Read without hurry if you can...

Strive to read everything without being in a hurry...curiosity will not save you from the coming events that will devastate our planet... there will be no internet... prepare yourself with daily prayer and Holy Rosary, Confession, Communion, obedience to the 10 Commandments... Faith, no Fear! - Save your Soul!

“Warn people to pray and to repent and to amend the awful punishment which is hanging over all of you right now, the whole world”

Go urgently to Sacramental Confession. Now is the time to multiply prayer, to seek Heaven's protection, for ourselves and our loved ones, to be in Grace. Save your soul


“Do not despise prophecies. Test everything; retain what is good…” (1 Thessalonians 5:20-21).

March 3, 2024 – The punishment hanging right above the world

Valentina: This morning, the angel came and […] brought me into the presence of our Lord Jesus in Heaven […] In awe, I gazed upon our Lord, who was so young and beautiful, with a neatly groomed brown beard and passionate eyes, standing as a King. […] He was wearing His majestic burgundy and wine-colored mantle decorated with exquisitely detailed shimmering gold embroidery and on His Holy Head a tall golden Crown encrusted with the finest jewels.

Christ King of all nations

So much Light emanated from our Lord […] As I stood before our Lord and King, surrounded by a mist of Light and gazing upon His Majesty, I felt I was truly in the presence of God. […] I only looked at our Lord, who spoke in a very gentle voice. He said:

Jesus: “Valentina, My child, I brought you here to warn you of what is coming to the world. First of all – tell people to read the Book of Esther [1] and how she pleaded to the King to save her people.”

Valentina: Gesturing with His right Hand and pointing towards Himself, [Jesus] said:

Jesus: “And that King is Me! She was pleading to Me to save her people from punishment. But the punishment now can no longer be delayed. The punishment is ominously hanging over the world, as people do not change and do not listen or take any notice of this warning, especially the leaders of all the nations of the world. The leaders have to come before Me and repent. Most of the punishment is through them because they are leading people astray, teaching them wrong and giving them wrong commandments that are not Mine but their own. They are leading people into total darkness, and they agree with all the evil. The world is in horrible sin and total darkness. But the punishment, greater than ever before, is hanging right above the world.”

Valentina: In a vision, I saw that the punishment was not high above the world but hanging low, just above it.

Jesus: “So warn people of this. This is a serious warning that I give to you. I plead with you – please warn the people of this so they can convert and change. I really, really want you to warn people because this will happen. People take no notice of it, especially the leaders.”

Valentina: From this special place in Heaven, I felt that our Lord allows Justice to come to the world. This group of Holy Men, standing next to our Lord, were like His guardians and are very close to our Lord. There were no women present. I didn’t see Blessed Mother and yet She knows all about this. The good people in the world need to plead to our Lord, the King, just like Esther did. People must change and REPENT now. After our Lord finished talking and warning us of all these dangers, the Angel took me back home. On the way back, the angel said:

The Angel: “Did you see how Lord Jesus, our Majesty and King, how sad He was? And I tell you, this is serious – this is something that you cannot get out of. The world is too far gone.”

Valentina: I felt so sorry for what our Lord was telling me, and I felt sorry for humanity. Our Lord’s warning for the world was so severe that the shock of hearing it pierced my heart. I became worried and nauseous, and my whole stomach was upset when the angel returned me home. I thought, ‘How am I going to go to church today – O Lord, please help me.’


March 4, 2024 – Blessed Mother confirms the serious message from Our Lord

Blessed Mother Mary

Blessed Mother: “Did you hear (Valentina) the serious message My Son gave you yesterday? Warn people to pray and to repent and to amend the awful punishment [2] which is hanging over all of you right now, the whole world, and it will happen if people do not convert and pray.”


  1. Esther: The book’s protagonist is a young Judean woman who lives with her uncle Mordecai in the court of the Persian king Ahasuerus. Upon becoming queen, she warns the king of a conspiracy hatched against him and discovered by Mordecai. Prime Minister Aman takes a dislike to Mordecai and obtains a decree from the king to exterminate the Jews, but Esther intervenes on behalf of her people and foils Aman’s deadly threat against Mordecai, who eventually replaces Aman as prime minister. The Jews are empowered by the king of Persia to take revenge on their enemies, and to commemorate this triumph a special festival is established among the Jewish people. The author’s purpose is all geared toward explaining the origin of the festival; he freely elaborates his dramatic narrative from a historical core. The book’s nationalism has characters of exasperation-keep in mind, however, that not all the facts in the book are necessarily real-but not without faith in the providence of God, who in the long run protects his people by using a frail woman. In the original text of the book God’s name is never mentioned, perhaps out of a scruple typical of Judaism in the last centuries before Christ, which out of respect never pronounced Holy Name. From reading this story one can realize the difficulties encountered by the divine plan of salvation in reaching the luminous heights of Gospel revelation. The book has been handed down to us in two forms: the shorter Hebrew text, and the Greek text accepted by the Church corresponds to the Hebrew text, plus, in the appendix, parts of the Greek recension of the oldest manuscripts. It is unknown who the author was: the Greek edition of the book was taken to Egypt of 114 (Before Christ). (11:3); the Hebrew original may date from around 150 (Before Christ), at the time of the Maccabean revolt against the religious persecution of the king of Syria.
  2. In reference, read the message of January 21, 2024: Warning: In three to four months… 

Source: Valentina Sydneyseer