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Strive to read everything without being in a hurry...curiosity will not save you from the coming events that will devastate our planet... there will be no internet... prepare yourself with daily prayer and Holy Rosary, Confession, Communion, obedience to the 10 Commandments... Faith, no Fear! - Save your Soul!

Tribulation of the Antichrist (10): Plagues and calamities will purify the Earth. Order of events. Expiatory Temples

Protect your towns and cities with the Adoration of Reparation, because the clamor of the blood of the martyrs of the womb (aborted children) rises to heaven, the lightning and thunder will not reach you because the Light of Divine Love will be pouring over cities and towns


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(AD14B) Excerpts from messages and visions of the Disciple, Mexico

§1. I will call the kings of the Earth to account

§2. The days of the Divine Wrath are already upon the world
2.1 An abominable schism
2.2 The Great Warning
2.3 The Glorious Sign of The Cross….
2.4 The false prophet will soon appear….
2.5 The asteroid….

§3. Plagues and calamities will purify the Earth
3.1 When the wicked shall lift up his throne….
3.2 A false pope will emerge… the antichrist…

§4. Order of events…
4.1 The Star
4.2 The plagues, intense cold, the impostor…
4.3 Earthquake, hurricane, volcano, Rome…

§5. A very difficult time for Faith
5.1 Many signs and events…
5.2 The massive nuclear war…
5.3 Expiatory Temples…

Dio Padre


1. I will call the kings of the Earth to account

God the Father: “I have given to My beloved Son Jesus Christ, the power to judge and govern the New Heaven and the New Earth; an era of unprecedented peace will come to you, the root of evil will be eliminated and I will make of My beloved children true soldiers to guard with zeal My new creation… Hatred and lies will be eliminated forever, wars will be over and no one will quarrel with his neighbor, neither for beliefs, goods and territories.

In My Justice, I will not leave crime unpunished, I will punish the rebellion and idolatry of the pagan nations.

Famine, sword and pestilence shall decimate the wicked, and they shall know that I am Yahweh, and that besides Me there are no other gods. Sinners will receive the spirit of Elijah, the spirit of reconciliation, which will enlighten consciences; those who have gone astray will return to Me, and a deep feeling of love will invade the Earth, and there will be no place, neither in the sea, nor in the bowels of the Earth that will not receive the purifying fire that comes before My fury is kindled. I will claim, then, My earth and My creation and man whom I formed from the dust of the earth.

I will call to account the kings of the Earth and the corrupt and thieving rulers, for the blood of the Religious Sisters, Priests, Bishops and Cardinals who murdered some, in mission land. I will claim the lives of the thousands of aborted children, of those who died of hunger from the streets of their great and proud cities; but I will have compassion on My sacred bloodline, the royal blood of each of the descendants of the House of Israel.”



2. The days of the Divine Wrath are already upon the world

Volto Santo di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo

Jesus: “The time has shortened and the days of My Justice, the days of the Divine Wrath, are already upon the world. Do not despise, with a reckless spirit and false judgment, the prophecies and warnings of Heaven!

Beloved children, be alert, I must warn you to be vigilant because the impostor is already in your midst.

You have little time left, on the move, do not stop if you have erred or fallen, look into My Eyes, examine My Life, because I did not allow Myself any rest in carrying My Cross, your Father in Heaven loves you, He is going to provide you soon with what you need.”

2.1 – An abominable schism

“My children, you are about to face a crude reality, a terrible crisis, an abominable schism, within the ecclesiastical high command, the manifestation and installation of a global religious imposture that will overthrow the sources of Religion, of Faith, declaring that these are no longer necessary in the era of the modern world, nor in the new system of things dominated by science and technology.

The new world power has the table prepared for the last and greatest deception, in which the Faith of each one of My Consecrated Ones will be put to the test.

The shadow of schism has fallen over Peter’s Basilica and the Roman Papacy is in agony; a sinister plan, forged for centuries, will culminate with the installation of the idol of the great abomination.

My true people, who are pilgrims on this Earth, will go into exile to hide and protect themselves in the hills and high hills, they will not go with fear but with the certainty of having understood these messages and warnings.”

2.2 – The Great Warning

“The Great Warning is what is soon to happen in the history of this world, a call of love for the world that turned away from God. The ultimate manifestation of Power, Love and Grace that will flow from My Compassionate Heart.

