Read without hurry if you can...

Strive to read everything without being in a hurry...curiosity will not save you from the coming events that will devastate our planet... there will be no internet... prepare yourself with daily prayer and Holy Rosary, Confession, Communion, obedience to the 10 Commandments... Faith, no Fear! - Save your Soul!

Soeur Beghe

Yes, this act of consecration of the human race to My most Sacred Heart is a powerful prayer, and I ask for it because I want to hear it. Pray, pray, My...

Your rulers are preparing the debacle as if it were inevitable, whereas they themselves are creating it by their disastrous Machiavellianism. They say 'white'...

I will reign, in a converted and devout world, in a renewed and fervent world. But as with any profound change, the world must be turned upside down in order...

My children, this golden age is about to be established on earth. Prepare yourselves for it, and live in the same spirit as the first Christians, delighted to...

My Children, you are the parents and grandparents of this blessed generation that will rebuild the world in the fervor of the Catholic faith, that of Jesus...

Be worthy in faith, whatever your circumstances. Some will be spared, others not, but the grace of faith will not be taken away from you. You will live through...

This is not the world I wanted, and just as I swallowed all the inhabitants of the earth under the waters of the Flood, keeping Noah and his family to...

My Children, everything is currently in deconstruction, faith is scarce, political and governmental institutions have left the path of Truth, they can only...

I will manifest Myself to men while the earth is in the throes of a great outburst of violence and destruction, and all men on earth will experience it. I...

That time is near, and it will open onto another Era. Yes, this is a reality and I want to warn My faithful of it so that they fear neither destruction nor...

Let your prayers never cease to rise to Heaven, for Heaven's vengeance is at hand. Heaven will not let men wallow in their sin...

When the world of today gives way to the world of tomorrow, men will be horrified by the behavior of those who preceded them. They will rectify previous human...