Read without hurry if you can...

Strive to read everything without being in a hurry...curiosity will not save you from the coming events that will devastate our planet... there will be no internet... prepare yourself with daily prayer and Holy Rosary, Confession, Communion, obedience to the 10 Commandments... Faith, no Fear! - Save your Soul!


Chapter 13: Take the Armor of Christ. Fight the forces of the Antichrist in the only effective way: with the ROSARY of the Mother of Christ.

7/30/2017: Love My Son, feed on the Eucharist, pray the Holy Rosary. Make offerings for your brothers and sisters who are oppressed by their rulers

The prayer of the Holy Rosary is the most powerful spiritual weapon that Heaven has given you, to defeat the evil one and his host of evil. Take your rosary...

8/21/2017: Days are coming of heavy attacks on my sheep, on the part of the flock of wolves that serve the master of darkness

August 28 2016: Fire will emerge with the feared roaring of the great volcano. Nature and man emanate pain

The earth will shake forcefully in one place and another. Mankind will unite in fear, looking upwards.... The cause of the fear will come from the universe

12/20/19: My People are shaken, trampled down and will be so all the more; therefore you must remain firm, strong in the Faith, protected by My Word

Resume the prayer of my "Angelus" at 6 am, 12 am, 6 pm ...Praying the Angelus is a powerful spiritual weapon that drives away the evil one and his demons

I exhort the Marian Militant Army to unite in prayer worldwide so that these events about to unfold might be held back by my Father for a short time while you...

November 28 2017: Weeping and screeching of teeth while the mountains, the surrounding plains will shake and houses will collapse in an instant

12/7/2018: Millions of souls will be lost with the arrival of the Warning, for not being prepared; many are in mortal sin and will not resist the passage...

Those kissed by God are the ones who lead the chaste, mortified, and loving life of the servant of God. Those who flee applause and hate to be known