Read without hurry if you can...

Strive to read everything without being in a hurry...curiosity will not save you from the coming events that will devastate our planet... there will be no internet... prepare yourself with daily prayer and Holy Rosary, Confession, Communion, obedience to the 10 Commandments... Faith, no Fear! - Save your Soul!

Do not despise prophecies (Part 4): Climate catastrophes not witnessed since the days of Noah. God’s warning

When they become so constant, man will no longer be able to say that floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes and hurricanes are caused by man’s neglect of the Earth. God is in control of the Earth, for He created it. He will decide its fate - no one else - for all Power belongs to Him. My Father will shake the world both physically and spiritually, while the plans and wicked deeds of the evil one flourish in every nation. Each act of desecration against God will be matched by His retaliations, which will wield an unbearable chastisement. Man’s sin will be fought vehemently by my Father and man must never underestimate the Power of God


Opportunity for Salvation!!!

(First) Friday, May 3 and (First) Saturday, May 4, 2024
Last Reminders. Don’t sleep spiritually. Save your soul. Be prepared for the coming events. Required: Sacramental Confession and Communion (Attend Mass, donot to arrive late).
The First 9 Fridays to the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Read the 12 Promises). The 5 First Saturdays to The Immaculate Heart of Mary (Read the Promises). (Double) Novena to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, given to Sister Natalia Magdolna (Read the 33 Promises, download and spread…)

Prophecies (2010- 2014) of Jesus to a soul. Read all, important…

“Do not despise prophecies. Test everything; retain what is good…” (1 Thessalonians 5:20-21).

ecological events

Ecological catastrophes escalate

“Many will see ecological catastrophes as the hand of God. Others will say that they are a sign of the end times while others will say that it all has to do with global warming. But what is most important now at this time is to understand this. Sin, if it escalates to unprecedented levels will cause destruction in your orderly lives anyway. But when it intensifies to the current levels experienced and witnessed by all of you in the world today then you can be assured that such catastrophes will be the hand of God at work.”

“Now as the time approaches to destroy Satan and his followers, further ecological unrest will be unleashed by God in his Mercy. He will do this to prevent Satan and all his corrupt human puppets, who salivate at the prospects of the riches and glory he promises them through his psychological powers.”

“Satan instills evil thoughts and actions in souls weak enough to expose themselves to his possessive powers. Such people share common traits. They are self-centered, obsessed with worldly ambitions and wealth and are addicted to sexual deviations and power. All will end up in Hell if they continue to follow the glorification of the anti-christ who is about to make himself known in the world.”

“While ecological disasters will occur, please remember that prayer including the recital of the Holy Rosary and the Divine Mercy will help avert much of it.”

Pray to avert global disasters

“Pray to My Father to avert global disasters on behalf of His beloved Son and He will hear your prayers. So very few Christians in the world especially call on Him for help any more. He, who so lovingly created man in His image, has been forgotten about. Show Him the honor that is now required to help alleviate the ecological catastrophes that will occur on earth during the Great Tribulation.”

“Other ecological events, which will cause disarray, include an earthquake in [the land of Albion] some of which will impact on other European states. Expect a rise in sea levels in the Mediterranean which will shock everyone. Earthquakes will also be felt in [the land of the Vikings] and in South America.”

Warning to world leaders

“Countries all over the world are bubbling under the surface with unrest both in terms of the hatred being shown by man to man as well as pending ecological upheavals. This is where Mother Nature will unleash the unexpected soon to show man that he is not, irrespective of his arrogant assertiveness, in control of anything.”

“Man has many lessons to learn. Constant efforts to gain power at the highest levels by those in authority is having an effect on the ordinary man who has to rely on those Government and business leaders to look after his needs.”

“God the Father will no longer tolerate your sinful deeds”

“My warning to those leaders all over the world, whoever you are, is this:

Inflict unfair practices and hardships on your people and the hand of My Eternal Father will fall swiftly on those countries and locations within which you reside. He will no longer tolerate your sinful deeds. Hide if you will but it will be useless. Your weapons of destruction will be destroyed. Your treatment of your fellow citizens will create a situation, whether you like it or not, where you will have to answer to God the Eternal Father. Your moral responsibilities must be adhered to because you will be judged by your actions eventually.”

“Lead your people with love, dignity and respect for their physical and moral welfare. Deny your people the right to religious freedom or inflict dictatorships of any kind which forces them to stop or curtail their religious practices in the name of Political unity then you are doomed. Not only will you suffer for your actions but judgement will be harsh. Any of you who swears allegiance to your people in the name of God, the Eternal Father and orchestrates unfair new laws which deny them the right to food, shelter and religious freedom will face the wrath and the hand of God, the Father.”

