Read without hurry if you can...

Strive to read everything without being in a hurry...curiosity will not save you from the coming events that will devastate our planet... there will be no internet... prepare yourself with daily prayer and Holy Rosary, Confession, Communion, obedience to the 10 Commandments... Faith, no Fear! - Save your Soul!

The descendants of Judas Iscariot: Martin Luther, forerunner of the antichrist

Unfortunately, today, because of a distorted ecumenism, of Masonic matrix, Luther, already kicked out of the Church by five centuries of history and by the Council - "de fide"! - of Trent, is being let back in the door again, praised even with public praise!


Read all unhurriedly to the end, where it points out the bitter reality of the origin of all heresies, all divisions, all persecutions and pitfalls to the Holy Roman Catholic Church throughout the centuries to the present day, and which will lead to the coming of the antichrist shortly. The Church is the Body of Christ and will experience the same bloody Passion of Her Founder. Keep your faith firm and do not abandon the Roman Catholic Church.

Martin Lutero, omicida e suicida


Jesus says (Writings of Maria Valtorta):

“My Church has already known periods of obscurantism due to a number of different things. It should not be forgotten that, if the Church, taken as an entity, is a work as perfect as her Founder -taken as a group of men, she presents the imperfections proper to what comes from men. When the Church —and I am now referring to the gathering of her high dignitaries— acted according to the dictates of my Law and my Gospel, she experienced radiant times of splendor. But woe when, placing earthly interests before those of Heaven, she contaminated herself with human passions! Woe three times over when she worshiped the Beast John speaks of —that is, political Power— and made herself its slave. The light then darkened, necessarily, into more or less obscure twilights either because of the deficiency proper to the Heads who rose to that throne by human arts or through their weakness in the face of human pressures. These are the times in which there are ‘idol shepherds,’ about whom I have already spoken -the consequence, at root, of the errors of all. For if Christians were as they should be, whether powerful or humble, abuses and intrusions would not take place, and the punishment of God, who withdraws his light from those who have rejected it, would not be provoked.” (1)


Excerpts from the essay: Martin Luther, murderer and suicide. (From Italian version of rev. Dr. Luigi Villa, Martin Lutero, omicida e suicida). (2)

“I do not admit that my doctrine can be judged by anyone, not even by Angels. Whoever does not receive my doctrine cannot attain salvation.” (Martin Luther, Weim., X, P. II, 107, 8-11)

So, it could be said that Luther is in hell! And here are the main reasons: he was “homicidal,” which is why Luther had to take refuge in a convent, as we shall see later; and he died “suicidal,” after yet another evening orgy!

“I was a great rogue and murderer.” (Martin Luther, WA WW 29.50.18)

“These donkey idiots (Catholics) know nothing but the temptations of the flesh. (…). Actually, to these temptations the remedy is easy: there are still women and young girls…” (Martin Luther)

We have already mentioned that Luther, although he made himself a “friar,” never had inner peace, but went through continuous periods of crisis, moral struggles and frightening anguish of spirit.

“If the wife neglects her (sexual) duty, the temporal authority must force her to it, or put her to death.” (Martin Luther)

“The reason I drink all the more loudly, speak all the more licentiously, and guzzle all the more frequently, is to mock the devil who wanted to mock me.” (Martin Luther)

“He who does not oppose the papacy with all his heart cannot attain eternal happiness!” (Martin Luther)

“Before me, nothing has been known. I am certain that neither St. Augustine nor St. Ambrose, who also in these matters are great, are my equal. I am haughty in God above all measure, nor do I yield it of a finger to the Angels of Heaven, nor to Peter nor to Paul, nor to a hundred emperors, nor to a thousand popes, nor to all the world. Here is my motto: I yield to no one!” (Martin Luther)

“The Mass is not a Sacrifice, or the action of the sacrificer. We must consider it a sacrament or a testament. Let us call it blessing, eucharist, table of the Lord, memorial of the Lord. Let us give it any other name, as long as we do not taint it with the name ‘Sacrifice’.” (Martin Luther)

Luther, one day, responding to his mother who had asked him if she should also change her religion, said:

“No, remain Catholic, for I neither wish to deceive nor betray my mother!” (Martin Luther)

This significant “document” is preserved in the Library of the Dominican Convent of Santa Maria della Minerva in Rome.

“…We must absolutely banish from our eyes and from our spirit every Decalogue!” (Martin Luther)

And now, in him, there was an obsessive madness that no longer left him, and a despair that gnawed at his heart:

“I can no longer pray without cursing! Instead of saying, Thy name be hallowed, I say, Cursed! damned be the name of the papist! Instead of saying: thy Kingdom come! I say: damned! damned and annihilated be papism! Instead of saying: may Your Will be done, I say: damned! may the plans of the papists be damned! … Here is my prayer!” (Martin Luther)

The apostate Luther’s life, therefore, had already become hell for him! And he feared death, even though he constantly invoked it:

“The world is satiated with me and I am satiated with it! – he would say – but soon I will divorce it… Ah, if there were a Turk here to kill me!” (Martin Luther)

In his “Propos de Table” he had written:

“The devil first drives men to disobedience and betrayal, like Judas; then he drives them to despair, so that they end up losing or strangling themselves!” (Martin Luther)

He went on to say:

“…the devil has such a terrible voice that, after a nighttime talk with him, some men will be found, the next day, dead! And this will also come to me!” (Martin Luther)

This is a hallucinatory reflection that proves that Luther had his end clearly in front of him. And it also proves that the suicide does not always perform an act of madness, but can also perform a lucid act of diabolical possession!


