Read without hurry if you can...

Strive to read everything without being in a hurry...curiosity will not save you from the coming events that will devastate our planet... there will be no internet... prepare yourself with daily prayer and Holy Rosary, Confession, Communion, obedience to the 10 Commandments... Faith, no Fear! - Save your Soul!

What is happening to you? Why do they no longer want My crib, My memory, My Good News?

Yes, the vast majority of you turn your backs on Me, and you, My children, don't do much about it... You often swap Me for this imaginary Santa Claus, even though Christmas is the Nativity of Jesus Christ, God and man, and this anniversary has turned the world upside down


(Make the Sign of the Cross before to start reading and read all…) – December 18, 2023

“My dearest ones, My little ones, I am your dearest Father, your beloved Older Brother and Holy Spirit, your God and your closest Friend, I am with you.God is with you and, on this coming Christmas, I want to write to you and give you My divine Word.

  • What is happening to you?
  • Why are France, the other countries of Europe and others around the world turning their backs on Me?
  • Why do they no longer want My crib, My memory, My Good News?

Yes, the vast majority of you turn your backs on Me, and you, My children, don’t do much about it… You often swap Me for this imaginary Santa Claus.

Spiritual reality behind “Santa Claus”
imaginary Santa Claus
The devil and his minions introduced this imaginary Santa Claus to make believers focus on the materialistic aspect of Christmas; to distract them from the spiritual meaning of It: God’s Plan of Salvation for humanity; from paying homage to the Birth of Jesus, God-man; from worshipping the Infant Jesus; Jesus present in all His fullness: Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, in the consecrated Host; Jesus the Redeemer.


Even though Christmas is the Nativity of Jesus Christ, God and man, and this anniversary has turned the world upside down. It was the happiest moment of all time, and when it happened in Bethlehem, only a few shepherds knew about it.

God was being born on earth, and only a few shepherds knew about it! What a grace for those shepherds, they were spiritually nourished by it all their lives, and although their personal story is not known to you, they were My first disciples.

Christmas is the Nativity of Jesus Christ, God and man

Be you too, My children, in their image, and don’t miss an opportunity to adore Me, bear witness to Me and remain openly My disciples.

Then came the foreign nations, the Magi, after a long journey, to adore God in His Humility and apparent Littleness. This littleness is an example for all of you, for it is not necessarily by power, by the visible crown or by the number of court servants, that the greatness of Faith is found. It is found in the depths of your soul, where God dwells, for in every pious and fervent man, God makes His Dwelling.

May Peace be with you, that inner peace that no one can take away from you, and which the saints experienced so perfectly. They had God within them, and this strength enabled them to evangelize the world.

As soon as the Holy Spirit descended on that dazzling day of Pentecost, they set off in search of souls to convert them and bring them to God.

May the power of the Holy Spirit be with you. Don’t be afraid, put the Lord God, the Infant Jesus, in all your cribs and push Santa Claus far away from your homes; he’s useless, he doesn’t exist, his feast is a usurpation of the love we should have for the Infant Jesus, Jesus in the Host, the Redeemer Jesus.

  • The Magi brought Him their gifts, and the gifts offered to family and friends come from this admirable memory of a Child God honored, adored and followed.

My dearest children, be very faithful, very happy in the divine Family of which you are already a part through the sacrament of Baptism, and then nourish yourselves physically and spiritually with all the vital graces that God gives your soul through the Most Holy Communion if you are in a state of grace.

How many saints have lived for years without any physical nourishment apart from the Holy Eucharist! Of course, this is a miraculous fact, and God willed it to demonstrate the absolute necessity of holy communion to have Life!

This is the Life you’ll live by in Heaven, the Life that will flow through the veins of your glorious body, so united to your soul that it will be its aspect rather than the other way round, as is currently the case on earth.

Yes, your glorious body will be the reflection, the expression, the mark of your soul, which will totally pour itself on it to give [the body] its radiance, its sparkling colors and its perfect form. Your glorious body will be beautiful, young, radiant with love and goodness, and it will no longer suffer the ravages of time.

Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament

You, yourself will have shaped it by your earthly attachment to Jesus-Host, always receiving Him with fervor, piety and thanksgiving.

Jesus-Host is your Life, without Him you cannot survive, without Him Heaven will not be accessible to you.

So don’t hesitate to take communion respectfully and fervently as often as possible, to adore Life, the Author of your days and the Redeemer of your souls. He came in this cradle, in this manger, for your eternal Life, adore Him and don’t take part in the theft of His Birthday by unbelievers; they don’t want Him either in this world or in the next for their greater loss and eternal misfortune.

May God be blessed in His Angels and Saints, Long live the little Child, eternal King from His Birth!

I bless you, in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; so be it.

Jesus-Host, your Life.”