“For those of you colluding in the corridors of power to suppress a multitude of countries in a controlled manner, which will affect nation after nation and will lead to hardship everywhere, be aware that your actions will be punished. For God, the Eternal Father has been patient up to now in the hope that you would see the futility of your ways. Instead, you have pushed forward as an Elite Group who considers itself more important than the rest of the human race. Your actions, be warned, will end in disaster. Your allegiance to wealth, dominance and greed will leave you not just naked and vulnerable but in a worse state than those you abuse through the misuse of power.”

The time has come for the battle to rid the world of evil and the rule of Satan. God the Father is now about to unleash many earthquakes, Tsunamis and floods in an effort to make you wake up. Your plots to overthrow world leaders, those in power of religious groups and to introduce control measures including a one world currency will not be ignored. As you witness now these events unfolding you will find them impossible to ignore. These events will shake your blind addition to power. You will wake up to the error of your ways.”

Climate catastrophes not witnessed since the days of Noah

ecological events

“Prayer will as I have said before help dilute disasters in the world as it now heads towards a series of climate related catastrophes, never witnessed by man since the days of Noah. The world as you know it will suffer so many events all at once that chaos and confusion will be the norm.

Why would you allow this to happen?

I speak to those with huge political and financial clout who are privy to what is happening behind closed doors. This is your last chance, given to you out of a sense of love and compassion to man everywhere, to turn now and stop your evil ways. Or face the consequences.”

“The ecological disasters foretold will now strike the earth. All will commence now. So many. So quickly. And all due to the blind eyes turned on the word of God the Father by sinners wrapped up in their dens of iniquity.”

“My hand is being withheld from punishing man for the sins he commits through the power of prayer. I will cast down a severe chastisement if man does not turn away from the sin of murder and abortion. Already you, My children, have seen My anger through earthquakes, floods, Tsunamis and other ecological turmoil. I must chastise you children for you cannot avoid punishment for your offenses against your fellow man.”

“Never forget My children that many secrets given to My visionaries and seers foretelling future events to come have been mitigated through prayer. Many, many ecological disasters have been averted because of the devotion shown to My Blessed Mother. Her devotees have averted many earthquakes, floods and Tsunamis because of their prayers. Prayer can be very powerful. One person’s prayers and suffering can save a nation. Remember that.”

I tell you this so that you can prepare

“While they continue to inflict horror on God’s children, My Eternal Father will create ecological punishments and wipe out millions of these evil people from the face of the earth. Your weather patterns will continue to change. In time this will affect the ability to trade so that global powers will be halted in their wicked plans. Through all of this crisis, you My army, must pray to God the Father to protect you from these people and so that they will open up their hardened hearts to the truth of God’s Mercy.”

“These events will not take place immediately and much of this plan can be averted and mitigated through your prayers and sacrifices. Evil does not come from God. It arises from greed, love of self and a thirst for power and control. All of these weaknesses are spawned by Satan and placed before world leaders to tempt them so that they can hurt God’s children. Do not let Satan’s powers control your countries.”

“Pray, pray, pray that you have the strength to oppose measures designed to make you poor, dependent and at the mercy of those who control your countries. They rule under global powers consisting of the [land of Albion], the [land of the Eagle], the [Old Continent union] and the [land of the Dragon] and the [land of the Bear]. I, your Jesus, will help you avoid persecution but, remember, prayer will be your main weapon. Prayer can stop these wicked people from taking over your ability to eat, drink, cloth yourselves and attend Christian Churches.”

“The unrest in the world will escalate quickly and not only will wars emerge but the global bank will try to seize control over much of the world’s currencies. Chaos will prevail and ecological disasters will rise as the Hand of My Father falls to punish humanity for their weakness and slavery to sin.”

Our Lady: The Body of my Son, Jesus Christ, present in His Church on earth is being violated and will suffer terribly. Many plans to topple my Son’s Church are already underway and very soon it will collapse. Other events foretold will now be seen through ecological disasters as the Hand of my Father will fall in punishment on those nations whose sinful laws will no longer be tolerated.”

Great chastisements never witnessed in the world before

“The tide of change has begun, as the Hand of My Father now falls in chastisement, not only in the [Eagle land], but in other countries. All these ecological upheavals will continue everywhere, until humanity, has been purified. These signs are to show humanity that times have, indeed, changed. Nothing will, nor can, be the same until the earth is purified, to enable the Second Coming [of Jesus] to take place.”

