Read without hurry if you can...

Strive to read everything without being in a hurry...curiosity will not save you from the coming events that will devastate our planet... there will be no internet... prepare yourself with daily prayer and Holy Rosary, Confession, Communion, obedience to the 10 Commandments... Faith, no Fear! - Save your Soul!

Mother of God: Look carefully in the sky, something will soon be moving

The darkest moments are approaching quickly and you will be eyewitnesses of signs in the firmament


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August 16, 2016: Message to the seer Lily of the Holy Face of Jesus (Giglio del Santo Volto)

  •  English
  •  Italian

Look carefully in the sky, something will soon be moving

Beloved daughter, as you see, the Father’s promises are being fulfilled without any doubt.

This applies to every living being that entrust himself to the good Lord.

Therefore, My little children, seek Him with joy and awareness of the one who has already received.

I, as Mediatrix, can do a lot before the Lord.

I present to Him everything you need; but you should learn that if you do not ask or use My title of Mediatrix, little can be done for each of you, because of your free will on which the Most Holy Father, for His will and solemn promise, cannot intervene.

Everything could be granted, but We cannot go against what is a solemn and sacred promise of the Most High.

Today I ask you to learn to be joyful and in humility, to ask first for the forgiveness of sins; thereafter to invoke Me as Mediatrix of All Graces and present what you are in need of.

If it is for the good of souls, everything will be granted.

Mediatrix and Co-Redemptrix for the Lord’s will; here is the role assigned to me by the Almighty.

You want to advance spiritually, and I will come to help you, in this particular moment of world events.

Heaven is in need of devout souls ready to fight with extreme fidelity to the Most Holy Father.

The darkest moments are approaching quickly and you will be eyewitnesses of signs in the firmament, and in the solar system unexpected celestial bodies will move.

The time is near, it is time to prepare to renounce sin and to begin to walk on a new path, washed in the blood of the Lamb and rebuilt as new creatures.

The Act of Mercy is very close.

Keep your lamps lit, because the prearranged time is approaching quickly.

Lay down your ballasts of sin, confessing everything that weighs at the bottom of your heart and soul, and by shining again, wait for My Son who is looking forward to be reunited with you all; none excluded.

Ask and you shall receive.

Observe carefully in the sky, something will soon be moving and will take you by surprise.

It will not be foreseen by your men of science, for it is the work of God.

Be praised the Most Holy Trinity in this day of Celebration, for the Graces granted to Me and generously bestowed.

Pray at least one Holy Rosary and if you can, the Crown of Twelve Stars that is so pleasing to my Immaculate Heart.

What you will offer for the intentions of your Heavenly Mother, will be a very welcomed gift.

I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.




The Crown of Twelve Stars

Let us offer praise and thanksgiving to the Most Holy Trinity, Who has shown us the Virgin Mary, clothed with the sun, the moon under her feet, and on her head a mystic crown of twelve stars. Forever and ever.

Let us give praise and thanks to the Eternal Father, Who chose her for His daughter. Amen

Silently, pray the Our Father…

1. Praised be the Eternal Father, Who predestined her to be the Mother of His Divine Son. Amen. Hail Mary…

2. Praised be the Eternal Father, Who preserved her from all stain of sin in her conception. Amen. Hail Mary…

3. Praised be the Eternal Father, Who adorned her at her birth with His most excellent gifts. Amen. Hail Mary…

4. V. Praised be the Eternal Father, Who gave her Saint Joseph to be her companion and most pure spouse. Amen. Hail Mary… Glory Be To The Father…

V. Let us give praise and thanks to the Divine Son, Who chose her for His Mother. Amen.

Silently, pray the Our Father…

5. V. Praised be the Divine Son, Who became incarnate in her womb and there abode for nine months. Amen. Hail Mary…

6. V. Praised be the Divine Son, Who was born of her and was nourished at her breast.  Amen. Hail Mary…

7. V. Praised be the Divine Son, Who in His childhood willed to be taught by her.  Amen. Hail Mary…

8. V. Praised be the Divine Son, Who revealed to her the mystery of the Redemption of the world. Amen. Hail Mary… Glory Be To The Father…

V. Let us give praise and thanks to the Holy Spirit, Who took her for His spouse.  Amen. 

Silently, pray the Our Father…

9. V. Praised be the Holy Spirit, Who revealed first to her His Name of Holy Spirit.  Amen. Hail Mary…

10. V. Praised be the Holy Spirit, by Whose operation she was at once Virgin and Mother.  Amen. Hail Mary…

11. V. Praised be the Holy Spirit, by Whose power she was the living temple of the ever-blessed Trinity.   Amen. Hail Mary…

12. Praised be the Holy Spirit, by Whom she was exalted in Heaven above every living creature. Amen. Hail Mary… Glory Be To The Father…


Let us praise Mary, who hath done so much for our good, and let us say to her: God hail thee, Mary, Mother of Clemency, Comfortress of the Afflicted, Redemptress of Captives. Thou art the glory of Jerusalem, thou art the joy of Israel, thou art the honour of our people.

V. Remember thy congregation, O Mary. R. Which belongs to thee from the beginning.

Let Us Pray

O God, Who by means of the Most Glorious Mother of Thy Divine Son, didst enrich the Church with a new religious family for the redemption of the faithful of Christ from pagan oppression, grant, we beseech Thee, that we may be freed from our sins and from the bondage of the devil by the merits and intercession of her whom we devoutly venerate as the foundress of so great a work. R. Amen

Hail, Holy Queen

Hail, holy Queen, Mother of mercy, hail, our life, our sweetness and our hope. To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve: to thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this vale of tears. Turn then, most gracious Advocate, thine eyes of mercy toward us, and after this our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus, O merciful, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary! Amen.

