Read without hurry if you can...

Strive to read everything without being in a hurry...curiosity will not save you from the coming events that will devastate our planet... there will be no internet... prepare yourself with daily prayer and Holy Rosary, Confession, Communion, obedience to the 10 Commandments... Faith, no Fear! - Save your Soul!

I’m waiting for you in church and you won’t be disappointed. Really waiting for you personally. Come, don’t delay

I'll make you convinced Catholics, proud of your status as children of God. Be mine as I am yours, in your heart, in your soul and in your home. Come and don't delay


(Make the Sign of the Cross before to start reading and read all…) – May 26, 2020

I'm waiting for you in church and you won’t be disappointed. Really waiting for you personally. Come, don’t delay

“I am the Light that enlightens the world, without Me the world would remain as it was before My coming: darkened and without any possibility for those who are My brothers, or who have become so, to enter it.

This access to Heaven was closed to them, and absolutely none of them could even hope for it. Some had been good, and others even very good, like the prophets, Isaiah for example, but Heaven was inaccessible because the sin they bore in their nature as sons of Adam, closed off this Heaven to them, this filial closeness to God the Father that the generation in sin had lost.

Jesus Christ, through His Sacrifice, reconnected the creature with His Father, and since then, it can once again call Him ‘Father’.

This sacrifice was a gift so pure that no man of Adam’s descendants could have offered it. It required an atonement worthy of God.

How could an inferior offer to God the Father, who is infinite, an atonement other than finite, as he himself was?

(The gift of the Redemption…)

The gift that the Son of God, God Himself, was ready to make for His brothers on earth was a sacrifice equal to His own divinity, and He made it out of Love.

This gift of His divine Person, by way of redemption for sinful mankind, was disproportionate to mankind, but the fault done to God was so great – considering that the First Person of the Holy Trinity Himself had been wounded and rejected – that the reparation had to be perfect and infinite as God Himself was.

So it was that Jesus Christ, who from all eternity had resolved to come among His adopted brothers on earth, did so not for happiness but for trial.

He took upon Himself all the sins of men and repaired their faults for them. He repaired, He taught men that His Father, who is also their Father, in Heaven loved them and wished to have them in His eternal company.

(God with us…)

He renewed mankind by leaving behind Him the Sacraments of the Holy Catholic Church, of which there are seven:

  • Baptism, Confirmation, Penance, Marriage, Holy Orders, Extreme Unction and, of course, the greatest of all, the Holy Eucharist, His presence ‘in the flesh’, that is to say, in total and absolute visible reality with mankind.

His Real Presence with mankind was entrusted to the Apostles and to all those whom they consecrated to the Master’s service after His departure from earth, the Ascension.

(The Christian era…)

Pentecost, which followed this great departure by ten days, was preceded by a time of fasting and prayer by the Apostles and disciples, in the company of the Blessed Virgin and a number of holy women. A new era began for mankind: the Christian era. Millions rallied to this new religion, Catholicism, founded on the knowledge of Jesus Christ and His teachings. It continues to this day, in the 21st century.

Call of Jesus Christ

  • I await you in church, My children, following in the footsteps of all those Catholics down the centuries, to feed on these Sacraments. If this seems ridiculous or uninteresting to you, believe that on the Cross, I was neither ridiculous nor uninteresting.

  • As a result of this Sacrifice, I have attracted to Myself an incalculable number of faithful, and I await you among them. I am waiting for you in the same way I have waited for each of My faithful. They were not born Christians, but became so through education or conversion, or both. Their hearts were formed in their mother’s womb, and all those who have come to Me have the same faith, the same dignity as children of God, and the same concern to be good children of their Heavenly Father.

  • I’m waiting for you in church and you won’t be disappointed. I’m waiting for you personally, and I’ll make you convinced Catholics, proud of your status as children of God. Be mine as I am yours, in your heart, in your soul and in your home. Come and don’t delay.
