Read without hurry if you can...

Strive to read everything without being in a hurry...curiosity will not save you from the coming events that will devastate our planet... there will be no internet... prepare yourself with daily prayer and Holy Rosary, Confession, Communion, obedience to the 10 Commandments... Faith, no Fear! - Save your Soul!

Feed upon the Eucharistic Jesus and have no fear

Figlioli, cibatevi del Suo Corpo poiché, soltanto così, potrete affrontare le difficoltà della vita. Sapete che questi che state attraversando sono tempi molto difficili, per questo vi ripeto cibatevi di Gesù ogni giorno


MAY 5, 2021 – Your Good God

If you do not become like children, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Yes, my children, you see the spontaneity, the joy, the grace, the goodness of little ones, all the riches that belong to one who has a pure heart. I tell you again, blessed are the pure, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Dear children, grown up now, even though you have learned to be more perfect in love, you let yourselves be taken by jealousy, envy, wickedness of every kind. You do not resist temptation and, therefore, these weaknesses of yours make you lose the good and healthy habits that allow you to live in peace amongst yourselves and, above all, with God. In these dark times, then, seek to put God back in first place. I am reserving a place for you. Do not lose it because of your disobedience to your Creator and to His Word. My dearest children, be humble, because humility is the virtue that will make you rich. Not with the riches for which you aspire, but with that which pleases God, Creator and Lord of all the earth. My such beloved children, then, from now on begin to turn a bit into children and I will hand over to you that joy that you have lost in spending your days. I want you all to be children, trustful only of the goodness and greatness of your Father. Pray and make others pray, so that your brethren return to desiring the virtue of humility. I bless you from the height of my goodness. Be worthy of my salvation.


MAY 12, 2021 – Mary, Joy and Forgiveness

My such beloved children, ask yourselves how a mother can love her own children with all of herself. I know why: only with love will you be able to love, firstly, your own children. I am the most visible sign before the eyes of all of the fruit of true love. Remember that Love can produce only love. Only Jesus has shown true and unique love. How? By offering Himself – Life. I tell you, if you do not give your life for Jesus, you will not have understood all the way what love is. Begin to forgive whoever does you harm. Pray for those brethren who do not know, like you, the love of God. Whoever is not capable of forgiving is not capable of loving. Jesus has taught you by handing himself over to evildoers. It will also happen to you to have sorrows of this kind. Hatred on your earth is making a massacre of love, above all of the love of God. I recommend to you, forgive offenses you have received, pray that whoever is capable of hating know the love that comes form forgiveness. My Son has known love because he has known forgiveness. Be aware of all this. I love you. I have known to forgive those who, by committing the greatest sin, have destroyed all that counts the most in life, Love. Dear children, during these times, make use of forgiveness on every occasion that comes to you. Think about the love of Jesus, remembering that that death has lead him to the resurrection. I want all of you with Me and the risen Jesus.


MAY 19, 2021 – Mary, Consoler

My such beloved children, I very much appreciate your prayers and so I invite you to continue in this way. I am listening to you and you do what is possible to follow my counsels. I remind you that the prayer most appreciated by God is your participation in the Sacrifice of the Holy Mass. You understand very well that I have said ‘sacrifice’ and not ‘memory.’ My Son is still rising to His Father in the Sacrifice of the Holy Mass. Dear children, feed upon His Body because only in this way will you be able to face the difficulties of life. You know that these times you are going through are very difficult. For this reason I repeat to you, feed upon Jesus every day. Only He can still give some joy to your existence. Jesus is the true Life. Without Him, you would die to eternal life. What use would it be, living a human life, if then you lose that which is eternal? If one starts off on a path, he does it to arrive at a destination, but what good would it do to stop halfway? I tell you this because so many of my children, in this moment, are stopping halfway along their path. I cannot bear this. I want all of you with me. Therefore you, who have understood my sufferings, offer your Masses in particular for these brethren of yours who are stopping halfway. My Son, with his perennial offering to the Father, does nothing else but make easier for you the road that leads to heaven, that is, to true life, that which is eternal and full of joy. You, my joy, continue to help me and I assure you of my intercession before the Father. I bless you and thank you.

MAY 26, 2021 – Mary, Laetitia and Joy

My such beloved children, be glad, for your true life is joy. Even on earth one can be glad and live in joy. You ask why I am telling you this. I see too many of my children in sorrow. They are no longer able to smile, they no longer believe in friendship, they cannot embrace a child for fear of contagion. Do you understand to what point you have been reduced? An embrace has never done anyone any harm. For this reason I tell you, do not fear. Take up your life again in joy. Love each other, smile at each other, encourage each other because evil ends up leaving the way open for “Our Coming.” Be glad, I tell you. Think about how much joy will soon surround you. Our love for you is very great and your pains, your worries, will end. Have you understood what I’ve told you? Earthly life is brief with respect to eternity. Embrace each other, my children, because nothing is more important than love. Faith in God helps you to discern between the things that are causing you suffering and the love of God. If you understand this, smiles will return, as if by magic, upon your lips. I, your Mother, want you all to be happy and joyful. I promise you that if you entrust yourselves to us you will make leaps of joy. The devil can do nothing if you do not open your hearts to him. Feed upon the Eucharistic Jesus and have no fear. I bless you, I protect you, and I defend you as soon as you open your hearts to our care. Jesus is with you; do not forget it.