The Church that turned away from Me, will be purged from its ruins, I will take by the hand some Priests who kept My Doctrine and My Covenant, who were faithful to Me, and who took the Heart of My Mother as their main consolation and refuge.

The process of purification will continue until the Day of My Wrath arrives and universal purification ensues.

My children, prepare yourselves for the final test of Faith, I beg you to implore My help daily to recognize your sins, use your time well beginning with a reminder of each sin of each stage of your life, since you have had knowledge through the light of reason of what was evil against Me, against My Church, against your neighbor.

Do not be condescending or just for yourselves, for I alone am the Just Judge, and My Holy Justice will be unappealable. Begin now by preparing a good general confession so that you may be prepared for the Warning that will soon come to you.”

2.3 – The Glorious Sign of The Cross…

“When the Glorious Sign of the Cross is in heaven, I assure you, you will no longer be able to make any general confession.

Let no one tell you that fasting and penance are not necessary to prepare your examination of conscience; in order to reach the New Heaven and the New Earth you will have to have passed the test of tribulation, without the general [sacramental] confession you will not be able to stand.

I am already preparing My Priests for the general confession; they will also have to make their general confession.Satan will try to prevent the general confessions, do not take him into account or give importance to his words because he will also approach some Priests so that they do not make any general confession!!!!

Your confession must be, dear children, as if you were already going to die, as the last of your lives, where the final destiny of your souls is at stake. Begin now your final examination of conscience, writing down every sin committed so that you will not omit any of them. Examine the nature of the sin and do not be ashamed, so that your soul may be cleansed of all guilt.

Dear children, I am already preparing your beloved Pope who will guide and lead you in the hour of the final tribulation. He is aware of his mission on earth, he knows that his blood will purify My Church from the faithful remnant.”

2.4 – The false prophet will soon appear…

“The false prophet will soon appear, he will be a man of much human knowledge, a humanist and peacemaker; a man of the world who convinces many with his words, his intelligence will serve the power of evil and he will work false miracles.

In the world he will be recognized as one of the most powerful men, among the world leaders. He will do good to the poor and will be a leader of human rights, his duplicity will be very camouflaged but his smile will not give peace, you will recognize him when the mass media will always speak well of him.

Finally, he will be discovered alone, imposing his will in all cathedrals, many priests, bishops and cardinals, heads of state and other important people of the world will join him.

Then, tribulation will begin within the very bosom of My Church. Therefore, I, Jesus, have reserved for Myself priests who at the side of My sent prophets will feed My people with the true Bread of My Word and of My Body and Blood.

Hurry to finish what will be your stay in the places of refuge and preservation, when you see the red moon in the middle of the sky, have it as a sign that the tribulation will begin. It will be only the beginning, false prophets will appear, be very careful, cleanse your souls starting your spiritual preparation.

The communities of fraternal love and alliance will re-emerge in the caves of the hills, in the high mountains.”

2.5 – The asteroid…


“When the asteroid comes closer to the Earth, you must have enough food for your families, because it will be difficult to get something if you do not have the cursed mark of My adversary, look very well for the medicines revealed by Us to cure all kinds of diseases, deadly epidemics, which will spread over the planet; keep them well, preserved and protected in hermetically sealed wooden furniture, covered inside by a thin layer of foil or aluminum.

I tell you all this, because the Warning from Heaven is near; pray without rest.”



3. Plagues and calamities will purify the Earth

Jesus: “Plagues and calamities will purify the Earth so that it may be worthy to receive Me; you are already living the times of the Warning, the times will not turn back. Scientists and governments are afraid of what is going to happen, but they do not pray, they do not have faith in Me, and they have lost the state of grace, each one condemning his nation instead of blessing it and consecrating it to My Heart.

O inhabitants of the Earth, who ignore what My seers tell you and mock at what My prophets tell you, the times of the Nations have come to an end, tremble, for the Divine Judge is on His way.”

3.1 – When the wicked shall lift up his throne…

L'essere iniquo

“When the wicked one raises his throne, when the wicked one begins to mark and seal every inhabitant of the Earth, you, My children, will flee with your families to places of refuge in high places, in solitary forests, on the top of mountain ranges, in caves, in desert plains, because the final test of the Faith will be great, the purification painful, the tribulation distressing and desperate.

