Read without hurry if you can...

Strive to read everything without being in a hurry...curiosity will not save you from the coming events that will devastate our planet... there will be no internet... prepare yourself with daily prayer and Holy Rosary, Confession, Communion, obedience to the 10 Commandments... Faith, no Fear! - Save your Soul!

Jesus of Nazareth: Become ever more vigilant to the plans of satan and his minions

Pray powerfully now for the discernment to understand what it is that God the Father in Heaven wants of you


Mar 1, 2012 – Jesus of Nazareth
Shrine of Our Lady of the Island, Eastport, New York, USA at 12:45pm

“My son,

I have brought you here today to this beautiful shrine dedicated to my earthly Mother, the Queen of the Universe.

For I am calling upon you now, as well as I am calling upon all brothers and sisters, to take this moment in time to reflect on the events that are happening around the world.

Recognize that this is also a time now to allow yourselves to get away from the turmoil that life entails – in order to find yourselves centering in prayer and meditation – for these are the times that are most difficult for all of you on your journey through your lives.

I am certain that all of you recognize that your lives are being affected by turmoil and change now more than ever before.

This is happening because of all the events that are happening around the world, as well as the events in your own personal lives.

You are now in a period of time for humanity, when much about the world in which you live no longer makes sense, because of all the turmoil, the chaos, and the confusion that reigns in the world in these times.

This is because the adversary of your Redeemer, who is also your own personal adversary, is hell bent on capturing as many souls as he possibly can, as he breathes his last gasps of fire and brimstone upon humanity.

He clearly knows that his time is short to reign here on earth, and he is taking this opportunity to bring failure and misfortune to as many of you as he can.

You probably are aware of his evil works within your own families, in your relationships with each other, as well as with your extended family members and friends in your communities as well as around the world.

The world is in a state of flux now.

Everything seems to be destabilized, and more and more, you are seeing that natural events are happening that are affecting you geo-physically, as the planet is experiencing a great shaking that will bring about a renewal of mankind’s journey here on Earth.

Thanks be to God the Father in Heaven, who is manifesting Himself in these times more fully to all of humanity, and particularly to those of you who have been called upon to lead humanity into a future world which is the plan of the Father in Heaven, and not the accursed plan of satan and his minions, who are attempting to control all of you under the banner of the New World Order.

I am asking all of you to become ever more vigilant to the plans of these evil doers; many of whom are under the illusion that they are actually working for the betterment of mankind, because they do not recognize who their boss truly is – the master of all lies.

Therefore, there are many reasons for all of you, my brothers and sisters, to seek places of refuge and safe havens to which many of you have been called.

The time to prepare is now for relocating to these safe places as you discern such calls through your own discernment as well as through the heavenly messages that are being promulgated to you from many brothers and sisters in Christ throughout the world, who have remained open to receiving these messages.

I do not want you to become alarmed or in fear that I make this call to you now.

There is time for you to make these changes in your daily lives, if you believe you are being called to do so.

However, if you believe that you are being led to a place of refuge for the future times when such refuges become necessary for many of you, now is the time to set aside your normal plans in life to focus on the longer plans that you have been called to follow, because you have been drawn to seek a place of refuge, a safe haven that will be necessary for many of you during the worst of times in the transition of your earth from a place that is suppressed gravely by the activities of the evil one to a place without his dark reign, a place where brothers and sisters in Christ can live in harmony to get through the most difficult period of transition during these end times.

For today, I ask all of you my brothers and sisters to set aside a period of time to journey to a nearby place of peace and solitude, so that you may have the time to reflect upon the importance of this message for you.

I ask you particularly to journey to places that have been designated as shrines, where you can take time from your busy schedules to reflect, not only on the next life, but on the beauty of the natural world that you have been provided within this life.

For in nature, God has worked miracles in creating the world in which you live.

The world is still a place of beauty, bringing you serenity and peace when you travel and journey to these shrines and places of worship, where God can be found not only in the edifices that have been erected for you to worship, but also in the natural surroundings where you can spend time now in prayer and meditation, and in discernment to recognize and understand what it is that the Father in Heaven is asking you to do to be part of the Father’s plan to save mankind from its own destruction.

