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Strive to read everything without being in a hurry...curiosity will not save you from the coming events that will devastate our planet... there will be no internet... prepare yourself with daily prayer and Holy Rosary, Confession, Communion, obedience to the 10 Commandments... Faith, no Fear! - Save your Soul!

Series of Warnings and Events coming to the Eagle Land

Jesus: They must be warned. They must be warned. Warn your brothers and sisters in the [Eagle land]. I am guiding you. Assure them of My love and protection. They must prepare themselves. They need to prepare emotionally, materially and spiritually


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Visions of Jesus and the Blessed Virgin Mary given to Melanie, Germany

M145 – Warnings

Melanie’s vision: «The Blessed Mother Mary appears during the group’s prayer time and begins to show Melanie various short inner scenes:

Scene 1: A jet is spinning out of control and hurtling towards the earth. Another jet flies into something, causing a strong vibration.

Scene 2: The vision of a ship on the high seas on strong waves appears very briefly, but repeatedly.

Scene 3: Then a tank drives through a desert.

Scene 4: Another vision shows a hurricane or tornado.

Scene 5: Visions of countless satellites moving through space appear again and again.


Scene 6: Suddenly something big falls from the sky. A large bomb is dropped on [the Eagle Land]. It is a warning of an attack on [this nation] that will cause a massive shock. It will be a really hard blow for [the Eagle Land]. The Blessed Mother appears sad, and while She lovingly embraces us humans, She utters the following final warnings.


Scene 7: A relatively thick missile is launched from the ground. It’s about the war between [the nation of the Bear] and [the country with the Dnieper River]. The Blessed Mother tells us to be careful. She warns urgently that the plans [of the country with the Dnieper River] which are provocations and not giving in or giving up, will lead nowhere and should be avoided. »


M146 – Warning on the Eagle Land

Melanie’s vision: «Melanie sees the described desert landscape in [the Silver State] of [Eagle land] (from message 143).

Scene 1: Fires are blazing and large, dark clouds of smoke are rising in the distance as a result of an explosion. The military is already on its way towards the site of the explosion when another attack occurs. In the sky, a large military aircraft flies over [the Eagle Land]. During the flight, volleys of bombs are dropped from the plane onto the ground.

Scene 2: Vision of Switzerland. From a higher point in Zurich, fighter jets can be seen flying over Switzerland from the south to the north without attacking. Lake Zurich stretches out into the background.

Scene 3: Melanie sees the south of [the Eagle Land]. Huge fires and debris of destruction fill the picture. A black, elongated and relatively small bomb slowly glides straight down from the sky on a white screen. This is followed by a circular explosion and fire spreads.

The perspective changes to a close-up view of the large fires. A person is caught in the fire and runs away in an attempt to save himself. The fire causes widespread destruction and Jesus warns that the EMP will cause many deaths.

Scene 4: Fireballs fly through the air, still in the [Eagle Land]. As in one of previous visions, the feeling of “the [Eagle Land] will burn” arises again. It is an announcement that there will be large-scale fires caused by an EMP and great destruction caused by air strikes during the war.


Scene 5: Jesus now shows Melanie Three mushroom clouds appear one after the other in the landscape in the [Eagle Land]. Warplanes move towards the atomic bomb explosions.

Scene 6: Melanie sees the Golden Gate Bridge in [the city named after the Italian Saint of Assisi]. She sees the water level rising slightly. The sky turns black over the city. Heavy rain can be seen pouring down. The images trigger fear and anxiety. The seer hears the warning in English “Beware! A storm is coming.” which translates as “Caution! A storm is coming.” She sees the water rising rapidly until it is as if the seer herself is standing in the water and watching the rapidly rising water level above her. The people of the [Eagle Land] should be warned, Jesus asks.

Ponte della Porta d'oro

The seer sees a small white airplane and then a seemingly unreal tsunami wave which is higher than the bridge itself rolling towards [the city named after the Italian Saint of Assisi]. This is reminiscent of a warning already received in the past in message #64 of February 9, 2023, in which warnings of storms and severe flooding were already given. Jesus looks very sad and says:

“They must be warned. They must be warned. Warn your brothers and sisters in the [Eagle land]. I am guiding you. Assure them of My love and protection. They must prepare themselves. They need to prepare emotionally, materially and spiritually. They may also need to relocate.”

The people of [the Eagle Land] are to ask Jesus for guidance that they can understand and that He may give them direction as to whether they should stay where they are now or how Heaven directs them to be protected. Jesus urges Melanie:

“Get this message out quickly. You need to prepare yourself.”

Scene 7: Melanie sees dark clouds gathering over the Middle East. They are not to be understood as storm clouds, but that despite all the current events, a “storm” is yet to break loose in the Middle East.

Scene 8: Melanie flies over a large expanse of water towards and over a city in [the country of the Red Dragon]. An unpleasant feeling spreads. It is as if [this country] is secretly preparing for something and making plans behind closed doors. In the vision, the flag of [the country of the Red Dragon] is raised and the seer hears a kind of anthem. It looks like a preparation for war. It seems like a pact in alliance with another country.

Now the [current] President of [the country of the Red Dragon] appears. Jesus gives the impression that [this President] is not revealing the whole truth and that he is pursuing his own strategies and plans. There is a feeling of “to be taken with a grain of salt”. He smiles politely, but it leaves the feeling of not knowing what he is really thinking or up to.

Scene 9: Melanie sees fighter jets flying over the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin. As if it was coming to Berlin. Jesus says:

“Pass it on, Pass it on. In My Name”. »

In the Name (+) of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Source: Himmelsbotschaften an Melanie