bald eagle appears. It is in flight and fighting with a smaller bird of prey, which unfortunately cannot be properly defined. The bald eagle then fights with a snake. The [nation of the Red Dragon] flag appears. Our Lady conveys the information that the situation will become very unpleasant if the [nation of the Red Dragon] interfere or take part in the war. »

The Blessed Mother: «Pass it on, My child. Pass on My words, My child. Be blessed with My love that embraces you. I love you. I am with you and I will never leave you. Trust. In the Name (+) of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. »

More visions…

Source: Himmelsbotschaften an Melanie