Recognize that this is a serious call to you individually from the Son and Redeemer to alter your daily lives in these times to recognize the importance of the times in which you live.

For events have been happening quite rapidly, and more events will continue to happen more rapidly; events of the End Times that the world needs to experience in order for the New Heaven and the New Earth to be ushered in for all of humanity.

So you must recognize that your mundane and repetitive daily activities must be altered to a certain extent, so that you can give credence to my call to you to prepare yourselves for the End Times events that will continue to evolve.

In order for you to prepare, I ask all of you to bring yourselves to places of peace and serenity, so that you may communicate in prayer and meditation with the Father in Heaven, the Son and Redeemer, and the Holy Spirit, so that you may prepare yourselves, and then your family members and friends to deal more prayerfully with the future events that will be impacting and affecting all of you.

Take this time now or in the not-too-distant future, for the Father is growing impatient with many of His sons and daughters, who do not even believe in His existence.

You may recognize among your own family members and loved ones that there is a loss of faith, particularly among many of you who have fallen for the deceits of the evil one and his new world order to subjugate humanity to a state of feudal enslavement.

The evil one, who resides in the dark realms, would not have been successful as he is here on earth, if it were not for his minions who have turned their lives over to his dominion, and who have been rewarded in ways that are temporary and fleeting and that will disappear over time, especially for those who have been doing the evil one’s work, but who in their blindness, do not actually realize who is the architect of their work.

For those of you who are living in the light of the Father in Heaven, you are already aware of the battle of good versus evil that is being waged in these times, so your mission to convince others of the deceit of the evil one becomes even more important now because of the times in which you live.

Therefore, I ask all of you my brothers and sisters, to pray powerfully now for the discernment to understand what it is that God the Father in Heaven wants of you.

I expect that all of you will join with me in this journey now to defeat the evil one and return him to the bowels of perdition.

When you are successful as you will be in the not-too-distant future, you will have contributed to the greatest spiritual transformation of humanity since the beginning of time.

So be it!”

Message ended 1:20pm

Jesus of Nazareth




Ned Dougherty’s Near-Death Experience and His Visions of the Future

Ned Dougherty

In his mid-thirties, Ned Dougherty (an Irish name, pronounced “Dock-erty”) had everything: money, women, property, prestige, and power. He was a real estate broker for twenty-six years owning popular nightclubs in Palm Beach, Florida, and the Hampton’s, Long Island’s exclusive playground for the rich and famous. He lived in the fast lane every hour of the day, pursuing every pleasure money could buy. Despite his religious upbringing as a Roman Catholic, he had no interest in a spiritual life because he didn’t believe in an afterlife.

He was too busy searching for a good time to be bothered with such things. This all changed on July 2, 1984 when he had a near-death experience (NDE) resulting from a heart attack after a heated – almost murderous – fist fight with a business associate.

Dougherty’s NDE caused him to undergo a radical life transformation in which he gave up his nightclub business and party lifestyle and embraced his hitherto neglected Catholic religion. His NDE gave him a conscious awareness of his mission in life which was to embark upon charitable and missionary work. During his NDE, a wonderful “Lady of Light” (whom he identified as the Virgin Mary) revealed to him future global catastrophes many of which have already occurred which you will read in this article.

Today, Dougherty is a featured speaker, a former director and media spokesperson for the International Association for Near-Death Studies ( He also founded a spiritual center as revealed in his NDE called the Mission of Angels Foundation ( through which he speaks on life-after-death issues, NDEs, Marian apparitions, and other spiritual matters.

He also hosts End Times Daily ( – a Catholic news site focusing on eschatology – where he publishes interior locutions he has been receiving on a monthly basis since 2005.

Ned Dougherty

Book: Fast Lane to Heaven: Celestial Encounters that Changed My Life
Published in March of 2001. This book documents his amazing NDE and visions of Earth’s future.




Ned Dougherty’s End of Days Website: