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Strive to read everything without being in a hurry...curiosity will not save you from the coming events that will devastate our planet... there will be no internet... prepare yourself with daily prayer and Holy Rosary, Confession, Communion, obedience to the 10 Commandments... Faith, no Fear! - Save your Soul!

Message for all the nations of Latin America, especially for Mexico

Hunger, epidemic, war will devastate the nations of Central America, the world will face the most terrible global economic crisis. Everywhere will reign hatred and violence


(Read all…) February 2, 2020 – Messages, Prophecies and Revelations received by “The Disciple”

For all the nations of Latin America, especially for Mexico.

Jesus. – “Write, My Disciple: May your pen be like a chisel of fire so that what you write here no one or nothing can erase, may each word quickly cross the mountains, hills and meadows, may the rivers be filled with pure water, the mountain ranges, the plains and the valleys are like a flowery orchard where souls are ecstatic at My Presence; I will lift the spirits of the discouraged and I will cause all the peoples of the Earth to be submerged in the portentous sea of My Mercy, because the hour of thunder, of the Final Justice is upon you. I will uproot all poison ivy and plant a garden with delicious fruits upon springs of water, I will pour out the power of My mighty Hand.

Ah… My Disciple, write what the King of the centuries, Immortal and Invincible and Strong wants to declare to the Nations of Latin America, because after this message, there will come a terrible sieve and purification in the furnace of purification; the elect of the many called and chosen, will gather and settle in the Countries where I revealed would be the seat of the 12 Tribes of Israel.

Deadly epidemic and plagues will fall heavily on the guilty nations and they will know that I, the Lord… have spoken… for they mocked My prophets and messengers by sending them into exile, saying of them…: ‘Woe to them! The one who predicts calamities, whose predictions cause us fear and fear; woe to those visionaries who announce things and don’t come true; woe to those who announce epidemic, hunger and death; woe to those who claim to speak the truth and speak out against peace.’

Ah… Mexico, peace will be lost in your borders despite being the new Israel in Latin America, misfortune will come to you through your borders because you filled yourself with idols and put your trust in what is not true… Divine Justice cries out against you , because you have allowed yourself to be seduced by the scarlet beast, the false religion from which you should have fled; you consented to evil contaminating yourself like the other nations from South to North and from East to West; you lent your ears to the false prophets who announced prosperity… heresy and blasphemy entered your temples and the priests of the altar contaminated themselves with them, thus preparing the final blow to erase My Eucharistic Presence. Oh yes, and the faithful remnant that I chose within the Priestly Order have corrupted themselves behind My back by rejecting the Cross that I offered them as the only means of salvation.

My Cross is the Truth, if I have something against My consecrated ones, it is that they have made My people confused and have shaken their hope and their faith, teaching atheistic and modernist doctrines, denying the core truths of the Faith.

My Cross, oh My Cross will be seen in the sky soon, because My Justice will fall from one end of Latin America to the other. Listen, My Priests, get out of the false Church and its heretical doctrines, prepare yourselves as a faithful Priestly Remnant because the black cloud of rebellion and disobedience to My Laws has fallen.

Everything is orchestrated by satan and his rebellious hosts… Come out, My people, shake your hearts and your feet, because the time of the horrible sacrilege and the great abomination have already entered the temples and the altars. Everything has been profaned, respect and holy fear of the Sacred and Divine has fled from the temples when the abomination of abominations entered…

My people, stay away from spiritual contamination, do not contaminate yourselves with the guilty nations: they and their rulers have not rejected My messengers and prophets but have rejected Me. They have erected infamous trenches of hatred, they have filled My Temples with poison and have profaned the Sacred on the altars.

Listen, America, to the one true God, open your ears and your heart, turn to Me, you, guilty nations, before My Hand of Justice falls upon you.