Osservate nel firmamento con attenzione, qualcosa presto si muoverà e vi sorprenderà.

Amata figlia, come vedi, le promesse del Padre si adempiono senza alcun dubbio.

Questo vale per ogni essere vivente che al buon Dio si raccomanda.

Perciò, Miei piccoli figli, cercateLo con la gioia e la consapevolezza di chi ha già ricevuto.

Io, come Mediatrice, posso molto davanti al Signore.

Io presento tutto ciò di cui avete bisogno; ma dovreste imparare che se non chiedete e utilizzate il Mio appellativo di Mediatrice, poco si può fare per ognuno di voi, a causa del libero arbitrio sul quale il Padre Santissimo, per Sua Volontà e solenne promessa, non può intervenire.

Tutto potrebbe essere scontato, ma non si può andare contro ciò che è solenne e sacrosanta promessa dell’Altissimo.

Oggi vi chiedo di imparare ad essere gioiosi e nell’umiltà, a chiedere prima il perdono dei peccati; successivamente ad invocarmi come Mediatrice di tutte le Grazie e presentare ciò di cui necessitate.

Se per il bene delle anime, tutto verrà concesso.

Co-mediatrice e Corredentrice per Volontà del Signore; ecco il ruolo assegnatomi dall’ Onnipotente.

Desiderate di avanzare spiritualmente e verrò ad aiutarvi, in questo momento di particolari eventi mondiali.

Il Cielo Ha bisogno di anime devote e pronte a combattere con estrema fedeltà al Padre Santissimo.

I momenti più bui si stanno avvicinando rapidamente e voi sarete testimoni oculari di spettacoli nel firmamento e nel sistema solare si muoveranno corpi celesti inaspettati.

È vicino il tempo, è l’ora per prepararsi a deporre il peccato e iniziare un nuovo percorso, lavàti nel Sangue dell’Agnello e ricostruiti come nuove creature.

L’Atto di Misericordia è molto vicino.

Tenete accesi i lumi, perché il tempo prestabilito avanza rapidamente.

Deponete le zavorre del peccato, confessando tutto ciò che pesa nel profondo del cuore e nell’anima e risplendenti, attendete Mio Figlio che freme nel riabbracciarvi tutti; alcuno escluso.

Chiedete e vi sarà dato.

Osservate nel firmamento con attenzione, qualcosa presto si muoverà e vi sorprenderà.

Non sarà stato previsto dagli uomini di scienza, poiché opera di Dio.

Sia lodata in questo giorno di Festa la Santissima Trinità per le Grazie a Me concesse e generosamente elargite.

Recitate almeno un Santo Rosario e se potete, la Corona di Dodici Stelle tanto gradita al Mio Cuore Immacolato.

Ciò che offrirete per le intenzioni della vostra Mamma sarà un dono ben gradito.

Vi benedico nel Nome del Padre, del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo.





«Ti lodiamo, Vergine Maria, ricordando le meraviglie operate in te dal Signore»

Corona di Santità

  1. Padre nostro… Beata sei tu, Maria, madre del Signore! Restando vergine, hai dato al mondo il Creatore.  Ave Maria…
  2. Sei un mistero insondabile Vergine santa! Hai portato nel grembo il Dio immenso, che i cieli non possono contenere. Ave Maria…
  3. Sei tutta bella, Vergine Maria! Nessuno macchia offusca il tuo splendore. Ave Maria…
  4. I doni che Dio ti ha fatto, o Vergine, sono più numerosi delle stelle del cielo. Ave Maria… Gloria al Padre…

Corona di Potenza

  1. Padre nostro… Beata sei tu, Maria, regina del mondo! Accompagnaci nel cammino verso il regno dei cieli. Ave Maria…
  2. Beata sei tu, Maria, ricolma di grazia! Comunica anche a noi i doni di Dio. Ave Maria…
  3. Beata sei tu, Maria, nostra medïatrice! Rendi intimo il nostro incontro con Cristo. Ave Maria…
  4. Beata sei tu, Maria, vincitrice delle forze del male! Aiutaci a seguirti sulla via del Vangelo. Ave Maria… Gloria al Padre…

Corona di Bontà

  1. Padre nostro… Lode a te, rifugio dei peccatori! Intercedi per noi presso il Signore. Ave Maria…
  2. Lode a te, madre degli uomini! insegnaci a vivere da figli di Dio. Ave Maria…
  3. Lode a te, donatrice di gioia! Guidaci alla felicità eterna. Ave Maria…
  4. Lode a te, nostro aiuto in vita e in morte! Accoglici nei regno di Dio. Ave Maria… Gloria al Padre…

San Luigi Maria Grignon de Montfort




Lily of the Holy ShroudThe seer Lily of the Holy Face of Jesus (Giglio del Santo Volto), is a woman from Italy who lives a humble and hidden life. Those people whose heart belong to God, will recognize in these messages the voice of the Good Shepherd, God the Almighty, The Triune God: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, Who call all to salvation. Be the one who listens by abandoning a sinful life, by embracing prayer and by following the eternal 10 Commandments. Time is running out.