“Pope, when I was alive, I was your PEST, when I am dead, I will be your DEATH.” (Martin Luther)

There are various Protestant and Catholic “testimonies” about this last desperate act of Luther. Here, we need only recall the main one; that of his personal servant, Ambrose Kuntzell (or Kudtfeld) who, struck to the soul by that terrible chastisement of God on his master, ended up confessing all particularities! Here is his testimony:

“Martin Luther, on the evening before his death, allowed himself to be overcome by his habitual intemperance and with such excess that we were obliged to take him away, completely drunk, and lay him in his bed. Then, we retired to our room, with nothing foreboding unpleasant! The next day, we returned to our master to help him dress, as was customary. Then
– oh, what sorrow! – we saw our master Martin hanging on the bed and strangled miserably! His mouth was twisted, the right side of his face black, his neck red and deformed.

Faced with this horrendous spectacle, we were all seized with great fear! Not the less we ran, without any delay, to the princes, his eve’s guests, to announce to them that execrable end of Luther! They, struck with terror as we were, immediately pledged us, with a thousand promises and with the most solemn oaths, to observe, on that event, an eternal silence, and that nothing of anything should be leaked. Then, they ordered us to detach Luther’s horrible corpse from the halter, to place it on his bed, and to divulge, afterwards, in the midst of the people, that ‘Master Luther’ had suddenly abandoned this life!”

A contemporary historian recounts that a flock of devils, in the guise of crows, flew around his body cawing fearfully, and that they accompanied him, then, to the tomb!

And there is also this other historical episode:

“In Graz (Austria), a Franciscan Father, in one of his sermons, asserted that Luther was damned… One evening, on the pretext of ministering to a sick person, a man came to seek him out… Instead of being in the presence of a sick person, the Franciscan Father found himself in the presence of five men who, showing him a revolver, told him that if he did not give proof that Luther was in hell, he would not leave the room alive. The Religious, a true man of God, laid down the Blessed Sacrament he was carrying and went into adoration; then, he recited the prayer of exorcism…

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. “Come in!” – said the men – but no one entered! A few moments later, however, the door opened and Luther, glowing like a burning coal, entered the chamber. He was in the midst of two other demons! The five men took flight…” (Cf. B.C. 63, p. 4, 1982).


Luther's family

Martin Luther’s Parents: Hans Luder and his wife Margarethe Lindemann. Martin Luther e Katharina von Bora, Luther’s wife.


But then is Luther in hell? And one could say so! The arc of his life, in fact, between that youthful murder and that suicide at the end of his life, is all marked by an existence as a “senseless heretic” (Pius VI – March 9, 1783), an avid blasphemer, an unrepentant drinker, a formidable goiter (he was called, for this, the “doctor plenus”! ), of perjurer and sacrilegious (he even went on to sacrilegiously marry a “nun,” Catherine Bora, whom he himself pulled out of the monastery to free her from her monastic bandages!), of apostate (his so-called “reform” was a subversion, “ab imis,” of the Faith, of Morals, of the divine constitution of the Church! ), of continuous impure sins (so that he was called by his countrymen: “Saxonicus porcus”!), of easy scurrility and triviality (cf. “Convivial Discourses”), violent in passions, abnormal man of pathological syndrome, unbridled egocentrism, megalomania, uncontrolled verbal aggression, sexuality to paroxysm, an aider to the peasants’ war (which he abandoned to get with the masters; he even wrote that “it was time now to slit the peasants’ throats like mangy dogs” – cf. Erl. III, 306), of monoideism, of a mortal enemy of the Pope, of a sinker of the Mass:

“I declare that all hangouts, murders, thefts, murderers and adulterers are less evil than the abomination that is the Papist mass!” (Martin Luther)

Of membership in Freemasonry (he was affiliated with the Rosicrucian sect)…

Pope Benedict XVI, in a reflection on the figure and theories of his compatriot Luther, said:

“He was not wrong when he argued that we are saved by faith alone…Luther had many Catholic ideas”!

But isn’t this the reality of all heretics: having “many Catholic ideas,” but not “all of them”?

Luther in hell, therefore, can only be a logical consequence of this whole wrong and highly sinful life of his! Although, unfortunately, today, because of a distorted ecumenism, of Masonic matrix, Luther, already kicked out of the Church by five centuries of history and by the Council – “de fide”! – of Trent, is being let back in the door again, praised even with public praise!

But for History, Luther always remains a murderer and a suicide; he always remains the senseless heretic, the “porcus Saxoniae,” the “pagan” friar, the clandestine degenerate on Peter’s ship, the friar who, like Judas, ended up, too, “in locum suum…” (in hell!).


Lo Stemma di Lutero

The symbol with which the Rosicrucians boasted was the Rosicrucian coat of arms of Martin Luther (a red rose with a cross superimposed in its center), whose fanatical hatred for the Catholic Mass they shared. No wonder, therefore, to learn that Luther also belonged to the Rosicrucian Masonic sect, whose circles swarmed in the Germany of his time.

Here is an excerpt from a speech, given by the Supreme Council of the Jewish High Freemasonry of B’nai B’rith, at a 1936 meeting in Paris:

“We are the fathers of all revolutions (…) We can boast of being the creators of the Reformation! Calvin was one of our sons; he was of Jewish origin and encouraged by Jewish finance to draw up his Reformation project. Martin Luther succumbed to the influence of his Jewish friends and, thanks again to Jewish authority and Jewish finance, his plot against the Church succeeded….”

  1. (Writings of Maria Valtorta) Periods of light and darkness in the Life of the Church: Read more…
  2. Luigi Villa: Martin Lutero, omicida e suicida (Italian): Read more…
  3. Luigi Villa: Martin Lutero, homicida y suicida (Spanish): Read more…