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Strive to read everything without being in a hurry...curiosity will not save you from the coming events that will devastate our planet... there will be no internet... prepare yourself with daily prayer and Holy Rosary, Confession, Communion, obedience to the 10 Commandments... Faith, no Fear! - Save your Soul!

Message of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament for humanity and the vaccinated 

Pay full attention to what I am going to tell you through my Prophet Enoch: All those who for lack of knowledge, faith, or fear, have been vaccinated and are sheep of my flock, I tell you, do not fear; for there is a hope for you


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July 28 2021 – Urgent call of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament to His faithful Children. Message to Enoch.

Important Message of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament for humanity and the vaccinated

“My Peace be with you, my Beloved Children.

My children, days of anguish, desolation and famine are approaching; this humanity refuses to listen to Me, no matter how much I call them through my instruments to convert, they continue to turn their back on Me and not their face. My Warning is going to catch the vast majority unprepared; everything described in the Holy Word for this time, is being fulfilled in its entirety; the time of my Mercy is on count-down; the only thing yet to come, is the arrival of the Warning and the Miracle, for my Justice to step in.

The signs from heaven have intensified, the transformation of the creation is increasing, the heavenly apparitions and manifestations are taking place, like never before seen on earth; signs and manifestations of Heaven calling humanity to conversion, but this one remains spiritually lethargic. Poor lukewarm and sinful souls, you will be caught by my awakening of consciences in lukewarmness and sin, and you will not have time to convert!

Beloved Children, I feel more and more alone in my Tabernacles, there are very few who come to visit Me, always the same ones. The Love of Loves is about to depart, and what will become of you, sinful humanity when the days of desolation and abomination of my Temples arrive? When I am desecrated and expelled from my Houses and my daily worship suspended, due to desolation and abomination? I tell you; you will no longer find Me in my tabernacles to console you; despair will seize you, ungrateful and sinful humanity and the master of darkness will steal your soul!

Conversion, conversion, urgent conversion, sinful humanity I ask you; wake up from your spiritual lethargy, for the days of my Mercy are on count-down! Remember: I do not want your death nor am I pleased with your suffering; my desire is that you repent and convert from the heart, so that tomorrow you can enjoy eternal life. Come and visit Me ungrateful children, do not walk in distance from my tabernacles, there is very little time left for Me to stay with you. When my Temples are definitively closed with the pretext of pandemics, the children of darkness at the service of my adversary will destroy my Houses and will desecrate my Tabernacles; the prophecy of Daniel, which speaks of this sad event, will then be fulfilled (Daniel 12, 11).

For three and a half times, I will no longer be with you ungrateful children, but my faithful People will be able to find Me in my Mother, She will be the Tabernacle where I will remain in those days of desolation. Run, then, to bathe yourselves, sinful humanity, in the pool of forgiveness and Mercy; seek as soon as possible one of my priests and make a good confession of life; feed yourselves with my Body and my Blood as much as you can; convert from the heart at the foot of my Tabernacle and I assure you that as the same as the prodigal son, I will also make a banquet for your return.

My children, pay full attention to what I am going to tell you through my Prophet Enoch: All those who for lack of knowledge, faith, or fear, have been vaccinated and are sheep of my flock, I tell you, do not fear; for there is a hope for you; if you make my Rosary of the Precious Blood and Wounds together with my Litanies of my Blood with faith, as a novena and you ask Me that my Blood destroy the harmful effect of the vaccine in your body; I will free you by my Mercy from its adverse effects and I will seal you with my Blood.

Beloved children, the power of my Glorious Blood and Wounds, is the best antidote against any virus, plague or pandemic; pray the prayer of my Blood morning and night, (make it) covering your children and relatives; I assure you that if you pray it with faith, no virus, plague or pandemic can harm you.

Peace I leave with you, my Peace I give you. Repent and convert, because the Kingdom of God is near.

Your Master, Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, the Beloved who is not Loved.

Make, my children, my messages of salvation known to all humanity.”

Source: mensajesdelbuenpastor