“These signs are of the end times, My followers, and you must prepare your souls. Very soon there will be few, including those atheists with hearts of stone, who will be able to ignore the Hand of My Father. However, His great chastisements, of a magnitude never witnessed in the world, before now, can be mitigated and weakened through your prayers. Nevertheless, they will continue until mankind accepts the Truth. The day of the Lord, the day of the Second Coming, is drawing close, although many events must take place first.”

“Many events, including ecological upheavals, wars, the schism in My Church on earth, the dictatorships in each of your nations – bound as one, at its very core – will all take place at the same time. So many disruptions will cause many tears and gnashing of teeth…”

“My patience is never ending, but man will be punished, before My Second Coming, for his wicked deeds. This punishment has been delayed for some time, but My Father will permit ecological upheavals, in order to purify souls.”

There will be powerful earthquakes

ecological events

“The Earth will shake, as foretold, and one-third of it will be scorched, as a direct result of the sin of man.”

“Sin against the Laws of God will be tolerated as long as those who know the Truth and accept the Word of God, honor Him. But now, those you have placed in positions of power have turned their backs on God. For this they will be punished through ecological turmoil.”

“Man will suffer a great series of chastisements, as they continue to embrace paganism and murder each other.”

“There will be powerful earthquakes in the [land of the bear] and [land of the dragon] soon and they will take place one after the other. Weather extremes and sudden changes in temperatures from cold to very hot will be seen. The seasons will no longer be seen in the way in which they were in the past. Floods and sea storms will be seen in parts of the world, which have never experienced them up to now. In the countries, which pass wicked laws against God, earthquakes will rattle their lands and for those who know Me, they will know why they are taking place. When the chastisements take place, there will come a second terrible punishment, which will be inflicted on false churches, who deliberately block the Truth. For they will suffer the most, because of the souls they have stolen from Me.”

“Battles will rage, lives will be lost, lands will suffer ecological turmoil, crops will fail and many of you will be persecuted by your governments. The worst battle will be a spiritual one where every effort will be made to turn you against Me.”

The world will witness many more ecological upheavals

“My Father’s punishments have begun and the world will witness many more ecological upheavals as the purification of the earth begins. The preparations are now underway and soon, the enemies of God will be weeded out and punished […] When you see nature’s elements react fiercely you will know that the Hand of Justice has fallen.”

The Earth will spin faster, the sun will loom larger

ecological events

“The first sign will be that the Earth will spin faster. The second sign concerns the sun, which will loom larger, brighter and begin to spin. Beside it you will see a second sun. Then the weather will cause the world to shake and the changes will mean that many parts of the Earth will be destroyed. These punishments – and there will be many – will strip humanity of its arrogance, so that souls will beg for the Mercy of God.”

God will shake the world both physically and spiritually

Our Lady: “My Father has many plans, which He will enact, in order to save every single child of His. These plans cover many miraculous events, including the pouring out of special Grace, revelations given to you through these Messages, to ensure that God’s children do not stray along the wrong path, and many other interventions. Some of these interventions will be in the form of ecological punishments. When they become so constant, man will no longer be able to say that floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes and hurricanes are caused by man’s neglect of the Earth.”

“God is in control of the Earth, for He created it. He will decide its fate – no one else – for all Power belongs to Him. My Father will shake the world both physically and spiritually, while the plans and wicked deeds of the evil one flourish in every nation. Each act of desecration against God will be matched by His retaliations, which will wield an unbearable chastisement. Man’s sin will be fought vehemently by my Father and man must never underestimate the Power of God.”

“God’s Love must never be taken for granted. He must never be viewed as being weak, just because His Love for His children is unfathomable. His Mercy is great and all those who love God will be spared during the tribulations, which will be unleashed upon humanity, as God is thrown to one side, in favor of false gods and humanity’s obsession with itself.”

Purification comes before the Second Coming of the Lord

“Earthquakes are now about to strike the earth as the wrath of My Father’s fury will be unleashed. You, My ungrateful children, who have turned your back on the light of truth need to be fearful now. The beginning of the Great Tribulation is about to unfold where the spectacle of ecological unrest will escalate. Man will be powerless. In time, he will realize and accept that My Father exists and that I, his beloved Son, now prepare the way for the world to witness My coming back to earth for the second time. That time draws close now. However, the world must undergo this essential purification first. As the number of world disasters will continue to rise so too will those followers of Satan. Out of defiance they will continue with their miserable evil lives and inflict pain and terror on My believers and those who live righteous lives.”

Our Lady: “You, My dear children, must prepare now, remain calm, do everything you have been instructed to do and pray. Stay together. Bring other souls the Truth, pray hard for the conversion of those who do not believe in God and for all those who insult the memory of my Son, Jesus Christ.”