Write… oh Disciple, and don’t get tired of it, don’t worry or worry about anything. Put your hope in Me because I am the One who speaks… The Judge of all peoples and nations! Cursed countries for passing humane laws that denigrate life… the crime of abortion, euthanasia, hatred and violence is abhorrent. I am going to demand that the pastors of My people break their complicit silence;

Satan directs his deadly and ferocious attack against the Mexican nation, because he knows that law and justice have been established here through the Heart of My Holy Mother.

Ah… Mexico, nation consecrated to Me, I, the Lord, will exalt you above all the other nations of the Earth, from north to south, from east to west. The transformation will start from here! Hunger, epidemic, war will devastate the nations of Central America, the world will face the most terrible global economic crisis. Everywhere will reign hatred and violence.

Violent earthquake will bring down large buildings and the sea it will eat the coasts; the great rivers and lagoons will dry up, the mothers will cry for their children and their husbands who will not come home. National arms and coats of arms will be destroyed, false prophets and diviners will abound, and places of worship will be closed, there will be desecration of Temples and Tabernacles and in a bloody and open persecution they will search for the saints and true consecrated people. The Greater Sacrilege will be consummated and I will be expelled from the altars… a feeling of loneliness and emptiness will take over human hearts because peace will have fled from North America extending throughout South America because the idol of abomination and sacrilege will have sat on the Chair to govern, the beast that will impose the diabolical mark and seal on you.

Satan will then feed hatred against My little Remnant, then nation will rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom, My chosen ones will live hidden under the supernatural protection of Divine Providence.

I will no longer descend on the Eucharistic species of bread and wine, only My Priestly Remnant will be able to have My Presence; I will invalidate all the sacraments that the false priests want to exercise on My people of the faithful Remnant. The hour has already struck and the last warning call has struck, all hell will believe that it is the owner of everything that exists.

The false prophet will persecute the good priests and the bad priests will abound. The sign that I did not call them and they are not My consecrated ones is that they will have abandoned PRIESTLY CELIBACY.

It is not that there are two Churches, what happens is that 75% of this My Church let in the smoke of satan, and those in charge kept silent like dumb dogs, they were seduced by the beast of the great harlot and embraced the heretic contamination, being themselves propagators of schism, heresy and apostasy; they condemned Tradition and the Magisterium and attempted against My Word, denying the truths of Faith. They hid the Truth and worshiped the Earth, they piled up ruins and received the sand that satan threw on their eyes.

Ah, blind guides, false shepherds and guides who poison My people and betray Me and sell Me. Ah, My Disciple, they have killed the love for My Holy Law…

The Twelve Thrones are prepared, those who will sit on them will come without delay, there is a Throne that prevails over two others, My true prophets will anoint them because they will be like kings, I grant authority to these three Thrones over the other nine. They will be the seat and the bastion of the royal descendants, they will be united kingdoms covered by My glory, destined to shine and excel within all the countries of Latin America; from one of these three Thrones will be the Shepherd of shepherds, My authentic, unique and final Vicar who will lead My Faithful Flock to triumph and total reign…

Get away now, faithful remnant, from perverse heresy and sacrilege, do not consent or run after the wicked who reject the doctrine of My Cross.”

Disciple narration: Here the Lord appeared to me scourged, with His gaze full of sadness, then I saw the places where these Thrones remained and who sat on them; a path was opened through the mountain and another after the sea, I saw an angel fly over Panama, then to Brazil and Ecuador. A great earthquake moved the so-called line or ring of fire, in the Pacific the sea burned, large extensions of forests were burned by fierce fires, nations closed borders due to deadly virus, I saw many demons dance and shout with joy, the sky was gray and a solar storm caused a great disaster in nature; the animals were restless and a large hailstorm fell on farm fields causing many crops to fail; I saw many people leave their country for another country, immigration was unstoppable, I saw an event supernatural in the middle of the year, at the end of the year the Reign of the Sacred Heart was consolidated and the Justice of God invaded the world… Our Lord blessed the entire American continent with his Hand, everything was filled with light… I give glory to Jesus for these visions and these messages. -The disciple

Source: Sagrados Corazones