Read without hurry if you can...

Strive to read everything without being in a hurry...curiosity will not save you from the coming events that will devastate our planet... there will be no internet... prepare yourself with daily prayer and Holy Rosary, Confession, Communion, obedience to the 10 Commandments... Faith, no Fear! - Save your Soul!

The time when mankind will pale before the fulfillment of the Prophecies is very near

Pray My children, pray, pray, a new disease is emerging for the skin and respiratory system; it is very aggressive and invasive and is transmitted in a short time.


July 29, 2023 – Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de Maria

“Beloved children of Mine: I offer you My Heart so that you may come to Me and take refuge in It.

In My Heart you will find the Divine Love on which you can nourish yourselves and from My Heart I offer you all “The Light” (cf. Jn 8:12) that you need to work and act within My Will:

  • It is the light that does not go out because it is the Morning Star….
  • It is the light that illuminated and illumines My Disciples….
  • It is the delicate light that illuminates everything, without leaving the eyesight resentful…
  • It is the light of the mystical silence, which welcomed all humanity…

That light is My Mother, whom I love and who lives within My Heart interceding for humanity. It is this encounter with love that bears the fruits of eternal life.

It is at this moment that mankind must embrace and not turn away from My Mother, because My Mother accomplished great miracles through obedience before (cf. Jn. 2:5-11) and at this moment She is accomplishing great miracles from My House, interceding for each one of you.

My children, I constantly bless you and you must do the same: bless one another. It is not necessary to exaggerate the greeting or farewell, with a “God bless you” or “blessings” is enough; without forgetting that the “shows” or spectacles are the Devil’s way of acting.

The moment when mankind will taste the pain and cruelty of the human creature is very near.

The time when mankind will pale before the fulfillment of the Prophecies is very near. So much so that you will hear the lamentations of mankind who have despised My Word and you will hear the lamentations of those who have accepted to adulterate My Word and who find themselves before all My People.

My children, it is very important that you strengthen one another, that you be discreet and be observant of every sign and every sign as it unfolds.

Pray My children, pray, pray, a new disease is emerging for the skin and respiratory system; it is very aggressive and invasive and is transmitted in a short time.

TO COMBAT THIS DISEASE, TAKE PINEAPPLE OR PINEAPPLE, AS IT IS KNOWN WHERE YOU LIVE. Add three slices of the fruit and a leaf of the same plant in boiling water and drink a liter of this decoction little by little during the day for several days. The plant called GORDOLOBO will also help you.

Pray My children, pray, the war has ceased to be a specter and has become a reality: the direst nightmare that the creature will face.
Pray, My children, pray, mankind feels collapse before the spiritual emptiness that overwhelms them and will join what will lead them to not feel loneliness. My Heart suffers for it.
Pray children, pray for Mexico, for Ecuador, for Colombia, for Costa Rica, for Chile, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Italy, Spain, Taiwan and the United States: they are shaken.

Keep in mind My children that prayer with the heart, with a purpose and being love at this time, is very important.

Come close to Me, little children. I bless you; I call you to come to My Sacred Heart. Your Jesus.”


Source: Revelaciones Marianas