Those clerics who taught My People error and hid the Truth from them, who chose Satan’s latrine instead of doing My Will, who indulged in their lusts and became slaves of perverse passions, will be surprised early on a fateful and cloudy day, they will try to flee from Me, but My Gaze will seek them and they will see My Holy Face.

They will see My Cross, they will see My Hands and My Pierced Feet and the open Wound in My Side, and they will greatly regret having despised My Mercy; soon I will reveal Myself to the world through My Glorious Face, it will be an intermediate coming, not yet definitive, because the world is not yet ready to receive Me.”

3.2 – A false pope will emerge… the antichrist…

falso profeta e anticristo

“Soon a false pope will emerge from the walls of the Vatican, as a precursor of the false messiah; with flattery, deceit and cunning, he will get many consecrated ones to accept a false universal ecumenism and will prepare the dark kingdom of the antichrist in person; he is maitreya, and his image is already in many temples and houses, destroy it!!!, for it will be infused with life and dominion, do not have it, because it is not My Image but that of the impostor!!!!!

The antichrist will change, in an instant….

The false pope will commit grave errors against the simple faith of My People, he will lead the Church to schism and to the most horrible desolation against the most Sacred, against that which I attained for the sinner with My Life and Blood, offered to the Father, through the Holy Spirit, who guides and protects My Church.

The apostasy of My consecrated ones is already in your midst, beloved children.

How many warnings, warnings and calls will be enough to make you understand the gravity and urgency of these times that are coming to an end?

Confusion, doubt and division are not the fruit of the Spirit of Grace and Truth, when you accuse someone, they also become accusers, with unthinking judgments, they believe themselves full of pride, of being able to criticize and judge what does not come from Me.”



4. Order of events…

1. “After the Warning, the glazed column symbolizing My Most Sacred Heart, you, the whole of humanity, can still decide for what is Just and Holy, for Me, for when I reveal Myself to you and oppose your will to Mine, there will be no choice.

2. For after the Miracle, men and women will be deprived of free will, and with the Illumination of Consciousness, produced by the powerful Light of the Most Holy Trinity, life on Earth and the life of every human being will be subject to Me.

3. Then, the thunder of My Justice will strike the Earth and they will burn in the winepress of the Wrath of My Father; fire will come upon the universe and the other natural elements, the air, the earth and the water will be disturbed and shaken, the demons will howl and the wicked men who despised My Love and My Holy Law (the Ten Commandments) will go mad and die of grief and pain, and their root, (their offspring), will be uprooted from the Earth if anyone has imitated them in their deeds and followed in the footsteps of idolatry, heresy, and abomination.

The situation in the world and in My Church will be a sign to you that the prophecies and warnings have effective fulfillment.

The time of the antichrist will be shortened through the intercession of My Holy Mother and the prayers of My Faithful Remainder, especially of the prophets of the end times.

Therefore, be vigilant and congregate to pray the Rosary as a family; may the Priests, Bishops and Cardinals faithful to My Church pray the Rosary because this will be the instrument used by Heaven to protect themselves from the evils of the antichrist.”

4.1 – The Star


“The shooting star is approaching your planet and nothing can stop it, it will be seen as a comet with a long tail formed by expansive and explosive gases that will stop the axis of the Earth for a moment.

This event will be a great thunder, preceded by a great silence.”

4.2 – The plagues, intense cold, the impostor…

1. “The first 5 plagues, of the 10 that will scourge the Earth, will come out of great cracks opened in the Earth after the Warning; lice, beetles, locusts, snakes and frogs will emerge.

2. Then, for 90 days, intense cold will come, the brightness of the sun will be overshadowed by the remains of the asteroid. The great drought, product of the effects of the comet, will keep the earth unproductive for 210 days, there will be a great shortage of food and water.

3. In the midst of the confusion and chaos the announcement will be made that a messiah has arrived, a savior who will bring order to everything, then would be the day of his declaration. This son of satan will speak to the world of love, peace, justice, solidarity, he will offer medicine, food and clothing and many things, and people will follow him in peace. You must not follow him, for he will impose his seal and mark to make you his property and take away your dignity as my beloved children.

Do you think it is not enough what will come upon the world?

Do not be afraid because an enormous crack of division has already opened, and many consecrated ones are already marching on the broad road to perdition. Appease the Divine Justice because the time of Mercy (although it is eternal) will have a pause to give way to My Justice.

Do you believe, perhaps, that your knowledge will save you?

