Read without hurry if you can...

Strive to read everything without being in a hurry...curiosity will not save you from the coming events that will devastate our planet... there will be no internet... prepare yourself with daily prayer and Holy Rosary, Confession, Communion, obedience to the 10 Commandments... Faith, no Fear! - Save your Soul!

Nations stand ready, world war is imminent

Plans have now been set into motion paving the way for the son of perdition. He comes under a banner of peace with plans for world domination he will mesmerize and deceive many with mere parlor tricks and soft words and many will bow down and worship him because he mimics Me


Please read from begin to end…

A Message from Our Blessed Mother

June 12, 2022Our Blessed Mother, adorned in radiant light says: “My children, it is most urgent to return to prayer. Pray my Rosary of Light. A most powerful weapon against all vices, that will expel the darkness that surrounds you. When prayed faithfully, My Son’s Mercy, along with urgent graces, obtained in my Immaculate Heart, will be applied to you. These are the final moments where humanity will suffer, because they harbor sin in their hearts, that leads them down the broad path of destruction. My children. Take refuge in the Holy Hearts of My Son and I, where grace and mercy flow. I am pointing the way to your salvation, that can only be attained, by receiving My Son, as your Lord, and Savior. Return to the foot of the Cross, with repentance in your hearts. My children remember always my promises, and let your prayers be without ceasing.
Thus saith, Your Loving Mother.”


March 29, 2022Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, Elohim says: My Beloved Ones, Receive my Blessings, of Faith, Hope, Love, and Protection, as you continue to walk in my love. Now is the time, nations stand ready, world war is imminent. Plans have now been set into motion paving the way for the son of perdition. He comes under a banner of peace with plans for world domination he will mesmerize and deceive many with mere parlor tricks and soft words and many will bow down and worship him because he mimics me. Do not be deceived by his lyes and trickery, do not conform to the ways of this world which leads you to receive his poisonous inoculation that desecrates the image of God and take his mark upon you. But you will know him by his fruits. Listen, take heed to my call for I am the good shepherd and my sheep know my voice come to me with prayer and supplication repent and turn away from this world that has now fallen into darkness. Be ye converted by the light of my truth allowing my mercy to wash over you and take shelter in the holy hearts of my Mother and I Thus saith the Lord.”

Our Blessed Mother says: “My children listen to my son’s instruction. Repent, and allow his divine mercy to shine upon you shedding light on the sin in your life. Behold I present the salvation of the world my Son Jesus Christ. receive him this day adoring him on your knees in adoration, worthy is the lamb my son of all honor and praise. Pray my children continue to let your prayers ascend up to the Father for the church that will continue to suffer persecutions. Pray for the protection of the priests that continue to feed my son’s sheep. Pray my children, pray without ceasing. Thus saith your loving Mother.”

As the feathers of wings overshadow me I hear Saint Michael the Archangel say: “As the prince of the heavenly hosts, I bestow upon thee Our King and Savior’s, Trinitarian Blessings of Faith, Hope, Love, and Protection.

People of God: it is most urgent for a conversion to take place within your hearts so that you can walk in the love of God. Satan preys upon your weaknesses causing you to stumble and fall. Satan is causing divisions within the domestic church that is affecting the function of the whole church, making way for the counterfeit church and its abominations.

People of God: do not abandon your post, watch and pray, directing your attention to the signs that are displayed in the heavens that signal and point to Our King and Savior’s Triumphant Return. Heavenly disturbances intensify as debris enter the earth’s atmosphere as a rain of fire. A ninth planet has entered the solar system.
A conjunction of planets will collide making the appearance of the skies become red. Our Lord’s sign will strike the hearts of humanity. Make ready your hearts for an encounter with Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

People of God: It is most urgent to continue to pray Our Blessed Mother’s Rosary of Light, a beacon of hope for humanity. Pray without ceasing for the conversion of sinners. Let your unceasing prayers ascend up to the throne of God. Famines and food shortages will continue as the four horsemen of the apocalypse are unleashed.
Prepare your provisions trusting in Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for your needs. Acknowledge your Guardian Angels who keep watch and will lead you to safety in times of peril. I stand ready with multitudes of Angels To defend you from the wickedness and snares of the devil whose days are few in number. Thus saith, Your Watchful Defender.”

Source: After the Warning