Read without hurry if you can...

Strive to read everything without being in a hurry...curiosity will not save you from the coming events that will devastate our planet... there will be no internet... prepare yourself with daily prayer and Holy Rosary, Confession, Communion, obedience to the 10 Commandments... Faith, no Fear! - Save your Soul!

Read My words, listen to certain solitary voices in the Church who are warning you

Voices who are warning you of the slippery slope on which humanity is rushing, they are voices of authority albeit so few in number! Listen to them, I raise them up to be a voice in the desert but so few of you hear them, be one of those!


(Make the Sign of the Cross before to start reading and read all…) – May 18, 2023

(It is important to offer moments of the day to God…)

“You are Mine, that is, I want you for My Heaven and to be with you eternally. You desire it too, but it’s often a pious wish: you let yourselves be absorbed by so many useless things!

You are often absorbed by this or that activity, which certainly has its raison to be, but often it absorbs you so much that you forget Me. You could so easily raise your eyes to heaven, if only for a moment, just as you look at a loved one while you’re working. It doesn’t bother you to look at them for a moment, you just smile and go back to your work.

(God is always with us…)

Do the same for Me, raise your head for a moment to contemplate Me, either in a Gospel story, or on the Cross, or in the Holy Eucharist. Think of Me all day long; you are in My company, for I am with you.

(Let us give joy to God…)

May God bless you, for He is pleased with your little interruptions to offer Me your work, your thoughts, your calculations, your difficulties. Yes, I am by your side and I am your Beloved.

(Charity, diligence, thanksgiving…)

When I was on earth, I also had My carpentry work with My father Joseph and after him, alone, for it was necessary to maintain daily life, that of My Mother, Mine, and to render service to all those who made their needs known to us. My Mother and I loved to be of service because we knew that God loved all His creatures, so how could we not turn to them and be of service! Some thanked, others didn’t, and all their thoughts, not always positive, didn’t alter our charity.

(Charity and prudence…)

My Mother was always keen to give, even the necessities, and I sometimes had to put the brakes on her diligence. Yes, you have to be charitable, but in everything there’s a limit to how far you should go, and my Mother, without sin, would have given Herself totally if God hadn’t reserved a few necessities for Her. I slowed Her down when God wanted to slow Her down, and She understood the need to keep the necessities, because our own lives depended on them. She gave and gave, but She was never frivolous in Her giving.

(Man’s work and Divine Providence…)

Life on earth requires work, and man’s penance since original sin has been to work intelligently, conscientiously, righteously and willingly. Men who find it easy to work receive this ease from Divine Providence, and should take no pride in it. Others do not, but such is their lot.

Nature, diminished by original sin, has become profoundly unequal. It reacts to sun, rain, cold or heat, and everything it produces is with God’s grace.

From time immemorial, there have been unequal periods, and men have accustomed to them. They have lived, well or not so well, with difficulties due to many personal or external factors, and then some have seemed to get by more easily than others.

(Offering God joys, sorrows and failures…)

God knows all this and I, as the Son of Man, have experienced these material demands. My Mother also experienced them, and both of us, together with Joseph, offered God our difficulties, our work, and often the lack of results despite real efforts.

When I left My working life to begin My public life, I encountered the same difficulties.

Wounded human nature is easily enthused, but it is changeable, and often disappointed devotees would withdraw when My Words urged them to leave their habits. I would talk to them, but it was often difficult for them to move from words to action. Later, the wrath of the dignitaries, priests, scribes, Pharisees and Levites, impressed them, and many withdrew from following My faithful for fear of what people would say.

(Discerning and following true shepherds…)

The same is true today. The mass of the faithful follow their priests, their bishops and the Church authorities, but if they go astray as they did in My time, the mass continues to follow them and go astray with them.

(Listen carefully…)

My children, I have spoken so many good words to you, I have explained to you what is happening in your time, the time of your actuality, but there are so many who do not understand or who read Me superficially.

(Listen to the voices in the desert and be prepared in state of grace…)

Read My words, listen to certain solitary voices in the Church who are warning you of the slippery slope on which humanity is rushing, they are voices of authority albeit so few in number! Listen to them, I raise them up to be a voice in the desert but so few of you hear them, be one of those!

I bless you, I love you, I lead you, and take the only path on which I am!

Your Lord and your God.”