Not at all! If you do not let Me complete My work in the world, you will all perish in the same way.”

4.3 – Earthquake, hurricane, volcano, Rome…

“Your Earth will soon be shaken, by massive tragedies: earthquake and hurricane in the East.

They will try to control the natural pulse of creation, a bridge will collapse and there will be rebellion and violence in your country. The white of Christmas will turn red with blood. A nuclear experiment will fail and the sky will cloud over, an evil spirit of suicide will touch the minds of young people who are devoid of faith, prayer and grace.

The sleeping volcano will awaken. A powerful leader will be assassinated, the people will awaken, and rise up against the unjust; war, sedition is coming.

Rome, Italy, will be shaken and a tower will fall again, famine and lack of food will ravage the Earth, famine together with ebola will come to America suddenly, when the currency will lose its use, value and purchasing power.”


Disciple’s Vision: “I saw the imminent apparition in heaven of the Cross, the light with which the time of the Warning announced by our Mother in San Sebastian de Garabandal, in Spain, will begin, I understood that we must all prepare ourselves with a great examination of conscience for a general sacramental and individual confession. It will be very difficult to find priests who are willing to hear general individual confessions. I also understood that during this time we must ask for more faith from Jesus, our beloved Lord. Increase the time of prayer and take good care of the state of grace by preserving the purity of our minds and hearts.”



5. A very difficult time for Faith

La Beata Vergine Maria

Mary Most Holy: “A very difficult time is coming for the Faith, a great trial is coming soon for the world, for the whole Church, news that will surprise even the most learned and intelligent; otherwise it must happen:

How will you be able to resist and stand before the Divine Lamb if your faith is not strengthened?

Satan thinks he is the master of the world and of mankind; he also knows that there is a great army praying the Rosary, which is a most powerful and effective weapon to extinguish the fire of hatred that he has against you.

Divine Love will triumph, there will be peace in your hearts, if families unite to intercede for the Pope and for the whole Church, you will be hastening the reinstallation of the Kingdom of Heaven and the Second Coming of My Son, the advent of the New Heaven and the New Earth. Ask for it, My children, with great Faith for if the times grow longer, only ruin and destruction will remain. War and famine threaten this world and the poor and simple cry out to Heaven with great faith and longing.

May Your Kingdom come now! Come, Lord, save us!”

5.1 – Many signs and events…

“There will be many signs and events that will happen before the Warning, be careful because not all will be authentic, “sound of horns or trumpets”, images of Me, of My Son Jesus, eyes in the sky, triangles and luminous objects, are not authentic signs but produced; it is easy to discern them, because they cause doubts, assumptions, divisions, confusions and instead of bringing souls closer to the Sacraments, to God and His Church, they move them further away, producing depression, sadness and fear.”

5.2 – The massive nuclear war…

“When the massive nuclear war, to control the nations, arrives, it will come as a surprise, it will fall upon the world. The nations and their rulers who do not want to submit to the new world order will suffer greatly.

But My children, faithful to the Doctrine of the Church and faithful to the Cross of the Savior, will be miraculously protected in an inexplicable way. They will be able to survive and remain united, because I will protect them, that is why I am your Mother.”

5.3 – Expiatory Temples…

“Finally, the Mother of the Beatitudes, your Lady of the Immaculate Conception, tells you that every city or town in the whole world that does not have a Temple of Atonement to pray day and night, open to all, will suffer from chaos, war and violence because peace, harmony, love and faith are only received at this time on your knees before Jesus in the Sacrament.

Begin today to investigate and go there to pray, to pray; say to My beloved priests… “We desire to adore Our Lord continually”, thus it will be that the Benevolence of God will be shown to the world. Do so, now, before patience is exhausted and the Angels are destined, to punish this corrupt world with scourges and plagues.

Protect your towns and cities with the Adoration of Reparation, because the clamor of the blood of the martyrs of the womb (aborted children) rises to heaven, the lightning and thunder will not reach you because the Light of Divine Love will be pouring over cities and towns. And may the Bishops, with their Priests, allow the faithful an expiatory place or temple where to adore the Holy Divine Humanity of God.

Your destiny now depends on the decision of the Lords Bishops and Priests, also on you. In the temples, for the most part, people no longer pray as My Heart asks, they have lost respect for solemnity and for Holy things. Return, My children, to Permanent Eucharistic Adoration.”


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Source: Sagrados Corazones