Read without hurry if you can...

Strive to read everything without being in a hurry...curiosity will not save you from the coming events that will devastate our planet... there will be no internet... prepare yourself with daily prayer and Holy Rosary, Confession, Communion, obedience to the 10 Commandments... Faith, no Fear! - Save your Soul!

God the Father: Ready to show Myself to anyone who really wishes for it

Soon you will be spectators of the Power of the Almighty and you will be healed from the evil of your soul that torments you


Opportunity for Salvation!!!

(First) Friday, May 3 and (First) Saturday, May 4, 2024
Last Reminders. Don’t sleep spiritually. Save your soul. Be prepared for the coming events. Required: Sacramental Confession and Communion (Attend Mass, donot to arrive late).
The First 9 Fridays to the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Read the 12 Promises). The 5 First Saturdays to The Immaculate Heart of Mary (Read the Promises). (Double) Novena to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, given to Sister Natalia Magdolna (Read the 33 Promises, download and spread…)

December 16, 2015: Message to the seer Lily of the Holy Face of Jesus (Giglio del Santo Volto)

Ready to show Myself to anyone who really wishes for it 

My children, I long that you learn to recognize Me wherever you are, in whoever is before you.

You will follow Me with your suffering and constant prayer, especially where there is a need, and you will be carriers of the Divine Light, although this will cause sorrow and the agony of the soul.

You are now more sensitive to what is dark around you and some of you will see evil through others, looking at them in the eyes and they will be affected by these manifestations.

You will be protected, do not be afraid, but it is clear that this means that I am asking you, even a short petition, which will be enough for Me to lay down My Liberating Hand upon those you will be presenting to Me.

Great gifts are going to be granted.

Soon you will be spectators of the Power of the Almighty and you will be healed from the evil of your soul that torments you, if you will be honest and humiliate yourselves before the Majesty of My Beloved Son, who will come not yet as a Judge to condemn, but to wash you in the Blood and the Water and to instruct you about the Great preparation, the last appeal to follow the Way of the Truth to the end, until His Intermediate Coming and the final Triumph.

I will urge each heart to open up to Me, not to retreat anymore and not to be afraid anymore for I have put My Grace, and the Protective Hand, so that nothing can touch you, harm you and get you away from Me, your Creator, the One, the Almighty over all things.

Hurry and do not point fingers, because the judgment is up to Me only, do not forget it.

Seek Me, I’m ready to show Myself to anyone who really wish for it.

So be it.

Source: Allison Misti




Lily of the Holy ShroudThe seer Lily of the Holy Face of Jesus (Giglio del Santo Volto), is a woman from Italy who lives a humble and hidden life. Those people whose heart belong to God, will recognize in these messages the voice of the Good Shepherd, God the Almighty, The Triune God: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, Who call all to salvation. Be the one who listens by abandoning a sinful life, by embracing prayer and by following the eternal 10 Commandments. Time is running out.